5: This is What You Do in Your Spare Time?

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*Ray's pov* 

I walked into the living room rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I had a wonderful night's sleep, well until Natalie woke me up. I couldn't remember much about it besides the fact that she was afraid of snakes and saw me ripped in half. That was a disturbing thought to have on my mind. Oh well, not like I could change it; wasn't my dream. 

I smelled a delicious breakfast and walked in to find Egon, Natalie, and Winston sitting around the table digging in. On the table were pancakes, bacon, toast, and eggs. It all looked so good, and my mouth watered as I sat down. Fresh coffee sat in a pitcher and two empty cups sat beside it. Milk and orange juice was beside it, and I gladly started to make my plate. The food was wonderful, and I looked up to see Natalie staring at me with a slight smile on her face. 

"Yes?" I asked her. 

"You have syrup all over your face Ray," she told me laughing a bit. Egon and Winston looked up and shared Natalie's smile has I whipped it off. 

"Sorry," I said blushing just a bit. 

"It's fine. I love it when people like my cooking. I didn't get enough credit at my old job for it." 

"You made this?" 

"All by hand," Winstion answered for her. She nodded her head. 

"I didn't know you could cook. Where did you learn?" 

"I learned the moment I took a bit out of Dad's food," she replied with a digussed look on her face. Egon shared it for a bit. 

"What about your mom?" 

"She wasn't home a lot the last six years I was home. Too busy at work. Dad wasn't around much either, come to think of it." 

"Well I think this is great," Winston told her taking a bit out of the eggs. Peter come walking in half awake and sat down. He looked up and got a cup of the coffee and took a sip. He fixed his plate and started to eat without a word to us. 

"Good morning Peter," I said to him. He gave me a death glare he usually did when I spoke to him when he just woke up. 

"And tell me Dr. Stanz, what is so good about it?" he asked him. 

"Well, um... it..." I stammered not able to answer it. 

"How about you Zeddemore, what to answer?" 

"Not really," he said not looking up. It was clear he couldn't answer at all. 


"Sorry Peter, but I don't look at the day before it starts," Egon told him playing with a PKE meter. 

"So in other words no one wants to tell me what makes this day good? Well then, Ray I think-" 

"It's good because we are still alive," Natalie spoke up. "It's good because you get to eat with friends, Peter. Look at the things some people don't have, and that is what is good," 

"Thank you Dr. Spengler for that lovely lesson," he mocked her. She leaned down next to him with a smile and whispered something in his ear. He looked shocked and than he smiled. "You dog! Where did we get you from?" 

"My little secret," she said and placed her finger over her lips. She sat back down and finished her meal, as we all did. 

"Well, I have earns to run," Winston told us. "Mind if I take Ecto 1, Ray?" 

"Sure," I told him. 

"I'll go with Z," Peter said getting up. 

"I have things to do in my lab," Egon said leaving into the room to the side. He closed the door, and Zeddemore and Venkman left me with Natalie. 

"You have anything to do?" she asked. 

"Not really. Well there is one thing I think you could help me with." 


"Come on, I'll show you."  

I lead her to the lab to grab  a few things, and Spengler looked up from his machine. I grabbed the strange slime we had been working on for a week now. It was strange, the way it looked, the way it felt, and other things. 

"Here it it," I said proudly holding up the slime. Natalie looked at it has if it had a head. I figured I would have to tell her what it is, but so far I  had a plan on what to do with this slime. 

"What the hell is it?" she asked poking the glass. 

"It's slime from a ghost. Ectoplasma, and this is a strange sample." 

"Strange how?" 

"Well for one thing it doesn't react to the normal stuff it usually does. Water, heat, feelings, electricity, music, all that kind of stuff. Egon and I have been forming a theory, and you are just the person we  need who can test it, since I know nothing about this stuff, and Egon already said he doesn't know that much to try with them." 

"Try what?" 

"Chemicals," Egon said walking over to us. 

"Chemicals. You want me to put chemicals into this slime to see if it will react?" 

"Yes," I answered. "Please Nat, we have to see what this stuff will react to in case more of it shows up. We don't want people to get hurt. So what do ya say?" 

"I say you both are crazy," she told us shacking her head, "but I will do it. Let me say that if I walk away with no eyebrows, you two will pay for it. So what do I have to work with?" 

"All of these," I said pointing at the brightly colored liquids in beakers. She walked over and picked one up that was blue and looked at it. She than picked up another, green this time, and walked over to the slime. She put gloves on her hands and told us to step back. We didn't argue and step way back. She started to mix, take some up, and so much more. It was like her hands knew what to do before she did, and did the job. She looked at us and motioned for us to come over. We did and saw what was going on with the slime. 

"Wow!" I cried looking at it. The slime looked like it was adding the mixture to it's own, and it clearly was taking over the brew. 

"This is fascinating," Egon said looking at the ectoplasma. It popped up at him, making him back away a bit. He whipped slime off his glasses. 

"What is it doing?" I asked Natalie. 

"Well when I added the chemicals, the slime reacted," she told me. 

"I didn't think a Spengler could explain something without using big words." 

"I can if you want. You both clearly said you didn't know a thing about this, so it would be pointless to try and explain it to you with words I could use. Now is there anything else you wish for me to play with?" 

"Actually yes," Egon answered and lead her to another table. On it sat a notepad and a proton pack. He moved it aside and placed something else on the table. It was a pencil. 

"What?" Natalie asked him. "The table? The pencil? What am I looking at?" 

"I'll tell you in a minute," he said winking at me. I relished what Egon was doing and I stepped away. He whispered something in her ear, and looked at him. 

"Me?" she asked with uncertainty in her voice. 

"Yes you. You're the only Natalie in the room," he told her. 

"You can't be serious. Oh, wait, of course you are." 

"So what do you say?" I asked. 

"I'll take it. Any way I can help out. I don't know how helpful I can be, but I will give it my best." 

"Great," I smiled at her and she smiled back. I was glad we just asked her to help us when we needed it, cause Egon and I couldn't always know what we were doing, and that mainly laid with Chemistry and Astronomy, the two things Nat had a PhD in. We were going to need it for days to come. 

 I have nothing to say really. Um, go look at the trap on the side, well don't look at it when it's open, but still. Also when they test the slime, and you might learn how far Egon goes for science. Peace out my Stars! 

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