Family Together 3

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When the elder woman fled the couple's extraordinarily aristocratic bedroom, she left them in peace without prying into their personal space way too much anymore. She paced up in the long hallway by paying a visit to the children's room where they still laid in their miniature, howsoever, convenient beds.

As Jude and Timothy were desolated together, they couldn't oppress guttural snickers in their embarrassment after Julietta's words when she mentioned the room's smell.

"I can't believe how astute is your mothah, Timothy!" She exhaled sharply, releasing ounce off her ribs. "Jesus Christ!" The blonde kept on ironically.

Little did the blonde know how cunning is Julietta, Timothy's mother and Judy's mother-in-law.

In general, the elder lady was not only indisputably intelligent and sly, moreover she had a high-quality education and attended a medical university as she used to be a nurse in one of the London hospitals, hence, earning filthy wealth from her profession though she was currently retired from a half a decade ago. Eventually Julietta was in the beginning of her 70s as grayish tingles highlighted her chestnut, sparse medium hair, cascading down her shoulders as a forehead fringe covered her temple, subsequently rendering her younger looking.

"She's!" Smug, snakish smirk blossomed on his plump, baby pinkish lips. "It's not occasional she murderes one of the housekeepers we hired a long time ago when I was an adolescent." He furthered in low voice.

"Oh! That's horrible." She cried out desperately, arching a puzzled eyebrow. "It's impossible."

"It's possible everything and do not say it's horrible!" Jude's heart raced, faking her panting as she widely eyed her husband's content, mischievous face. Little did she know about Julietta and she was a murderer. "The housekeeper was a child molester. I mean, she's rapist!" He retorted, attempting to control his tone though this painful memory of his youth haunted him like a ghost of the past, bewitching him eerily.


November 1937

14-year-old Timothy was reading a classic literature in his bedroom, where he was fully independent and hardly sharing it with either of his siblings as they had their own bedrooms. The adolescent was sitting on the royal armchair, reclined as he crossed his leg, his mammoth, veiny hands wrapped around the book's antique covers, his studious chocolate eyes darted down to the old pages of the book, relishing the loneliness that encompassed him. 

He was home alone with his younger sister Anna and the hired maid to dust, tidy and clean after the aristocratic British family's enormous household named Alicia Clarke. She was being hired in the Howards household since the last autumn. In the first weeks, she made a good impression of the family until the past weeks Alicia was not only eccentric in her demeanor, but also she opted to sexually harass and assault Timothy's older brothers as he was victim of it though they evaded the appaling, uncanny employer and they weren't capable of attacking her physically as they were taught to not physically harm any female, regardless if it's a woman or a girl. Although Timon overlooked the fact that Alicia was a danger as she was tremendously revolting with her actions and by the way she spoke to the younger males in the family, Timothy, Daniel and John told Julietta about Alicia as the middle-aged woman plotted to kill their maid in arcane way without the authorities to find out about the intentional homicide. 

Anna was in her bedroom, studying and preparing for the next school day as she was hard-working, persistent and diligent student. What it wasn't occasional was actually the circumstance the eight-year-old girl's ambition prevailed her sloth.

All of a sudden, when Alicia tapped on Timothy's bedroom door, in the interim the teenager responded simply. "Yes?" 

As soon as the maid entered in the room, she commenced to dust the nightstand by ambling up to the nightstand in the left side of his four-poster bed, humming a vibrant tune to herself, Timothy peeped over his book, surveying the middle-aged woman in leery manner, noting her eccentric demeanor as well. He stared indifferently with contempt at her, pursing his lips by not rendering any sound as he didn't want to draw attention promptly. 

"When this defiler will leave my room?" The young man wondered, abstaining from peeling a word as Alicia's humming was the sole sound source with her dust brush, grasped in her elvish, mildly wrinkled hand. 

