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Jude's POV

Sometime later...

As we reborned back at home from the supermarket, kicking off our shoes, hanging on the hangs our jackets in the corridor, unpacking the ingredients, establishing them in the refrigerator with exception of some of them, changing our clothes as I put on a white silk peignoir as an overgarment, covering my half naked body which was hugged my pair of black lace lingerie such as bra and panties, hopped up in slippers. I promised Timothy that I will be right back in the next few minutes to start preparing the dinner as I went in the bathroom, delving the medicine cabinet as it was opened by me prior, finding the pregnancy test as I was obligated to await for my result in the next 5 minutes maximun.

I wanted to make sure if I am either pregnant or that is a sequential bluff according to the written sources such as books, encyclopedias and etc. My face was all flared in its rose hue, holding the test with 2 fingers of my right hand whilst my left palm behind my mouth. My forehead had already perspirated of anxiety, worrying for my fate in the upcoming weeks if it is going to be actually glistening or otherwise a fugly grotesque, a silhouette of the colorful. My eyes couldn't detach from the pregnancy test, my patience was going to detonate quite soon. I am quite sure of it! I was completely lonely and desolated in the bathroom, observing the pregnancy test. Exactly same's voices in my head echoed, sending me variety of messages "Jude, calm down! Even if you are not pregnant, you shouldn't be that disappointed! Be happy for having a wonderful husband next to you!", "If you are otherwise pregnant, be happy!", "You are pregnant, Queen!" and many other messages which couldn't be listed as the intensity had remounted its summit per a second. Heart beats' rhythms were as swift as an Olympic runner champion! Unbelievably rapid!

Bom! A couple of minutes have passed, hearing my husband's voice shouting my name through the house, noticing concerness that dominated in his voice. His voice was nearer, hearing his moderately loud footsteps appoarching the bathroom. Two lines appeared on the pregnancy test, meantime the bathroom's door opening as my face was still flushed, Tim watching me as he exclaimed my name once again, holding the doorknob. I glanced at my test's final results with shocked expression. I AM PREGNANT?!

-Jude, are you okay?- Timothy question as he was concerned about me, closing the bathroom door behind himself as let himself to step in. 

The room was sinking into a tense silence. I slowly rotated my face like in a horror or drama movie, sheding a handful tears of happiness due to that I am eventually pregnant. My smile grew drastically as Tim's astonished look turned into gleeful one. His chocolate eyes were darted into my face as he was observing cautiously my reaction, studying it in wise way. His broad smile emerged across his face like he fell with a parachute from the highest point of the sky, relishing and experiencing the amazing cascade.

-I am okay. I am mostly rather...*sobbing as he interracted to me, scarcely having a few centimetres proximity between us, cupping my both cheeks in his warm and delicate palms as he tilted my head as his level as we gaped at each others' eyes, attempting to sooth me by whispering to me "Please, don't cry, baby! I am next to you!" as his stare was more focused into my eyes rather than somewhere else* blissful! Because I am...pregnant!- I stuttered due to the fact that I am obnoxiously speechless as I realised what the destiny had granted me. 

-Pregnant? What marvelous news am I hearing now! It is clearly unbelievable! *he took me into his arms as we embraced each other in a firm, affectionate and warm embrace that lasted more than a minute, kissing my forehead, sensing his fingers kneading my upper back* I am extremely rejoiced that you are pregnant, Jude! I was right that you were pregnant. I knew it!

-You were absolutely right, yes, babe! I can't wait to see our baby in the next 7 months, you know. Because I am hysterically satisfied for that we are going to have a baby. - We broke off the hug as I wipped my tears with my thumb, my sob stopped, fortunately, wearing a broad smile across my lips.

-Yes, we should celebrate this special ocassion! - Our voice sounded more than hysteric as I dropped the pregnancy test on the floor accidently, washing my face as It was heating, eventually leaving the bathroom by turning off the lights. 

As we left the bathroom, we plumped down onto the bed, lying on our back as we extended each other's arms, holding each other's hands like a couple, goggled our eyes into each other's faces which shined like rays of sunshine especially my husband's.

I couldn't be happier, in fact that I am pregnant in 2nd month though it is not physically visible yet. It is my first ever chance to have my own child, despite the fact that I must be careful to not lose the baby and avoid to do some habits which could harm the new life inside my belly. I bet I have lived in an entire life until I fell in love with Timothy and he got me out of the snake pit as we settled down in his villa in the Boston countryside, giving up his golden and hallowed wishes with Rome, becoming a pope whilst I would be his right hand, being called by plenty of nuns and people "Mother Superior" which could render our lifes better with its glory, honor and reputation, however, not delighted at all. Somehow I am into more the humble life, living in a smaller house with my beloved one, forming a strong bond as we dwelled in our love nest, creating our own family, living happily after somewhere where is peacefully, aesthetically gorgeous and colorful rather than to feel like a hostage, kept in an unholy, rowdy and gray place where I cannot find a single minute to rest and enjoy my life as I live it as well, cherishing each passed second and moment. 

Anyway after 30 minutes of lying upon the king sized bed, we returned back in the kitchen as we descended the stairs, starting to prepare something for dinner such as a fruit salad with some meat. It was such an odd dinner meal but my body was desiring for this, admitting it frankly. Timothy backed me up, although he gave me a perplexed and wacky look once when I announced what am I going to prepare for dinner. I have decided something more modest, healthier and fresher to eat for dinner. Whilst I was slicing some fruits such as apples, pears, a half banana and strawberries, my husband was helping me whilst having a grave conversation.

-I think we should consultate with a doctor to inform you more what should you do during your pregnancy.

-Yes, that's right. But when are we going to see a doctor?- I posed the question with serious voice tone as I was paying attention to the dinner as well.

-On Monday, for example? - He questioned as he arched an eyebrow with a lovely smile across his soft lips.

-Yes. Unfortunately, we cannot tomorrow due to that it is Sunday. Tomorrow we can do whatever we want as much as it is our day to take a break from everything. 

-Exactly, darling! I am so excited to learn what is going to be the baby's gender. - I stated with euphoric voice as I was tremendously inquisitive to look forward for my first child's gender as soon as possible. 

-Same for me, Jude! *suddenly he stood in front of me as he was pending for the meat to be ready as it will take some time to bake* I love you so much, rare bird!- He leaned his head a bit as his lips were absolutely ready to attack my neck but before that he was expecting my answer, of course.

-I love you with my whole heart. Very much, sweetheart!

Afterward his lips started sensually to kiss my neck as his both hands were wrapped around my waist whilst I couldn't resist this sinful phenomenon as I arched my back and head a bit in the same time, opening my mouth, letting out a dim moan with halfly shutted eyes. Shivers down my spine and body of sweetness and pleasure together! His lips were so mellow so that from sensual and light neck kisses turned into more aggressive and intense ones as my groans increased significantly, squeezing tightly my waist with his mighty hands, his fingers slightly tickling my peignoir's silk material, sensing how his fingertips touching amongst my weakest spots- my belly area including the waist's curves. I was quite distracted as soon as I have already finished with the fruits which were sliced and added in each dish. 

-That feels soo gooood, sweetie! OOoooh!- I let out a blunt gasp. 

-Glad to hear that, babydoll!- I could smell how his smile turned into a smirk, his cunning chocolate eyes observing me from such closer distance as a beast. I felt already horny and spritiual orgasm, to be honest.

The process didn't stop until the meat was baked, therefore putting it in each dish which adjusted us to stop it for a while as we could have the alternative to have a dinner along.

To be continued...

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