Family Together 2

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"You seem pretty tired all of you!" John commented casually as he seated next to his brother Daniel, who was utterly focused on driving through the dark streets of London.

"They are!" Anna declared formally, chuckling with her decent British accent, accenting her undertone. Timothy's younger sister sat next to Jude as she was permitted to hold Tristan, becoming quickly fond of him.

The truth was not only the Howards' children were tremendously sleepy and fatigued as they fell asleep in the adults' arms as soon as they got inside the car, falling asleep deeply, moreover Jude and Timothy as they spent hours in the plane without resting for a single minute and all they craved for was a warm bath and crawling in the bed at last.

The former pious members of the clergy threw their backs back as they reclined on the backseats, holding in their arms one child at least.

Briefly, everybody were ready to drop and flump on the beds like heavily thrown rocks, and have extra good night sleep until the morning after.

Jude and Timothy's eyelids were burdening with its ounce, almost ready to fall asleep in the middle of their way to the mansion as the car's engine rang in their ears, wearying them even more by interweaving with the midnight hours and the car's functioning engine.

The blonde didn't expect a warm welcome from Timothy's siblings with exception of John since he had met her only once, besides they had a couple of times the chance to speak to one another via phone conversations. John was the most amiable in Timothy's family which was a fact.

Anna and Daniel welcomed warmly the former nun and have already accepted her as a part of the family though an hour hasn't even passed yet. They became fleetingly fond of Agnes Jude, Ellie and Tristan as Anna's favorite was Agnes, whereas Daniel's favorite child was actually Ellie since she was bold and scarcely afraid to express herself.

Little did John know how bigger were the twins as the last time when he saw them was in Jude's bump, during her tough, nonetheless first pregnancy. Ellie and Tristan grew as rapidly as vegetables and it was doubtlessly evident.

When Daniel met Jude for first time, he was not only mesmerized by her still attractive looks for a woman in the beginning of her fifties, further, he was attracted to her though her marriage to his younger brother was intoxicatingly oblivious. Daniel was slightly older than the former holy woman and he lost his wife in a fatal car crash a decade ago, as a result of her inebrated condition, prevailing her body's physical strength and the alcohol plaguing her blood. Fortunately, he had one child as it's already grown up and living on his own in other English city.

"Timothy, are you already falling asleep?" Judy questioned her husband, rocking his shoulder, attempting to keep his awake as much as possible until they arrive at their destination. She omitted a raspy, ironic chuckle, escaping her damp, plump lips.

"N-no! I am not." He lied, justifying himself in silly manner as he released a reluctant guturral cackle, hardly blinking as the ounce, built in his eyelids was tormenting the former monsignor and he verged between not falling asleep in the car or otherwise falling asleep.

"Do not lie to me, darling! It's visible because I am in such state too." The middle-aged mother confessed, swinging Ellie in her secure, doting arms.

"I know!" Timothy's eyelids betrayed to shut like blinds, closing the window, reflecting the aesthetic nature. "At least, we are in the middle of our destination to home." He furthered with drowsy voice as his head rested spontaneously on his wife's shoulder as she glimpsed and didn't resist the urge to chuckle inwardly for herself.

"You know but it's going to be mildly awkward if you fall asleep now."

"Big deal!"

"Tim, it's better to not fall asleep and embarrass yourself." Anna cautioned by turning to her older brother, slapping lightly his broad, muscular shoulder. A smug grin bloomed across her layered conservative mauve lips. "Think about sleeping in the car until the next morning." She carried on sternly, cold-bloodedly.

Then he pouted his lips, glaring at his younger sibling, without peeling a word as he was somewhat affronted by her warnings as if she was his mother and he played in the role of the child.

"A quarter an hour until we are at home." John stated jubilantly, turning back to glance at Jude, Timothy, their children and Anna, offering them a reassuring smile, distorted across his lips.

"Oh Gosh!" Timothy sighed a sigh of relief.


