John 2

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Jude's POV

-Awww! You are actually a splendid and very affectionate couple together.- John couldn't resist his eyes from what he is currently witnessing as his smile grew like. Moreover he spoke his mind in emancipated way.

-I am fine, nonetheless you astonished me once when you called the baby "her".- I stated with tranquil voice as I was soothed at last, smiling to Timothy in radiant way, cupping his cheeks in my palms, gaping into his glistening chocolate eyes.

-I know, sweetie! *uttering each syllable with his velvet voice* I am glad you are feeling better now.- Kissing my forehead as he stood, returning to his armchair so that to not ignore and show disrespect to our prominent guest John, Timothy's elder sibling. 

-Pardon us, John! I am really sorry for snapping at you once again, besides me and Tim totally ignored you a moments ago.- I immediately apologised the man who visually looked around my age as well with a sincere smile, our hazel eyes meeting as they developed a friendly eye contact.

-No problem, Jude! Everything is okay. It's pretty unnecessary that apologise, to be honest. Because I used to be like that with my wife before too. I mean...we had a tough experience. - John accepted instantly my apology, in spite of his perception that I owe him absolutely nothing especially an apology. 

-I am really sorry about it, brother. I didn't mean to ignore you...- Timothy paused once he was interrupted, thanks to his brother.

-Don't worry about it, both of you! Me and my wife Samantha had much tougher experience together when she was pregnant.- Meanwhile the elder brother sipped of his water as he opted to comfort us with his own speech, uttering each syllable with his amazing British accent.

-Oh really? *my eyes widened as my curiosity drastically increased* Tell me more if you are feeling comfortable.- I insisted.

-Well, the things happened just 11 years ago. When she was pregnant with our ever first child...*exhaling crustily, taking a deep breath, sipping of his glass with fresh water*, she was just like you, Jude! Extremely sensitive and emotional, permanently hungry, almost every day weeping or about to cry at least. Further she was perplexed, staring at me in weird way every time whenever I address the unborn angel "him", as I was convinced there is higher chance to have a babyboy instead of babygirl. Until she gave a birth to a little boy who resembles his mother so much, besides having my nose and hair. Additionally there were scandals between me and my long-time wife Samantha about the pettiest and most pointless things which irritate her.

-It doesn't sounds enthralling that you had an arduous experience with your pregnant wife, admitting it frankly. Howsoever, I am so content and proud of you and Samantha that you are having a healthy and wonderful son.- I said with mildly jittery voice as I wore an insecure but gleeful smile across my face.

-Aww, thank you! Timothy should had told you that, hadn't he?

-Unfortunately, I didn't.- All of a sudden Tim exclaimed as he responded negatively to his older sibling's question with a grin, thereafter chuckling all together.

-Ah! Ha! What a surprise! What kind of thoughts trapped you from telling your wife about my chaotic experience with Samantha's first pregnancy which was rather embarrassing, despite satisfying?- John posed the question in mocking way as we didn't stop to cackle especially Timothy's cackle sounded slightly hysterical as he didn't take the question too inwardly.

-Perhaps you know already.

-To know? Don't play it like a silly, Tim. You are in love, of course.- John jocked again as our laughs fulfilled the living room's ambience with vitality.

-*giggling* I don't play it. I pressume that you already know. You don't need to be informed at all. - My husband didn't miss the opportunity to add a sarcastic comment as he pronounced each word in graver way.

-Hey, hey, whatever! *sighing in a relief,hence, changing the subject* How your wedding ceremony passed?

-It passed excellently and extraordinarily. - I answered boldly and briefly in the same time.

-I could describe it as memorable and awesome. We had so much fun along, besides it was one of the best days in our lives, admitting it frankly. - Timothy replied his question with pure optimism.

-So pleasant for hearing it! Do you have actually a photo of your wedding?

-Yes, we do, of course. Do you want to see them? - Tim enquired as his gleeful chocolate brown eyes were focused on his brother's mixed eyes and me in the same time.

-Definitely yes! - John whimered with rather ecstatic voice.

-Okay then.

Then my husband stood as he headed to the fireplace, ordering his older brother to follow him as he did actually. Whilst I approached slightly sluggishly due to my fatigue. Once we were behind the fireplace all along, John looked at the framed wedding photograph of the wedding with me, my soulmate, Mother Superior Claudia, Jonathan my boss, Charlotte, Ramona, Kit and Grace with their cute little children Thomas and Julia. We all posed ideally for the photo apparently. Further, the elder man's eyes couldn't resist the photo's aesthetics as his smile significantly grew, touching gently with his thin and long like a piano keys fingers the photo's frame. The unconditional silence that dwelled, didn't last for more than 25 seconds as me and my husband observed John how he watches the photo, scrutinizing very cautiously his facial expressions as his eyes were darted like a mesmerized victim into the wedding photo. Suddenly me and Tim looked at each other as we cackled quietly along. That taunted John as he didn't turn his face to look at us, instead he just uttered due to his inquisitive character

-What? Anything hilarious? - He questioned perplexed as he ignored any eye contaxt with us.

