24: Doesn't the Knight Get a Kiss?

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*Peter's pov* 

We sat waiting for Natalie's doctor to come out. Once we brought her here, the nurse nearly had a heart attack from just one look at Nat. That should tell you how bad of a shape she is in right now. I have no idea what they are doing to her, but the doctor told us that he would do everything he could to save her. So naturally we were scared out of our minds about her health. 

"How long has it been?" Ray asked, and Winston looked at the clock and sighed. 

"Two hours," he answered, and we all groaned. Not only was Natalie hurt, but we were loosing the money that would pay the medical bill. Though I don't think any of us really cared about that. 

"What could be wrong?" Egon asked looking at the door the whole time we talked. Hell ever since we got here. 

"It's hard to tell Egon," I answered. Just than a doctor come in, and it was Natalie's doctor. He walked over to us with a look of grave. 

"Is she fine?" Winston asked the doctor, and he shrugged. 

"Barely," the doc answered. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"She needs surgery to a kidney since both were crushed in the accident. Yet I don't know anyone who matches her systems to give her one. Without it, she can't be saved." 

"That's it?" Ray asked. The doctor nodded and started to walk away. Egon stopped him. 

"What about one of my kidneys?" he asked him. The doctor thought about it, then he smiled. 

"I don't think I know a better person to give Natalie the organ than her own twin," he answered and Egon sighed with relive. The doctor went back into the room and Egon sat down. 

"Oh tinman, you do have a heart," I told him and he looked up. 

"Shut up Peter," he told me. 

"What, I just think it is nice what you are doing to help Natalie like this. I didn't know you had it in you." 

"Of course I would help her. She would do the same for me. Plus Mom would kill me if I didn't." 

"Well, we will see you both when this is over," Ray told him when the doctor came back to get Egon to do the transverse. He left and we sat down to wait once again. 

"Do you think it will work?" Winston asked. 

"More than likely," I answered. 

"Should we call Janine and Louis?" Ray asked and I nodded. He got up and after the call we tried to rest a bit. 

Two hours later 

"There they are!" I cried has I walked into the room both the Spengler's where in. Egon looked up at me, and Natalie rolled her eyes. Her broken glasses laid beside the table, but Egon had his on. 

"How are you feeling Natalie?" Ray asked her. 

"Like I just got hit by a truck," she answered. 

"So pretty fine, huh?" I asked and she laughed. 

"Better than most would. Than again they didn't have a dog like demon to save their ass when they need it. What is this, the fifth time the flee bag saved me?" 

"I think so," Winston said and Janine hugged Egon. 

"You are so sweet!" she told him. He looked uncomfortable by the motion. 

"Well, thank you Janine," he said to her, and I smiled. What was it with secratry's and Egon? Every single one of them has loved him, even though one of them was his mom. 

"Aww, isn't that sweet?" Ray asked with a smile on his face. We all laughed has Egon blushed looking up at the ceiling. 

"It is," Winston agreed and we laughed even more. Janine smiled at us. 

"So where is Slimer and Lick?" Natalie asked us. 

"The little spud is at the firehouse being watched by Lick," I answered. "Not like that is going to stop him from doing anything bad like he usually does." 

"Be nice Peter," she laughed and I smiled. 

"You know, we kind of saved your life. Doesn't the knight usually get a kiss?" 

"He does when he isn't a womanizer and a jerk." 

"Haha, good one Nat!" Winston cracked up and she smiled at him. They all laughed at me, and I glared at them. 

"Well what kind of a rule is that?" I asked her, and she rolled her eyes. 

"A rule most women make if they have any sense," she answered. 

"Does that mean the others could have a kiss?" 

"If they wanted one, I would kiss their cheeks." 

"I might keep that in mind," Winston joked winking at Natalie who laughed at him. 

"Must be nice," Louis sighed. Natalie looked at him, and she motioned for him to come over. He did, and she kissed his cheek. 

"Was it nice?" she asked him, and he smiled like he just had his dream come true. 

"Yeah," he sighed, and she laughed. 

"How come he gets a kiss and I don't?" I asked her, and she sighed. 

"Oh all right you big baby. Come here!" I walked over, and she kissed my cheek. It was a nice jester, but I didn't feel any sparks or passion in the kiss. "Anyone else?" 

"No, we are good," Ray told her, and we laughed. It was good to have Natalie back, even if she was a pest to me and the rest of us. 

I did use the line, haha. So what do you think of it? I would also like to point out that I have no idea if they did kidney transplants in 1992 when the story takes place. If they don't, oh well, I was wrong. If they do, then cool. So if you know, let me know, but I won't really care if I am wrong about it. Haha. I also have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I am going to do some more advantages with this team. The bad news is I have no idea when I will get it up. I have so many other books to write that I have promised. After NB is done, I have another book on the way, and I have the R series to finish. So it might be a while unless I don't do the book I planned on doing after NB and do it after what I name it. Also let me know what title you want it to be, cause I got nothing. 

Video to the side about the damage of Ghostbusters. Peace out my Stars! 

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