After a quarter an hour, Timothy's siblings and the Howards lastly arrived in Timothy's three story mansion with a few acres land and a grandioze yard, adorned with orchid trees, extraordinary flowerbeds with variety of beauteous flowers in different colors, a couple of garden gnomes, two lacquered wooden benches and porch, linked with the threshold and the front door.

Once they got from the cab, they collected their luggage as they were escorted and being helped with carrying it until they towered the stairs for the second floor with the bedrooms not only for the couple, but also for the children.

The English mansion contained only one kitchen, located on the first floor, while there were six bedrooms, two living rooms, three bathrooms, balconies connected with the bedrooms, possessing an ethereal view from high scenery to the garden and the forest, encircling the mansion.

Judy was beyond astounded how huge was her husband's home where he used to live until he emigrated in Boston. In the meanwhile, Ellie, Tristan and Agnes were asleep, drowning in a deep sleep, incapable of escaping it until something urges them.

When John helped the couple with their suitcases up to one of the bedrooms where they are going to spend their night until the morning after, there was a children's room for the twins and the youngest Howard, unpacking for them their baggage as they were placed considerately in their compact beds to rest until tomorrow.

As Jude and Timothy began unboxing partly their stored luggage, John paid a visit to their room for a handful of minutes, talking to them as he opted to not violate their personal space at all.

"So what do you think about our home, Judy?" John sat on the scarlet royal armchair, reclined by cocking back his head leisurely, staring at them, admiring their potent bond and formidable love. A cheerful, childish smile blossomed on his pale like milk complexion, rubbing with his fists his eyes.

"Oh God, it's hypnotisingly beautiful home you have with Timothy! To be honest, I have never lived in such palace like this and Timothy's owned one in Boston before." She responded elated, unfolding her black silky neglige which she's determined to wear for bedtime. A content smile honed in the corner of her naturally rosy-coloured lips.

"Oh really?" John questioned expressively, arching eyebrows in perplexion. "You never used to live in a decent house, at least? Huh?" He resumed uttering, surprised by Jude's reply, in spite of his knowledge about her regretful, grim past.

"As you know my past, how do ya think, John?" She asked slyly, turning to him with an infectious glance as she shifted her gaze to the stored baggage and unfolding certain clothes.

"You used to live in a motel?" He proceed with the questions, scratching his head with his fingertips. Timothy couldn't help but overhear the conversation between his brother and wife though he heeded, focusing on the suitcases as well.

"Not exactly, however, random men used to take me on mere and luxurious motels and I had my own fumble apartment, hardly surviving and having trouble with paying the month rent." She answered in low, ashamed voice.

"That's awful. I am so sorry for hearing all this shit." John apologized humbly, his smile fading as it transformed in a grotesque, pitying frown.

"You shouldn't apologize, John! I don't like to be pitied at all." The blonde retorted as she detested to being pitied.

"It's alright! Samantha is the same like you, Judy!" He cleared his breath, crossing a leg. "She hates to be pitied and she's quite stubborn, believing in herself she doesn't needs a help."

"Oh, I did not know your wife is like me."

"By the way you speak and act, you remind me of her!" He emphasized remind.

"Oh!" She cried as she didn't know what to say else as a reply.


"Where's Mommy?" Agnes enquired desperately, pouting her subtle, adorable lips. She was being laid down to sleep on her small bed as her siblings were seperated to sleep on the other two beds.

"Shu, shu, shu, Agnes!" Anna sternly tried to comfort the youngest heiress, stroking her head as her twin siblings were already asleep. "Your Mommy and Daddy will come here. You shouldn't be worried, little angel." The middle-aged lady furthered calmly, admiring the child's golden hair softness.

She just cooed and nodded her head, affirming her words as a slight, hopeful smile crawled on her mildly flushed face. The young girl was no longer patient to receive a good night kiss by her parents.

As soon as the brunette re-adjusted the little girl's crimson cotton blanket, the former members of the church entered in the children's room as they shut the door and Anna stared into Agnes's parents, offering them a vivid smile.