"As you wonder what's on my mind, darling," Alicia turned to the young man as he averted his gaze to the book, sensing the tempting sea blue eyes looking up at him as she bended down as the night table's level, offering the adolescent a predatory, conceited smirk, honed in the corner of her ravishing red lips. "Leave this book away and just have fun with me!" Alicia begged, pouting in sultry manner as Timothy couldn't endure heated cheeks and sanguine, inked on his face. He tried to ignore Alicia's taunts.

Alicia was actually a widow in the beginning of her 40s as she had a mane of strawberry red tresses descended down her waist with fringe on the left part of her temple, sky blue eye irises, olive tanned skin tone. She wasn't tall at all as her height was only 5'5 and weighting no more than 130lbs. Furthermore, she was a keen fan of wearing pastel garments especially exquisite ones and opting to tempt the Howards'  young men though they were peculiarly disgusted by the way she dressed herself up. She was a single mother of two grown up young men, who are independent from her responsibilites for a half a decade. Additionally, Alicia lost her husband due to an airplane crash.

"Oh, come on, Timmy! Don't act like a boring nerd, who's addicted to books!" Alicia left the dust brush on the nightstand by walking up to him in sexy gait though he disregarded the single mother. Once she gripped the book by its cover, she tossed it backward, colliding in the royal wall, consequently establishing on the floor with its opened pages whereas Alicia leant her head, cupping his cheeks as he pushed away her hands from his face without making a sound as he averted his chocolate eyes, radiating apprehension, disgust and contempt in the same time altogether. "I guarantee you you will be pleased."

"Alicia, please, leave me alone!" He riposted as he got from the royal armchair, stepping backward, opting to escape the creepy housekeeper. "I am too young for your taste. Go find somebody around your age or who's an adult to fill your needs."  He furthered, although she didn't give up easily at all and pigheadedly approached him with each took step forward. 

"Oh, Tim, dear Tim!" She whispered sensually in low voice, winking at him.  "The young men like you are the best lovers, no matter what the others think."

"You are disgusting! Keep your mouth shut!" He clutched his fist, menacing her to hit her, in spite of his well-trained, benevolent and bashful nature. The adolescent could no longer control his voice undertone, factly, Alicia irritated him in particular way. Fiercely glaring at the much older woman than him in self-defense. On one hand, he wanted to punch her right in the face to defend himself and ask for aid by calling the police. On other hand, Timothy didn't want physically harm any female, whether a girl or a woman. Despite his radical aversion to Alicia. 

"You aren't interested in me?" She placed a hand on her sweaty chest, feeling beneath her palm her hammering heart in her ribs, thrumming a steamy tune to herself. Her plump, ravishing red lips trembling under its tune. At last but not least, Alicia acted like she was heartbroken by his words. "Aww, you sweet boy! The boy toys are even better than the rest of the men."

Timothy verged to nauseate and throw up, in fact, the redhead's words were plaguing him, almost unable to harm her though his attempts to persuade her he isn't attracted to her and so forth, it didn't help at all. 

"Alicia, just stop or," He was cut in the middle of his sentence, remaining unfinished. The boy cautioned through gritted teeth as his bile rose in his throat.

"Or what? Ha!" A husky chortle omitted from her throat. As an addition, the housekeeper didn't accept his threat seriously. All what she can think of Timothy was a pathetic joke. Nothing else! "What do you think you are capable of? To hurt me?"

Silence arched in the room as her light footsteps were the sole sound source, jingling in the adoelscent's ears.

"I warn you once again, I swear!" The young man warned, walking backwards until his back was clung to the wall.

"Don't be ridiculous, Timothy!" Suddenly she raised her voice, growling in passionate manner, her fingers went up to her strawberry red tresses, combing them up with her fine fingers idly. Pouting her lips. "Of course, nobody won't rescue you! Are you willing to punch me? To kick my ass?"  When she approached him as he wasn't capable to escape her anymore since she momentarily shut the door, locking it up, Timothy scrambled up to the nightstand, opening one of the drawers as he took the letter opener, lowering it down as thw young man was more than determined to stab her.

