25: The End... Or Is It?

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*Natalie's pov* 

We were sitting around the table eating dinner. It has been week's after Ligen tried to kill the plant. The ghost seemed to give us a break with only a few calls here and there. The book, some reason, seemed to stay hidden and didn't come to me again after that. I hoped it was gone forever, or at least while I was alive. When I died I wouldn't care where it was. The alarm rang while I was taking a bit, and I sighed. 

"Duty calls," Ray said. 

"In the middle of dinner," Peter mumbled. "Isn't rude to do that?" 

"Just come on," I told him grabbing his arm. We got in the car, me being in the driver's seat somehow even when I tried not to be. The logic in this job. I pulled at turning on the siren for Ecto 1. 

"So what is it?" Winston asked looking at the paper. 

"A class six," Egon answered. 

"So we get to have a nice little party with a ghost?" he asked when I stopped the car in front of a night club. I groaned. Party's weren't really big on my list of fun things to do anymore, and most people would see why. 

"Well, let's go bag us a ghost!" Ray said and I rolled my eyes. Same o' Ray. 

We walked in to see the ghost eating a tray of food on a table. The lights inside changed the color of all our clothing, but the streams never seemed to change. We got the ghost in the trap when another come out of no where. 

"Looks like we are getting double!" Peter cried when we got it in the other trap. We walked out, and I was surprised we didn't have the place in pieces like usual. 

"Here's your ghost," Winston told the owner. "And here is his friend." 

"We are going to have to double the pay," Peter said. The owner looked upset. 

"But I only called for one ghost!" he told us, and I smiled. 

"Well then pick which one you want to go away, and we'll put the other back just for you," I replied holding both traps out for him to pick. He sighed and took out a check book and gave the check to Peter. 

We all walked to the car smiling. Getting the pay was just too easy now. We are probably the only company that could easily get the pay we wanted to get. Then again, who wants a ghost in there house or anyplace? 

"Hey Nat," Peter said with a smile. I didn't like that smile. 

"Yes?" I asked back. 

"Guess what I just realized." 

"What Peter?" 

"It's been almost half a year since you joined the team." 

"Half a year? It felt like more!" 

"Oh yeah, it has been!" Winston said. 

"Seems like only yesterday we found you in an inn," Ray sighed. 

"You did yesterday, we had at an inn!" I told him laughing, but they were right. I thought back to the morning the Ghostbusters checked in to the inn I was working at. 


"Hello there miss," I heard someone say from behind me. I was working the counter since the regular guy who does it was sick. I turned to see a guy in a brown jumpsuit with a blueish green trim. Standing behind him was three other men. They all had on the same type of jumpsuit, but the one with the glasses and blond hair caught my eye. I didn't look him in the eye for a certain reason. I hoped my wig didn't fall off, or my contacts. My glasses were still on my face though. Please don't see me, I thought. 

"Hello," I said back still not looking at the men. "How can I help you?" 

"Do you have any rooms?" the one in a light brown suit asked me. I looked at the keys and saw we had two rooms left, and no names were on them. 

"Two rooms," I answered. 

"We'll take them," the one in a light blue suit with red trim told me. 

"Here you go," I said giving the key to the first one and the one who told me that he would take the rooms. I felt the eyes I tried to avoid look at my back. 

"Do I know you?" the man asked and I smiled. 

"Not that I know of," I answered going back to my work. The men left, and I sighed. Thank goodness for that. Only a day Nat, I told myself. Only a day. I kept working until my boss came and told me to go wait tables. I didn't say a word to him, but in my mind I told him to say please. I didn't like my boss, and he didn't like me either. He was the whole reason I didn't tell people I was a doctor. They would make fun of me, but oh well. 

I worked my but up, and then I saw the men again. They changed and had on normal clothing now, but I still didn't want to give them food. He would see me. 

"What do you fine gentleman want?" I asked faking a smile. One of them smiled at me, and took my hand in his. 

"Your name would be nice," he told me, and the others glared at him. 

"Peter stop flirting with the maids here," the one with orange hair told him. 

"I can't help they are all beautiful Ray," the one named Peter told him. So two of their names are Peter and Ray. I didn't note who was who, but did take my hand from Peter's. 

"My name is Natalie, and I would like to know what you want to eat," I said with a smile. Before any of them answered, a ghost come out of no where. I heard others scream, but I didn't. I wasn't afraid of a ghost. The men stood up, and they ran out of the room. It started to go after on of the guest. Well until I threw a roll at it. 