"Did you finish with unpacking your luggage?" She inquired with her decent, firm British accent as they strolled up to the slightly younger woman, wearing sparkling smiles on their faces. Faces, oozing from them endless fatigue, lack of energy and bliss in the same time. 

"We did for sure, Anna!" Judy replied enthusiastically as she stepped past the small bed, leaning her head to the young girl as Agnes couldn't help as her big hazel eyes met her mother's honey brown orba, locking up their gazes. In the interim, the former priest moved up alongside Jude as the three adults encompassed Agnes's bed.

Once the couple made their own way into the children's room, they couldn't help as they came to their senses at last. Reluctantly opening their eyelids that shielded them against the lit up lamps. Elegant smiles bloomed across their lips. Their parents' voices sounded like a genuine, heavenly paradise for them, melting their brittle hearts.

"Sunshine, aren't you sleeping, are ya?" Timothy asked his youngest daughter, stroking lightly her golden, vaguely shaggy golden hair, spilled on the pillow.

"No! I just want to be with you, Mommy and Daddy!" The little girl commanded, contemplating them in awe.

"Am I bothering you, Judy and Tim?" Anna inquired self-consciously as her temple creased.

"No, no, Anna! It's fine." Timothy didn't obligate his younger sister to leave the room unless when she wants.

"You aren't problematic to us. You can stay with us." Judy responded in the same time. "Do you like it there, little angel?" She kept on by asking her youngest daughter. 

"Yes, Mommy!" The youngest Howard heiress replied back in low voice as she was beyond enervated. "Very much." 

"Mom and Dad?" The twins joyously evoked in unison as they drew the 3 adults' attention in no time. 

"Tris and Ellie!" Timothy ambled up to the other compact beds as he didn't want to neglect them in the limbo, whereas Anna accompanied the former nun. "My hearts, what are you doing?"

"We couldn't help but wake up once you came there." Tristan answered his father's question as a smile distorted across his lips. 

"Oh really?" He leant his head to pepper their lukewarm temples and cheeks with light, affectionate kisses as each kiss they earned from either of their mother or father was an ethereal paradise for them. Thereafter his both hands lowered down to caress their heads, delicately running his fingers through their a tad unkempt hairs, admiring its softness, cripsness. "We will always come here to wish you good night, baby boy."

The twins didn't respond as Ellie giggled in peppy manner. 

"You are as beautiful as your mother, Agnes. Haven't you being told so?" Anna posed the question joyfully.

She nodded her head, confirming the younger lady's words in coy way.


The next morning

13th of March, 1970

As soon as the morning dawned on the horizon as the moon and its abundance of flickering stars vanished in the vacuum, the weather in London was bearably cold, besides it was cloudy as a swarm of clouds hovered in the pale sky. 

First and foremost, Timon and Julietta woke up first, whilst Anna and Daniel were in the kitchen, preparing an affluent breakfast for the entire family including the guests unlike Jude and Timothy with their children and John who were still in their beds.

As Jude was lying in the bed as her discarded nightgown was under her pillow after they made love to one another after wishing good night to their children and everybody else who were awake yet the night before, she unwillingly opened her eyelids as her ruffled, wild long glossy honey hair was spilled on the crimson aristocratic pillow as her vision periphery peeped at the clock on her night stand, reading properly 8:30AM in the morning.

She inhaled, then exhaled sharply as Timothy was still asleep. The blonde observed his face and body language as she couldn't opress a blossoming, radiant smile across her naturally plump lips. Her arms were clasped around his naked, toned back. Back where she left a bunch of welts and scraps of her manicured  ravishing red nails that digged deeply in his skin, due to the rich pleasure and their approaching climaxes they had the night before, taking its place on the king-sized four posted bed. Fortunately, scarlet red velvet blanket blanketed from their shoulders and below their stark bodies. 