"I am not afraid of you. I won't hurt any lady." When she approached him as their proximity significantly diminished, an artifical grin slowly crawled on his pale face. "But do you know what's worse than a humiliated woman?" All of a sudden she stared up at him, hushing as she was focused on his words. "A victimized man!" The adolescent  mildly snuck up his hand, gripping yet the letter opener in considerate way so that to not drop it unintentionally. Stabbing the razor right in her spine as thick, marvelous dark blood spurt from her slit as Alicia caressed with her fingers her stabbed area, yelping in endless pain, her mouth agape as she rolled her widened azure blue eyes.

"You deserved it for attempted sexual assault, creep!"  Timothy furthered, crossing his arms for a while, relishing the extraordinary scene of his maid being hurted and viciously manipulating her.

"You, stupid son of the bitch," Alicia stuttered, groaning in low voice, opting to gain control over her voice as Timothy set free a wicked chuckle, rushing to the shut door by unlocking it in haste, without turning back ever again and fleeing his bedroom." C'mere, you little asshole!" The redhead yelled in berserk manner as her blood vigorously boiled in her veins and body. Gory pool stained partly the carpeted floor. The pungent stench of blood precipitately overspread in the room. 

In spite of the afflicting pain, searing her spine, the middle-aged lady didn't give up at last. Once she fled Timothy's bedroom, she aimed to the running figure, ideally recognizing him without hesitation.

"Ha! Gotcha ya, Tim!" She shouted as the boy ran through the long hallway on the second floor. Breathlessly, restlessly exiting the redhead's venomous claws.

As soon as she paced up directly towards one of the youngest Howard heirs, all of a sudden Julietta shot Alicia as she stood in the other end of the hallway as her antique revolver's trigger was pressed with two fingers, a bullet shot up to Alicia's back of her head, fumbling on the floor helplessly as  if a heavy rock was flinged in the lake.

The teenager witnessed their housekeeper's final moments, panicking after the sound of the revolver, clamping his mouth with a hand, squatting in the right wing of the hallway as he hided behind the wall, catching his breath.

"Tim!" The middle-aged mother of a couple of children ran towards the right part of the corridor, crying out loud her son's name. "My boy!"

In the meanwhile, he rose as he stood and ambled up until his mother thrown her arms around his upper back, clung him to her, their hearts hammering in their ribs and pressed to one another. What the middle-aged mother felt was disquietness invading her mind, unable to be in peace with herself, factly, she just shot in the back the raunchy maid and rescuing her sons' lives especially Timothy's since he was the most endangered for the moment. If the brunette didn't polish off the danger in the mansion, otherwise who knows what would happen to her youngest son. 

"Oh, Tim! Gladly you rescued your skin from this predator." Julietta murmured desperately. 

"I couldn't help but stab her with the letter opener and hopefully we got rid of her at last." The adolescent muttered.

"At least, you and your brothers are safe for now!" They broke off the hug. "Just imagine if I didn't kill her otherwise."

"Don't make me to imagine this nightmare!" He responded, panting as he opted to catch his breath. "Alicia is dead and she won't harass us anymore."

"Yes without further ado!" Julietta replied smugly, content smirk curled up in the corner of her rosy-coloured lips.

"What are we going to do with her body and what if the authorities find out about the homicide?" 

"Don't worry about it, Tim! We are going to cremate her by burning her body and remains." She maliciously winked at him, gazing down at the corpse of Alicia that lied on the carpeted hall's floor, eyeing it. 


"So is it true she sexually harassed you?" Judy questioned skeptically, believing her husband's words.

"Not only me, but also my brothers as I was often victim of her libido though I was too young and I was just a teenager, not an adult." He explained. "Let's not forget, she's a compulsive rapist though I never allowed her to touch me!"

"I am happy your mother got rid of that lustful bitch, although It's appaling what kind of a person was Alicia."


