Baby Twins 1

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3-4 months later...

30th of September, 1965

As the last day of September knocked on the door, the autumn's scourge was nigh to invade its days and weeks with falling leaves, dismantling trees, more gray clouds floating in the sky, more rainy days and hours instead of dry, sunny. 

Today's weather like wasn't pleasant at all. Otherwise it was cloudy, windy and lukewarm in the same time. The solid, dark grayish clouds hovered in the dim silver sky, scarcely permitting the sun to loom from somewhere. It started to rain since the early morning of Thursday. Moreover the rain encouraged Timothy to drive his wife to her working place as she is nearly pregnant in 9th month.

Timothy got up around 5:30AM in the morning, as a result of not being sleepy anymore, determining himself to prepare a breakfast for themselves, meanwhile wearing his sleeping garments yet, ensuring warmth and comfort in the same time.

As Jude woke up around 6 and something in the morning, barely having any strength to get up as she experienced contractions especially now, enforcing her roar to be heard, without opening her eyes. Anyway she didn't give up easily as she stretched her body, hopping up in her slippers, meantime she heard masculine voice, inquiring her name from downstairs "Judy, are you okay? Rare bird?" as his voice vanished a few seconds later when she entered in the bathroom, despite she had a hard time walking, dragging herself like a walking dead, her body being hugged into Timothy's pajamas and her undergarment.

Once she established in the bathroom, she cleaned herself as it was her initial need she should do every morning. Afterward the blonde washed her hands, her face and teeth.

Meanwhile Timothy went upstairs as he left behind the pancakes, as he was extremely concerned for his wife who should give a birth very soon when he heard her shrieking that came from their bedroom. As soon as he established in the bedroom, beholding his wife sitting on the edge of the bed after finishing with her daily stuff in the bathroom as her elbows were upon her thighs, somehow her hands covering her face, sobbing helplessly like a wounded wild little animal, which was recently injured abominably by a hunter.

"Oh, rare bird! What's wrong?" he hasted as he joined her by sitting next to her, while she kept on sobbing, experiencing one more contraction in this moment, enquiring her in disputedly solicitious way, taking her into his secure, affectionate arms.  

"It's hurting so much! I had already experienced a handful of contractions this morning." the former nun confessed, barely hesistating either to answer or to abide silent, removing her hands from her face as her arms managed to clasp around his upper back, her lukewarm palms and fingers caressing his T-shirt's cotton fabric.

"Do you need to be driven to the hospital?", he questioned as they continued to embrace in each others' arms, whilst Jude regenetated some breathing as she panted after the experienced contractions.

"It's a bit early now."

"O-okay!" then eventually they broke off the hug as he stroked her still savage, slovenly long curly honey hair, his fingers burried in her long, curly locks, meantime his fingertips touching every silky hair as their eyes finally met as long as he pursued for her down to earth, however, swollen hazel eyes.

Then he helped her to stand from the bed as the former monsignor assisted Judy when they left the bedroom, descending the stairs as she held one of his hands while with her another one, poising as her sole available hand held stairs wooden railing, heading directly to the kitchen as the breakfast was already done.

As soon as they arrived in the kitchen, the future father helped his wife to take a seat as he kissed her temple, telling her that everything is gonna be okay, meanwhile checking the pancakes as he put a pancake per a plate, putting the pan in the sink, soaking up with some water, asking Jude who rubbed her bump as her eyes were focused on her enormous belly.

"Do you want a glass of water? Or you prefer to make a tea for you?" the gentleman asked her as he served the plates with their breakfast with some cheese and strawberry syrup.

"I prefer a glass of water only. Nothing more!" she replied mildly more emotional and peeved because of her contractions, proceeding her imminent birth. Further her throat was as dry as a desert.

Timothy complied with what she recently wished for as he grabbed immediately an empty glass, filling it with some fresh, cool water, thereafter giving to Jude as he walked to the table, subsequently sitting next to her, as they started eating, wishing her "Bon appeti!". That leaded to her frugal nod with her little smile across her naturally pink lips, a couple of seconds before starting moving downward and upward, as her sharp, white like snow teeth managed to chew the pancake with cheese and strawberry syrup. After chewing her first bite for breakfast, she moved on her glass of water, located aside of her right arm. Jude gripped the glass of water, sipping as her sips weren't small and modest ones. They were euqivalent to shark bites as the water, transparent liquid swiftly glided through her throat, sensing how the consumed water fluid ushered vitality in her throat as the aridity faded down like a silhouette of the fear.

After they finished with their breakfast, Jude went upstairs, starting to prepare for work, meanwhile Timothy took care of the dishes by washing them, hence, he climbed the wooden stairs with ease, heading directly to their love nest, choosing wisely what is going to be his today's outfit.

In this moment, Judy selected to put on herself something more comfortable such as wider crimson shirt that looked perfect on her, leaving a handful of buttons unbuttoned, somewhat outlining her enlarged arms and bump, followed by dark denim jeans with wide legs, her black leather jacket, black flats, ruby-sapphire bracelet on her left wrist, silver earrings and tying her hair in messy ponytail. Then she sprayed a few body parts with her fashionable, aromatic perfume. 