All of a sudden, the former sister of the church heard and noted her husband stirring as her honey brown eyes were darted to him, inspecting his moves as he stretched his muscly, bare arms as he released a yawn, followed by his morning breath and rubbed his drowsy eyes with his knuckles.

Shortly afterwards when he beheld Jude, he brightly smiled to her as she offered him a smile as his mammoth, veiny hand grabbed her chin, tilting her head to have a better access to look up into her warm hazel irises.

"Good morning, darling!"

"Good morning, rare bird!"

Intense silence arched between the both pious members of the church, taking their time to admire one another's fresh, yet young-looking faces. 

Timothy admired the sight of his naked wife by laying next to him with her mane of long old Hollywood golden curls, her pale angelic face with its sui generis facial features, her charming smile, her brutally honest, unarguable hazel eyes, radiating endearment, lust, desire and tenderness. Her creamy, mussy, as white as vanilla skin. 

She resembled an angel, sent from God specially for Timothy. 

"The night before was just mesmerizing." She whispered seductively through a husky chuckle in low voice, eyeing his magnetic chocolate brown eyes as her naked, full breasts were pressed on his muscular torso. 

"I can't agree more." His thumbs kneaded her cheekbones in delicate manner, admiring her unearthy beauty, oozing from the middle-aged woman with whom he shared five years marriage. She closed her eyes like blinds, relishing the moment of its diaphanous caress.

"You have a magnificent mansion right there, Timothy!" The blonde responded softly. "But it's always better at home."

He just smiled, merely nodding his head in agreement with her words until he heard footsteps lurking in the long hallway of the second floor, ideally recognizing them as it was his mother's ones. Julietta was humming a beautiful tune for herself as she walked past in the hallway as she wanted to check her son and her daughter-in-law without hesitation as well.

Once the elder woman stepped in front of the room's door, she rapped a handful of times in faint way until they heard the door raps, coming to the conclusion they were no longer alone in the room until they burst out all as one. "Yes? Come in!"

Consequently Timothy's mother, Julietta stepped up in the couple's temporary bedroom until they leave for Boston as she wore her floral seafoam green cotton robe as a belt was tightly knotted around her waist, keeping the robe steady as her sparse straight chestnut hair was tied in a messy bun. She propped on the royal crimson wall, gazing down at the married couple as a slight smile curled up in the corner of her lips, admiring their undeniable love and desire. 

"Good morning, birds in love!" 

"Good morning, ma'am!" Judy greeted warmly the much older woman, giving her a genuine smile, formed on her lips.

"Good morning, mom!" Timothy faked his panting as they turned to Julietta. "We arrived the last night." He resumed as he explained to his mother about his arrival.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" She strolled up to the bed without getting too far as she didn't want to startle the couple especially her daughter-in-law. "You seem happier and more extraordinary together, if I need to be honest." 

"It's true!" Jude whispered humbly, sniggering uneasily as her heart throbbed rapidly in her chest. "We couldn't be more."

"I am glad for you." Suddenly the older lady commenced to scrutinize even more detailed the both couple especially her daughter-in-law as she noted something a tad leery though she didn't want to appear brash at last. Then she just omitted a casual, embarrassing snicker as the both former holy faces of the church wondered why she snickered without explaining herself, noting her somewhat suspicious demeanor. Little did they know in what kind of a fishy situation they were recently locating at.

"Is there anything wrong, mom?" 

"Why, my dear son?" The both adults joined her as they snickered in their own embarrassment. "Of course, there aren't any binds at all."

"Do not lie!" He retorted in low, sarcastic voice as the former nun abided quiet, paying utterly attention between Timothy and Julietta's conversation. "Just spit it out."

"All I can say why you appear so happy and glowing this morning is," She inhaled by rambling around their bed idly, rolling her eyes by setting free another chuckle again. "It smells of sex there."

"Mom, you shouldn't be that direct!"

"At least, I am mentinoning a fact, Tim! The breakfast will be ready soon."

To be continued...

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