-Hmm, no! - We responded recklessly as we grinned.

-Okay. *rotating his head as he turned his face, our eyes met as he wore a little smile across his natural light pink lips* You look so lovely all along on the wedding picture especially you both.

-Aww! That's really kind and sweet of your side, John. Thanks! - I thanked John for his kind words as my face dimly flushed instantly.

-Thank you! - Tim showed his gratitude as well, wearing a little smile, feeling the warmth and pleasant sensation after the compliment.

-You don't need to thank me, Jude and Tim! You are such a lucky man, Timothy! For having a splendid and gracious woman next to you. You were obnoxiously right about her via our phone conversation. - He patted in friendly way his younger brother's shoulder like brothers as we giggled 3 of us.

-I couldn't be much luckier man for having such a treasure who is going to be a fabulous Mama in a half an year.

-I can deliriously tell you are the happiest couple that I have ever seen. *both of us with Tim opened our eyes widely, scarcely believing what John's words with astonished facial expressions* I am deadly serious. - He said in soft voice.

-We are just made for each other and...*stuttering as I played nervously with my fingers, mildly lowering my head due to my insecurity* we are rejoiced to be together. Since the first day, we had discovered that though the institution where we used to work, couldn't grant us such opportunities to demonstrate on more abysmal and fluent level our feelings and emotions. It would be considered as a sin. - I told John with dimly bashful voice as Timothy wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer towards him, hardly dividing any centimetre proximity.

-It's undeniable! I definitely agree. Do you have any family photos together? I mean just both of you only.

-Of course, we do! *delving in one of the drawers, researching for polaroid photos until finding the recent ones as Timothy signaled* Ha! Here are them finally. *holding the most recent polaroid photographs of us as he showed them directly to his brother* Here are me and Jude near the fireplace. *pointing at the second photo with an index finger as I was watching the photos with them* And here are us in our enchanting yard.

-Wow! You look incredible on both photos, to be honest. 

-Thank you anyway, John! 

Around 2 hours later...

I really needed to rest for an hour only whilst my husband was with his elder sibling in the yard, wandering along and talking. My legs hurt with my pregnant belly, despite the slight pain which wasn't a gruesome issue at all. I was lying on the bed with a silky blanket, blanketing my body as I stared at the window that illuminates every sun's ray. I could watch it all day long. One of the reasons why I should rest for an hour at least is because I am going to return back at work in 6:30PM when eventually the first term ends. 

All of a sudden, the bedroom's door opened as Timothy entered where we sleep actually as he was holding a mug of hot herbal tea, leaving it upon the night table, kissing my lips as he crouched down afterward. Once he established in the bedroom, I couldn't help but be euphoric spiritually and basically, my eyes moved from the window to him. I love how caring is my husband. 

-Are you relaxing, rare bird? Also I am brought for you a cup of tea. - He asked with his velvet voice, stroking with his another hand my hair, his fingers burried in my curly golden locks, smiling to me like a radiant and sacred angel. He sat before me, cupping my cheek in his palm, our eyes met as his chocolate eyes were filled with care and affection. 

-I do. - I responded with weary voice, halfly shutted eyes as my eyelids were heavy as rocks, blinking like a glistening star.

-Glad to hear! You deserve some break. I am so sorry for not being with you whilst my brother is here.

-You mustn't be sorry. I am rather okay. I am just...- I hadn't enough strength to keep on with my sentence until Timothy cut off.

-Judy...babe...comprehend me. You need some rest. How my rare bird is willed to work when she is very tired? - He posed a rhetorical question as he caressed with his fingers my curly locks, tangling them at roots.

-Barely.- I replied with an ironic reply as we giggled together. 

-*yawning* That's right. Do you mind if I lie next to you? 


Then Timothy joined me in the bed as he cuddled me, while sipping of my hot herbal tea as I left the mug onto the night table, thereafter falling asleep along in each other's arms, cuddling.

John's POV

I was concerned for my brother what happened to him since he promised me to give a cup of tea to his wife but he hadn't returned yet as a result of those wasted minutes of waiting. I determined myself to check everywhere else around his 2 story house, crying out loud his name. Eventually I went upstairs, searching for my younger brother until I didn't saw him cuddling with his wife in the bed as they had already fallen asleep. All I could do currently is to watch them with a broad smile across my lips this adorable and wonderful couple cuddling in each other's arms as their bodies were motionless. I just whispered to myself:

-What cuties!

To be continued...

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