4: The Dream

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*Natalie's pov* 

I was walking down a hall that had marble floors. The walls were made up of a stone I didn't know, but it was a black color. There was a door at the end of this hall, but I heard voices of the damned screaming in my ear. I covered them, but that didn't help. I got to the door and opened to step in, but hands grabbed me from behind. The voice was like hearing death itself speak to you.

"I will have your world," it told me, "and you will help me come and destroy it.."

It throw me on the ground and I saw images that scared me. I saw bodies lying in ashes, waves killing people on impact, a man being ripped in two. I knew the man, and it was Ray. Another man was tossed like a shack into acid that burned his flesh off of his bones. That man was Winston. A landslide was shown killing another one of my friends, Peter. Janine was hanged on an oak tree by some ghost. The last was so horrible that I was terrified. It showed yet another man being pulled by daemons. They bit, licked, and chewed at his body, and finally killed him. Not by their teeth or anything, but he died of fear. The last man was my brother.

*Egon's pov* 

I was awaken by the sounds of a woman screaming. My first thoughts were Janine, the only woman who would be around. Then I realized that they were Natalie's.  I got out of bed quickly and raced to her bed. We placed it on the side Peter and I slept. My bed was closest to the door, than Peter's, and finally Nataile's. She was still laying there in her bed, but sweat was all over her face. She was breathing hard, and looked scared. The rest of the guys raced beside me has I took her in my arms. I shock her awake and she looked up and us. 

"Natalie, are you okay?" I asked her. She looked up and me and shock her head no. 

"What happened?" Ray asked. "Was it a bad dream?" 

"A real nightmare," she answered. "It felt so real." 

"Isn't that what dreams are, real like?" Peter asked, but we ignored him. 

"What was it?" Winston asked. 

"It was horrible. I was standing in this hall. I started to walk towards this door while the dead screamed in my ears. Once I got to the door, these hands pulled me away and a voice told me it would have my world, and I would help in come and destroy all. It threw me on the ground and I saw awful sights. Men being killed, women and children wishing to be safe, and than I saw..." 

"Saw what?" I asked. This was unlike anything I had ever heard of. As children Natalie never really had nightmares unless she had seen something that scared her. 

"You all." 

"Us?" Peter asked. "That's it? Natalie I think you should-" 

"What was happening when you saw us?" Ray asked, once again ignoring Peter. 

"I saw Ray ripped in half, Winston thrown in acid that burned his skin and bones, Peter being crushed, Janine was hanged by ghost, and Egon died of fright by demons using him like a play thing. I couldn't get the feeling that I somehow caused it to happen out of my mind. Than I saw myself." 

"What happened to you?" Peter asked. 

"I was in a dress, and I was being held by this tall man. I don't know who or what he looked like, all I knew was that it was a man. He smiled at me, than laid me in a glass box. I could breath from the holes, but that wasn't what scared me the most." 

"What was it?" Winston asked. We were all leaning in, for this story was fascinating to me, as to the others. 

"You all will think I am silly if I tell you what scared me," she said. 

"Oh come on Natalie!" Peter cried. "You can't start to tell us a story than stop!" 

"Promise you won't laugh?" 

"We promise," we all said at the same time. 

"It was filled with snakes." 

Everyone else couldn't hold in the laughter. They laughed so loud I thought they could wake the dead, no pun with my job intended. 

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" Natalie cried. 

"Sorry, but you seem so tough, and to be scared of snakes?" Peter asked whipping a tear from his eye. 

"I can't help it if I have ophidiophobia!" 


"Fear of snakes, Peter," I told him. 

"But it seems so small," Winston said. 

"You try having a snake dig its fangs into your arm than wrapping itself tightly to you while everyone else tries to get it off when you were five. It kind of scares you after that, just saying," she grumbled. 

"It was just a dream Natalie," Ray told her. "If you have it again, than just change the dream." 

"Ray, don't you think I tried? The dream wouldn't let me!" 

"A dream wouldn't let you change it? That's it, I'm going back to bed," Peter announced to us and crawled back in bed. "If you get scared again, just wake us up with that wonderful scream again. But do us a favor, and don't." 

"I think Peter has the right idea," Winston said with a yawn. "I'm sure it was just a dream, Natalie, and that you will forget all about it in the morning. Good night." 

"I'm going to sleep too," Ray told us and followed Winston to the other side of the room and fell asleep in no time. Natalie looked up at me. 

"You can go back to bed Egon," she told me. "I'm fine, really. The guys are right, it was just a dream. No need to get upset about it little brother." 

"If you say so," I answered with a smile. "Do wake us up it if happens again big sis." 

I watched her roll her eyes and lay down. I walked over to my bed and thought about her dream. Something strange was coming, but I just didn't know what. All I knew was that it was going to use my sister has its pawn. 

Mr. Sandman, Dream Me a Dream! Hehe, no one will get that, so yeah, I have nothing to say about anything. You can see the proton packs that are from the movie. Only difference from show and movie is that one is black and the other is a dark blue. Let me know what you think, and keep on rocking! Peace out my Stars!

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