John 1

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A several days later...

13th of March,1965

Timothy's POV

The days passed so quickly like a summer breeze. What an imperceptible sensation, isn't it? Thanks to my new job as a kindergarden teacher and my partner who supports and loves me for who I am, regardless everything else back in the past. The first days at work passed rather marvelous. I am not only gleeful and proud of receiving this position to work with children, besides it is such ginormous pleasure to work and communicate with them including with some teachers as well. The teachers, aunties and my boss Mrs.Lynch are so kind to me and vice versa. The children are obediant, inquisitive in child-like way and amiable as usually. My wife visited my working place, spending around 2-3 hours with me and the kindergarden children, thanks to Mrs.Lynch's permission which I had received right on the first day as she guided me with which children I am really going to work this year. Once the children realised that I am married and my wife is with me, they were friendly and open minded to her either too even asking her plenty and diversity of questions though she answered them with brutal honesty that she particularly has. It is such a pleasure to work with children around 8 hours daily from Monday to Friday as well. Every evening when we return back at home, I share with Jude how delighting is to be a kindergarden teacher, listening to my daily stories which rendered us to giggle. 

Furthermore, my older brother John phoned me a few days ago, planning at what time he is going to arrive at Boston as he promised us to pay a visit in the early afternoon at 1PM. We arranged everything for Saturday the early afternoon. 

Anyway today was Saturday. Jude was a second term at work until the late night. Accordingly we woke up at the same time as always-  6 o'clock. We did every morning's daily stuff such as brushing our teeth, cleaning ourselves, washing our faces and hands, having a breakfast, brushing our hairs and changing ourselves in casual clothes. 

Since we are going to have a visitor and that's my brother John from England, we determined ourselves with Jude to clean the entire house from vacuuming every room to cleaning the windows' glasses from inner and outer sides. The house cleaning took around 2 hours and 30 minutes as a total time. 

Afterward we decided to take a break by watching some TV as we were drowning in each other's cuddles, my both protective, muscular arms clasped around Jude's petite, brittle shoulders, my fingers softly touching the T-shirt's fabric;  as we positioned ourselves in lying pose, whilst being capable to watch. It was still 9AM in the morning. The pulled curtains in the living room as the sun's rays illuminated the room. I was behind Jude.

At this moment, I wore a plain long-sleeved white blouse with round neckline, barely revealing any chest skin with exception of my nape and collarbone; followed by a pair of light blue slacks with white socks; Whilst Jude had on herself a floral T-shirt in scarlet red with square neckline, a pair of denim jeans. 

During this second, Jude was humming sweetly and silently to herself like a chirping bird in the woods, satiating the forest with its spectacular lovely singing voice. I couldn't help myself but my smile growing as my body was betraying me, commanding technically the next primary action like the animal side of me was dominating instead of my normal one. Currently we were watching a retro romantic comedy on the TV as well. It's deliriously alluring, despite there were moments when the movie really bores me. I wasn't alone in this squad. Jude didn't make any exception about the movie either too! 

Suddenly Jude fell asleep whilst the TV was still playing as I restrained myself from falling sleep. I wasn't fatigued at all. Presumably her eyelids were heavy enough to fall asleep, as her body had already betrayed her apparently.

All of a sudden, I approached mildly and slowly my mellow lips, kissing lightly her nape as my nose tip waa against her collar, burried her curly golden hair. She remained motionless. Neither wriggling, nor shuddering! Meantime, I moved to her ear as I whispered inwardly:

-I love you to bones, rare bird!- Firmly gripping her shoulders as they were clasped my hands around them.

A couple of hours later... 

Jude's POV

We had already lunch with my beloved husband. Afterward I washed each dish in the sink aa we decided with Timothy to spend our final minutes to wander in our fabulous and majestic yard, holding hands.

The sun was shining with its heliacal rays, illuminating everything below. There was hardly any breeze. The sky was so light, fulfilled with life and scarcely any clouds, hindering the radiant and glowing sun. The flowers in Timothy's garden were still blossoming, maturing with every passed day. It was clearly evident! The yard starts to resemble like a paradise with flowers that embody life, besides the trees with amorous large crowns, the clean, unpolluted and fresh air, purifying your nostrils from another scents in mesmerizing way. What a marvel!