Once they were done, they left their home as Jude sat in Timothy's car, when he managed to drive to the kindergarden where he is working, meanwhile the heavy raining couldn't be justified with walking on foot. Jude spent almost the entire day with her husband and the children as Ms.Lynch allowed her employer to spend some time with his pregnant lady of his heart, barely having anything to do at home, due to her 3rd semester that drained her energy, tormenting the middle aged woman to experience sleepless nights lately, swirling and turning on another side, opting to find a better sleeping position but nothing worked. Her back pains, her violently kicking twins, mood swings and another factors were like pierced sharp knives into her body as she was the voodoo victim of a witch. 

Sometime later...

As Jude's first minutes at work passed smoothly, without complaining and whining about her contractions and back pains, all of a sudden something went out of control, as she accidentally dropped the platter when another contraction hit her like an unexpected hurdle, thus 2 empty glasses with ordered food and drinks spilled on the floor's black and white tiles, excusing herself with slightly more emotive voice "I am so sorry!", almost near the verge to blubber, feeling ashamed and guilty of dropping inadvertently the customers' ordered food and drinks, her face all flushed in rosy hue, crouching down as she rubbed her bump.

Meanwhile Jonathan, Charlotte and Ramona ran over her, crouching down as the skinnier waitress cupped the older's waitress chin, tilting her head, meeting her red, swollen eyes, radiating grief, grudge and somewhat glee which wasn't visible at all. 

"Ahh! This...contraction..." Jude yelped as her hands were fixed on her huge belly, almost ignoring the younger blonde's eyes.

"Jude, are you okay?" Jonathan placed a hand upon her left shoulder, pursuing for her eyes to develop a brief eye contact.

"Of course, I am not!" she screamed in agony, almost her body betrayed the future mother as her yelps taunted the clients' eyes to be focused more on the pregnant waitress, who struggled to do anything as an action. Furthermore her shrieks hollowed deafened as they were much louder than the background's playing music, coming from the playing radio. Additionally the clients couldn't be more perplexed than watching how a middle aged woman especially a waitress is sitting on the floor, questioning themselves though they prefered to not intervene immediately as they prefered to relish the retro restaurant's atmosphere with its fascinating embellishment, uniqueness, eloquent music and scrumptious food that can be offered for every customer. 

Mrs.Howard continued to pant as Ramona asked concerned. "We should call the ambulance right away! You cannot deliver a baby in the restaurant."

As Ramona and Charlotte prefered to stay with Jude, preserve the former nun who began recently sobbing, her tear stained face shining under the restaurant's illuminated common room, Mr.Smith rose his body as he was about to go in his office until the blonde shouted his name behind him "Jonathan? Please tell my husband via the phone that I am awaiting for him in the hospital very soon because...I am going to have my babies soon.", as she endeavoring to adjust her breathing though her constant panting, meanwhile the both young women soothed her as they held her both hands into their small, smooth ones, kissing hers, relieving her with the magic words. "Please, Jude, do not cry! We are here with you!"

Once Jonathan heard Jude's last words, moments before to enter in his office, he accepted her words by neither responding her, nor nodding his head as he rushed to open his office's door, closing it as he went quickly to his phone, dialling Timothy's number, expecting for a quick response until masculine voice emerged on the phone hanger.


"Hello Timothy! Your wife experiences contractions. She is going to be driven to the nearest hospital in the countryside very soon." Jonathan hurried to tell Timothy with swift voice, not missing any detail of what he should say to the another man.

"Okay! I am going to be in the hospital soon. Send her greetings!"

"Thank you! Bye!"


Then their phone conversation ended as the former nun's boss dialled the ambulance's phone number, throughout awaiting for their response unless a youthful feminine voice called.


"Hello ma'am! We have a woman who is about to give a birth, currently located in the retro restaurant "The Wonderful 60s"."

"Okay, sir! The ambulance will arrive in 3 minutes maximun."

Afterward the phone pipped, as a result of ended phone call. Then Jonathan walked out of his office, informing the ladies that the ambulance will arrive in a few minutes, reassuring the woman in labor. 

"How about Tim? Isn't he informed?" Jude enquired in slight annoyance, meanwhile Ramona and Charlotte helped her to rose her body from the floor, guiding her to the exit door like they were her daughters.

"Of course, he is! Likewise he wanted me to send you greetings forward. " Judy's boss answered in composed way as he apologized to the clients who didn't received their ordered food and drinks due to Jude's contraction, leading to the accidental clumsiness. 

Once they established outside the facade, waiting for ambulance's arrival, Jude peeped at the both girls' faces with a little smile, showing her delirious gratitude to them for helping her. Moreover she didn't have enough time to apologize her boss as she felt her heart being grawled by this petty remorse. 

Within 2-3 minutes, the ambulance's sirens could be heard from nearby as the ambulance parked before the sidewalk, stopping as 2 doctors opened widely the car's backdoors, interracting to Mrs.Howard as she was commanded to lay on the ambulance bed as the women had the enormous wish to join her, witnessing the double trouble's birth though they couldn't as they were busy.

A little before the ambulance car being driven to the hospital, Jude thanked once again to the girls, consequently the backdoors closed as the emergency's sirens activated, started driving to the next destination- the hospital.

To be continued...

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