The night before

12th of March, 1970

"Frank, have you ever wondered," Valerie paused as she took a sip of her glass of red wine, reclining leisurely on the leather sofa as Sally was sitting next to her and Frank was sitting on the left armchair. Then she left aloof the glass of red wine on the coffee table, licking greedily her soaked lips. "What hell is without Judy and Timothy with their angels?" She furthered her sentence, crossing her legs in sitting position.

"Unfortunately, yes! I wish they were part of our company to drink with us some red wine." The security guard answered truthfully from the bottom of his heart, sipping his red wine and savouring its mouth-watering taste. 

The three adults were gathered altogether in the living room of Valerie's one story house, having a wine evening together, whereas Shona was with Kaitlyn in the other room, playing and talking together. 

"At least, they will return in Boston in a matter of days, Frank and Val!" Sally addressed the older adults' names in soothing manner, opting to comfort them as she left her glass of white wine on the coffee table by clasping her both arms around the older woman's shoulders as she was being encircled by Valerie's arms. The brunette rested her chin on the redhead's shoulder, her nostrils couldn't resist its captivating fragrance of the redhead, inhaling it. "Everything will be fine!" She rubbed the older woman's back as Frank couldn't help but watch the both women comforting each other and drowning in each other's affable hug. In a jiffy, they broke off the hug as they shifted their stare to the former cop. 

"It looks like the wine is our sole medicament for our grief over Judy and Timothy's absence." Frank uttered in mocking way, couldn't contain a guturral guffaw as the both ladies participated too. 

"For now until their return as well." Sally remarked, gripping her glass of wine, gulping it in a single sip. 


"I told you the breakfast is already done," Daniel tried to diminish his voice decibels as he cautioned the guests as Anna and John were just taking their seats on the large, richly embellished dining table in the dining room as he was done with serving the plates and glasses of liquid. Initially, the rest of the family thought Daniel was just being coarse and he was unarguably hot-tempered, whereas the children startled once they heard his raised voice unlike Jude and Timothy as Timothy sensed igniting zealousy, oozing from his older brother.

"I am sorry, Danny! Do not yell at us and don't try to be dominating!" Timothy defended himself and his wife as well as soon as they sat next to each other, whilst Ellie and Tristan sat against their parents as Agnes was placed in her high chair.

"Please, Daniel, don't be mad at Timmy! It's okay to be late." John intervened as he couldn't help, nevertheless protect his brother. In the interim, the both elder adults, Julietta and Timon ignored their sons' heated debates as they set free a dramatic sigh until their eyes peaked down to the twins and Agnes, admiring how adorable they were, subsequently earning their astounded looks as they offered radiant smiles, spread across their thin lips. 

"Don't you know how beautiful are you little angels? Just like your parents." Julietta complimented Ellie, Tristan and Agnes as Ellie couldn't endure a childish, blissful giggle. 

"It's okay to be late for the breakfast, however, it's never too late to smell the sex that comes from your bedroom where you slept the night before." Daniel said through a mischievous grin, sitting in the right end of the grand dining table. Afterwards he earned glares and panicked looks as Timon verged to experience a heart attack whenever Daniel starts to argue with somebody and demonstrate his conflicting nature. 

"Danny! Do not embarass me in front of my wife, children and the others who sit right here, right there! Am I clear, Mister Jealous?" The former priest emphasized the nickname that he exceedingly addressed his older sibling, abiding calm as he didn't raise his voice. In this moment, Julietta and Timon were talking to the children, shrugged off the uproar on the table, fortunately. 

The truth is Daniel's actually ferociously envious, due to the fact, his younger brother possessed the woman he was attracted to and scarcely can own as his own lover. Little did Timothy know why his older sibling commenced with the bland, ignorant and loutish yelling, ruining the family's harmonic atmosphere. At last but not least, Jude preferred to abide quiet as her whole face flushed, indicating ideally her self-consciousness as well. She couldn't be more embarrassed by her husband's brother. 

Daniel just nod his head in defeated, mousy manner without peeling a single word after his brother's direct, witty riposte as he began to assault his breakfast and the rest of the family ate in silence, despite they talked from time to time, breaking the dead silence. 

To be continued...

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