As we wandered, savoring each moment, spent together as married partners and basically. Unfortunately, I stopped as I got slightly exhausted of wandering for a several minutes, taking a deep breath, meanwhile breathing heavily as Timothy rotated his face, facing each other's faces as he gave me an odd and distraught way, seperating our hands from the grip as my husband rotated his body, cupping my right cheek as his chocolate brown eyes stared into mine with trepidation:

-Honey, is there anything wrong? - He questioned in anxious way as he carried on to cup my cheek, feeling the gratifying sensation of my husband's palm cupping my cheek into his hand. The smallest gesture of his can soothe me without any problem.

-Not exactly! *sighing as I cupped his left cheek gently to reassure him, giving him a hint that everything is okay* I am just fatigued lately. Having critically large appetite these days. - I answered with dissatisfied voice as his chocolate eyes could set on fire any harm or somebody who is opting to harm me in different ways. Also I sounded a bit emotional in my tone as well.

-Oh rare bird...*slightly moaning as our lips slowly interracting, already prepared for an apocalypstic collision as they crashed, kissing sensually, as I managed to cup his another cheek in my another palm, holding his face, my fingertips touching delicately his bright facial skin, whilst he removed his palm from my cheek as he wrapped his both muscular, powerful arms around my lower back; gradually our kisses grew into more luscious and aggressive as our moist, hissing tongues began dancing against each one, biting his upper lip as he groaned, his hands abruptly moved from my lower back to my bum, grabbing it tightly, squeezing both beginnings of enlarging buttocks which rendered our process even hotter and insatiable in the same time; the kiss didn't last long as we broke off the kiss especially I as I managed to open my shutted eyes, gazing at his down to earth, charismatic and fiercing chocolate brown eyes with desire and love, staring right at his transparent soul* Everything is fine. You are going to be okay. *cupping my cheeks as he was holding my head whilst my arms were clasped around his collar, goggling into each other's faces* It's just a pregnancy that you are going to survive because you are a warrior.

-I know, babe! But this spring scenery is so gorgeous. It is purely unbelievable, personally! - I attempted to change the subject so that to not talk about my dramatic fatigue and pregnancy as I started to talk about the spring landscape we behold currently with a broad smile across my lips, staring together at the clear sky, avoiding to look at the sun.

-Yeah, it is so gorgeous. *pausing for a moment* But not as gorgeous as you, My Queen and Princess!- Initially Timothy pierced his chestnut eyes into the sky, consequently looking at me with a broad smile across his glossing face.

-Aww, thank you, darling! But it was unnecessary.- I sensed my cheeks to heat once he complimented me, as my heart skipped a beat. 

-No problem, sweetheart! You deserve compliments since you are gorgeous even if you are exhausted, upset or in whatever mood are you. 

-I know but...whatever. 

All of a sudden, we turned our backs once we saw a man who shouted out loud the name of my husband "Timothy!" as he awaited behind the gates, expecting somebody to let him in our territory. We headed immediately to the iron gates. Once we opened them, letting the guest to step in our home, it was definitely evident it's my husband's older brother John for whom he was talking about a few days ago. I can perfectly recall.

John was around Timothy's height 6'2, possessing normal body structure, visually looking slightly older than him with a handful years; He had almost the same facial features, eyes and hair like Timothy. Unlike him, John possesses hazel green mixed with gray and brown eyes. By the way, he wore a light gray shirt, followed by a velvet brown vest, black trousers, black Oxford shoes, a red tie, a deep brown top hat upon his dense chestnut hair. He had nice facial features, howsoever, his handsomeness couldn't be compared to Timothy's one.

My husband's elder sibling wore a charming smile as he greeted us warmly, receiving from us a warm welcome, of course:

-Hello brother and Jude! - He greeted us pleasantly.

-Hello!- I just greeted, feeling dimly jumpy and wearing a shy smile in the same time.

-Hello John!- Timothy and his brother handshaked as they smiled friendly to each other.

-John, this is my wife Jude Howard. Jude, that's my older brother John. 

-It's my huge pleasure to meet you, John. I am Jude Howard, Timothy's wife.- I shaked John's hand.

-It's a pleasure to meet you, Jude! I am John Howard, your husband's brother.

-Okay, how about to go in the living room or the kitchen? Which room do you prefer, brother? - Timothy asked directly his brother as he wanted a quick response.

-I prefer the living room.- John replied quickly and cold bloodedly as we had expected.


We entered inside the house as my husband managed to close the gates whilst we were waiting for Tim so that to enter all along in the same time. Once we established ourselves in the hall, the older man questioned:

-Should I take off my shoes?

