Baby Twins 2

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It didn't take a long time to the emergency's team to transport Jude to the nearest hospital. The hospital which she attended twice for consultation with the young nurse Missy Stone, the former Jude's hit-and-run victim. Meantime Timothy was driving to the hospital as the compilation of pouring rain was midst his fewest recent problems, his blood boiling of impatience, his heart was feverishly pounding, being desperately impatient to behold his wife and to help her with delivering their lovely twins even witnessing the labour process. 

Once he arrived near the hospital, he parked his car a few metres away from the ambulance, getting out of the car as he locked his car, meanwhile the doctors got out of the emergency's car, drifting Jude as she laid on the ambulance's bed, wearing a patient's robe in baby blue, hugging her body especially contouring her 9th month bump. She was motionless like a feather, scarcely attempting to open her eyes, preparing for the most glorious and beatific moment in her life, besides in her husband's either too.  Mr.Howard followed the both doctors including his wife as the assistants outside helped the doctors to pass through the pushing doors with an ease, thereafter the former priest entered inside the facility, pursuing them. 

In this moment, the doctors who held the ambulance's bed where their recent patient was lying upon it, shouted through the corridors as they searched for a seperate room, where they can accept a woman in labour. "We have a woman in labour! It's very urgent due to the future mother's violent contractions." until one of the doctors gestured them to enter in the first 5th room on the 2nd floor.

There was no time for losing in fudges or chatting with the occupied doctors as Timothy entered in the same room, located on the 2nd floor, named 205, where Mrs.Howard is enrolled as a patient, who is going to give a birth quite soon. 

When Jude was transmitted on the patient's bed in room 205 as she kept sleeping, she was being surrounded by her husband and 2 doctors. Meanwhile Timothy sat on the bed, watching how his wife was sleeping peacefully.

Suddenly Jude slowly opened her eyes as her vision was blurry yet, seeing sundry objects nigh her, uncertain who is next to her, how and why. When she rubbed her eyes, then her vision was much better. At last Jude can behold the things more lucid. 

Anyway she was safe, a cotton blanket blanketing her body, keeping her warm. 

As her hazel eyes were met with his stunning, solicitious chocolate brown eyes, they look into one another's eyes with intensity, affection, as they had just irradiated as a sunrise. Timothy still wore his genuine, pure smile across his lips whilst Jude's little smile, emerged from nowhere once she woke up. Jude's slightly disheveled, wild curly golden hair perfectly framed her face as she looked gorgeous into her partner's eyes even when her clothing is an ordinary patient's robe and underwear, what she recently is dressed in right away.

One of his mammoth hands managed to take her left one, grabbing it as he extended to reach for his lips, kissing her small, fragile hand, thereafter still holding her hand as he utterly supported her during labour. 

"Hi Timothy!" she said with timid, composed voice as she smiled to him.

"Hi my angel!" he answered her back with a broad, radiant smile whilst his another hand stroked her long hair, his fingertips gently caressing her curly locks.

Nonetheless the doctors cut off the couple who were about to communicate, carry on with their conversation, as they approached their patient's bed, observing the monitor and the patient in the same time as the first doctor, who was male, supervised the results on the monitor with the baby, whilst the female one managed to help the woman in labour with the giving birth process as Jude spread her legs as the second doctor can have an access to observe the labour's process as if either there's progress with the first babies' arrival on this world or otherwise there's something wrong.

In this moment, Timothy held her hand as she got asked from the doctors if she's ready as her bold reply was a clear "Yes!". A couple of seconds before starting to push as her strength and stamina could permit her, the first doctor who supervised the ultrasound monitor, he warned his patient in labour.

"Mrs.Howard, if you are truly ready for labouring process, you will realize what a pain and nightmare is." the male doctor didn't miss the opportunity to warn the fresher labouring future mother as his voice sounded quite stern, aloof in the same time.

"Are you sure, ma'am?" the female doctor questioned once again the middle aged woman with a little, sympathetic smile across her naturally pink lips, her voice sounded more serene unlike her colleague's, peeping at the couple.

"Yes...I am!"


Then Jude started pushing through clutched teeth as she had Timothy's support by squeezing her hand. Initially she did an extraordinary job as she was being praised by the both doctors including her husband. 

"You are doing very well, madam!" The female doctor exclaimed with blissful, tranquil voice as she oversees the dim progress as one of the babies' head loomed per a push even if it's faintest. 

"Bravo, rare bird!" 

"T-thank you!" stuttering with panting voice as she expressed her gratitude as she persistently continued to push, sensing her perspiring forehead, unable to wipe it currently as she was focused on more important task to do.

Afterward the former nun didn't stop to push through clenched teeth as Jude's roars could be heard on the first 2 floors as she temporarily dwelled on the 2nd floor for the labour process. When she was nigh her strength's edges, she panted, regenerating her breathing condition which was under the average level as she exclaimed with desperate voice: 

"I can't do it!" sensing her hazel eyes moist as she was about to cry as she was in the middle of labouring her first child, feeling her body absolutely helpless, bland to struggle with the twins' birth.

"Of course, you can do it, ma'am!" the female doctor attempted to reassure her anxious patient, whose face was tear stained, all flushed like a blooming rose.

"Rare bird, believe us!" Timothy tilted her head as he held her chin with 2 fingers only as he searched for her eyes to tell her directly what he has to, admiring her amorous, ethereal hazel eyes. "Our first baby is almost going to be on this world. You shouldn't give up since you are doing an incredible job!"

"I know...but..." Mrs.Howard was cut off, thanks to her husband who interrupted her stammering speech, her sentence abiding unfinished as well.

"There's no "but", sweetheart! You are a warrior, you have always overcame every fear of yours." he squeezed even tighter her petite, warm yet hand in his secure, veiny hand as his thumb managed to massage the back of her hand and knuckles in the same time. Further he opted to comfort her with words and proving to her how mighty woman she is basically. "This time your efforts must be slightlier more than you had invested." 

Jude abided silent for a while, smiling to him as she kept watching his caring, moltening chocolate brown eyes, noting his optimism unlike her pessimism that gnawed her brittle, compact, full of love and compassion heart. She thought what to tell him until eventually she came out with her reply:

"I will do it! Just I need a little more time." 

Then he leant over her head, wiping her sweaty forehead, thus planting a tender kiss on her temple, hence, carrying on with her labouring process. 

She started with her tenacious pushes, incapable of giving up as it was her fixed goal to deliver her first baby as soon as possible, throughout starting with the 2nd labour, delivering the second one. 

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Jude screamed in agony from the top of her lungs, fulfilling the facility with screams which either startled or perstered some patients, whilst the majority of the medical staff weren't bothered as they were already aware of having a woman in labour in room 205. 

"Your first baby's almost on this world. Keep pushing, Mrs.Howard!" the female doctor declared as she took care of the unborned baby yet.

"You can do it, Jude! Only one push and the baby's..." Timothy firmly squeezed her hand yet as her eyes were shut as he was about to finish his sentence until the first baby's cry floated in the entire room as Jude relaxed on her pillow, collapsing abruptly as a little, self-congratulatory smile loomed on her lips, meantime her husband held her hand whose smile grew drastically, as a result of the first successful labour.

"Waaaahhh!" the baby's blubber was commonly loud as the second doctor took the first baby, delivering it immediately to the couple to hold it, a handful seconds before, announcing the baby's gender. "It's a girl!"

To be continued...

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