"Hey ugly!" I yelled at it, and it came after me. I ducked and hit it with a loaf of bread I found. Didn't really help, but I did get to run. I saw four streams of energy hit the ghost, and I looked to see the men with huge packs on their backs, those weird jumpsuits on again. Then I saw the white ghost with one of those red no signs on it. I felt stupid not knowing who they are; they are the Ghostbusters. They got a ghost in a trap, and I walked over, as did my boss. 

"You!" he cried pointing at me. "How could you let this happen?" 

"Me?" I asked. What did I do? 

"Yes you! I bet you made sure that thing destroyed the dinning room. Well I have news for you, I'm not going to have it! You're fired! Get out, all of you!" 

He pushed me and the others out, and I looked up at the only place I could get a job. No one else would take me after something happened. Made my name a joke. 

"Great," I sighed looking at the ground. "Now where am I going to work?" 

"Sorry we got you fired," the one in the blue suit told me. 

"Not your fault," I told him. Three of them walked away, but the man I knew stayed. He looked at me, then looked at my eyes. 

"Natalie?" he asked, and I sighed. 

"Hi Egon," I told him and he raised his eyebrows at me. 

"What are you doing in a wig and contacts?" he asked me. 

"So no one knows I am your sister," I answered. 


"No Egon, don't. Now I have to find a job, again. How come when you are around I get fired?" 

"Let me help you." 


"Hey guys!" he called to the others. They looked up at him and he walked over. I watched has they talked about something, then all of them came over. 

"So, how about it?" Peter asked. 

"How about what?" I asked back. 

"Do you want to be a Ghostbuster?" the one who I still didn't know the name of asked me. 


"Winston isn't joking with you," Ray told me, making the last name Winston. Ray, Peter, Egon, and Winston. 

"Sure," I answered the question with a smile. They all smiled at me. I got a new job, one hunting ghost. 

End of flashback 

I smiled has we pulled into the firehouse. I didn't think I would ever find a job I liked and I was good at. The guys proved me wrong when they gave me a job, the only people I knew who gave me a chance knowing who I was and what I could do. I don't think I would be the same if they didn't give me a chance. 

"So can we get back to dinner?" Peter asked, but stopped when he saw the table empty with Slimer looking at him. "Slimer!" he yelled at the ghost. 

"I guess not," I answered his question. To those who wish to know, Lick is off in a field since he was much too big for the firehouse. I go visit him when I get the chance since the field is not far from New York City. 

"Well I am bet," Ray yawned and walked into the room with the beds. I followed, but something on the counter caught my eyes. I walked over to it, and I gasped. The others looked at me, and I backed away. They came over and looked at the same thing. Sitting on the counter was White's book. 

"Oh no," I said, and Winston took my hand to comfort me. 

"Where did it come from?" Egon asked looking at it. He took it in his hands, and I looked as he but it in a box and threw the box in a closet. He smiled at me. "Out of sight, out of mind?" 

"Has long has no more demons try to open it," I told him and he laughed. They all did. I went to change, and I laid in bed. Though something was wrong in my mind. I sat up and saw the others were asleep. I slipped out of bed and opened the box. I picked the book up, but the power it used to send through me was gone. I opened the book and closed my eyes. Nothing happened. 

I sat there looking threw the book until I got to the last page. It was a note to me. 

Dear Natalie Spengler, 

Thank you. I know that it was hard, but you have broken the curse that has been on my book and spirit for so long. You will always be in my thanks, and I wish nothing but the best for you and your friends. 

Thanks again, 

Haley White. 

I sighed and put the book on Egon's shelve. The book was powerless. It would no longer hurt anyone else or curse my family ever again. I crawled into bed with nothing but good dreams ahead of me, a hard day of busting ghost after that. I mean, when there is something strange in your neighborhood, something weird and it don't look good, seeing things running threw your head, or an invisible man sleeping in your bed, there is only one question you can ask yourself, and only one answer. 

Who ya going call? Ghostbusters. 

That is how you end a book! Haha, so yes, NB is over with this double update just cause I could. After much dept with myself, the sequel will come before the other book I had planed. So feel special. It will have a bunch load of Ghostbusters thing, and yes, Natalie will be in all of them. So I hoped you liked this book, and the next. Sorry this chapter is long, but I did want to put how Natalie joined the team. So look out for that, and let me know a title for the book. I really have nothing. I might just name it the Real Ghostbusters. So look out for that. Most of it will be in Natalie's pov, with Ray, Winston, and Peter helping. No Egon, I can't write in his mind, sorry! Haha, the sign for the Ghostbusters at the side. Peace out my Stars! 

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