-It's not necessary.- I responded swiftly as Tim stood next to me after I closed the entrance door behind us.

Therefore the guest took off his hat, hanging it on the hat hanger as we went in the living room. I asked the visitor what does he wants and he wanted nothing with exception of a glass of water. I went directly to the kitchen to fill an empty glass with some fresh water for John as I returned in the living room in the next 30 seconds. Meanwhile Timothy took a seat on the right armchair while his brother sat on the goth sofa, speaking to him about personal stuff that doesn't concerns me at all. I served the glass of water onto the coffee table as I received a cordial "Thank you!" from my partner's brother.

As soon as I sat on the another armchair, 3 of us striked a conversation:

-So how are you doing both together?- John questioned in ethusiastic way, wearing a large smile across his vanilla face, sipping of the glass with water.

-We are doing super though the pressure and some problems sometimes.- I replied his question as our eyes met, forming an eye contact.

-Delighted to hear that you are doing super! *inhaling and exhaling* What kind of a pressure or problems do you mean, Jude?- This question rather embarrassed me a little bit, rendering me to lower dimly my head in shame, feeling my face blushing.

-Well, such as to deal with Jude's pregnancy which isn't easy, nevertheless it is such a blessing that we have the opportunity to have our own child finally. - My husband replied his own brother's question instead of me due to my bashful demeanor as I watched how the both brothers communicated.

-That's amazing! I am glad for both of you that you are pending a baby soon. *kneading delicately my bump in 2nd month as I couldn't help, however, smiling like a sunshine* Just look at your wife! Her smile is of a sunshine whilst massaging the bump. - John exclaimed with blissful voice, his eyes darted at me.

-It's not exactly soon. She has 7 more months until she gives a birth officially either to a girl or a boy. *suddenly Timothy's eyes moved from his brother's face to me, watching me with a broad, radiant smile across his soft, luscious lips* Aww! You are right. She's my sunshine and our baby that's in her belly is going to be a sunshine just like her mother.- Once I heard how Tim mentioned "her" when it was joint a word about our future copy-paste, I hardly could believe as I was speechless, tilting my head as my eyes goggled directly at his radiant, filled with glee face with a perplexed look. How he is supposed to know its baby's gender when I am not pregnant in 3rd month yet?

-Her?- I asked as I arched an eyebrow in puzzled way.

-What's wrong?- John asked worried.

-Judy, honey, are you alright?- Tim questioned much more concerned about me rather than his elder brother which was purely visible, raising a left eyebrow as he looked at me.

-John, it's not your business. Excuse me! *I snapped accidentally at John, meanwhile sheding a couple of crystal tears, ready to sob and weep, although I tried to restrain as much as my strength and stamina enabled me* I am just confused how you could know it's baby gender when I am scarcely pregnant in 3rd month. - I enquired with an unusual emotional voice, too far apparent how Timothy's pronoun that used for the baby "her" touched me, melting gradually my heart. 

-No problem, Jude! My wife was like that when she used to be pregnant either too. - John forgave me for my open demonstration of emotions and feelings with serene voice.

Meantime Timothy stood off the armchair, walking to me as he crouched down, taking my right hand into his, cupping, whilst his thumb stroked the back of my hand, while his another hand touched softly my curly golden hair as his fingers burried in the long, sleek curly locks, tilting my head as we were capable to stare at each other's eyes in face-to-face from much closer proximity. His chocolate eyes radiated compassion and concerness in the same time.

-Rare bird, everything is fine! I truly understand how confused are you especially when it's joint a word about the baby's gender as it is unidentified yet until we visit the doctor in the next 3 weeks. *feeling how his thumb wiped my tears* I am completely sure that we are going to have a girl. Even if it was a boy, I would love him still as my son whilst you as his mother, of course. 

-But...but...*stammering, struggling to peel the upcoming word* I don't care about baby's gender. The most important thing of all is I am going to worship this baby with my entire heart like a treasure. 

While Timothy succeed to reassure me, John couldn't help himself to watch us as his smile rapidly grew, relishing the adorable moment, recognizing a huge difference between the brother that he had seen a long time ago, who strived for nothing but for strength, glory and to accomplish his wishes to become an Anglo-American Pope in the USA and the nowadays man, a recent husband of mine, who is a bright contrast of his younger version by portraying him as a loving, caring, frank and marvelous person,man, husband and a future father, of course!

To be continued...

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