The Worst Day at Work

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Jude's POV

18th of December, 1964

My first days as a waitress passed incredible despite being so clumsy and confused on my first working day, earning critics by my new boss Mr.Smith who observed cautiously every action of mine. With every day, I learnt more things about this man who rules this restaurant business with an iron fist. Especially during my short breaks which lasted no more than 20 minutes where we drink a cup of tea or coffee, smoking cigarettes outside or in the smokers' zone where are allowed smokers only. I was obligated to wear as an overgarment a white apron with magenta logo of the restaurant with its name in the locker room that is located on the last floor. I thought the first time Mr.Smith is mean man with heart of steel. On other hand, as I was getting to know him, I realised that he went in military school at age 16 because he used to be a disobediant and horrible student at school not because of his grades, it is because of his discipline which was under whatever criticism. Additionally, when he finished military school at age 19, he went in a management university with business and foreign language- Italian. He has such iron discipline since his military school graduation which makes him a perfectionist, tactical and excellently disciplined. The day after the intense interview, he started to treat me as an equal, swapping kinder words. 

But today the things were out of the balanced harmony as I was working as a waitress, taking orders from the clients, serving them diversity of food and drinks that they have ordered for themselves. As I sighed fatigued, wiping my sweating forehead, my elbow supporting the wall, taking a break from work by serving for the moment the last order, one unknown man pulled harshly the restaurant's wings, interracting to me like a bull by stomping severely with his leather black leather boots which didn't look American at all. Shouting "JUDE!" with all voice which I recognized immediately, watching with horrified facial expression how this psychopath got farest close to me, glaring at me, his face grimaced, frowning. His breathing is nothing unlike of a mere person. It was rather heavy, filled with reinforced rage, undeniable vengeance and tremendous hatred. Oh! I can perfectly recognize who is that. That is my former fiancé or exactly said ex-boyfriend Casey. Ugh, since he dumped me, I began to loathe and cannot stand this rotten soul! 

His appearance could be described alike this description:

A tall man around 6'0 with chubby body structure though he used to be lean and muscular almost 2-3 decades ago. He has still attractive facial features, in spite of that I perceive him as a ugly outside and inside in the same time once he hurted me in such vile and unforgivable way. Moreover, if I compare him to Timothy, he is nothing but a trash bin compared to the former Monsignor. They were much different men which is totally rationally. His short spiked blond hair matched well with his deep blue eyes and pale skin color. As I remember, Casey's outfits were usually cowboy ones. Somehow I noticed that he has changed in appearance with exception of his dressing style that remains all the same. His face was wrinkled more than mine which made him to look older than me with 3-5 years at least. Unlike his physical age, his actual age is slightier younger than mine. How sarcastic, isn't it? The last time when I saw him though it was a long time ago, he was actually tanned, demonstrating proudly with a broad smile on his greasy face his tattooed right shoulder like a cowboy star, with medium straight blond hair, taking after a Hollywood's sex symbol who have starred as a character in Wild West movie.

I was near the edge to have a heart attack of Casey who ruined my life. My 6th sense was telling me that he is either to going to grip me, without letting me to escape by choking my neck until I completely lose my breath or something even more atrocious than this. I felt my back pressed against the wall as much as I could retire from this jerk, opting to not shed a tear from fear and anxiety, being motionless. I didn't dare to move or else, awaiting for the worst. Casey didn't have a pleasant odor- it was rather disgusting. His scent was of a particular alcoholic psychopath. I didn't know what to say with exception to ask him what he was doing here.

-Casey...*gulping insecurely whilst trying my best evading eye contact with him as much as possible with grimaced face, frowning, barely having its might to speak more anymore* What are you doing here? I thought you abandoned me forever. - I uttered shyly, howsoever, with courage. I am definitely disgusted even to look at his malicious face.

-I came here for...*whispering in my ear by leaning his head against my ear which was certainly bizzare* revenge, you whore! - He shouted out loud so that everyone are able to hear his roar after his arcane whisper into my ear.

I restrained myself the crying and the screams which were one of the options that might lead to much worse even lethal path either dying on place or being unconditionally harmed. This time, I glared at him with my hazel eyes whose flame was burning nothing but adrenaline which could sweep with its whole wrath everybody around except the toughest guys. I might be a woman with awful childhood and past that have remained inside my brittle me but I can be actually a rough cookie. 

-Don't you ever dare to call me a whore! - I said through clenched teeth with mildly emotional than the usual voice. I comprehend to being insulted or judged by my appearance and attitude but somebody who dares to label me as a whore,slut or whatever he/she wants, there is going to be a war. Not physical! A mental one!

We were being watched by a few clients who were in the restaurant. They were astonished by what they are witnessing, sadly. I felt powerless due to that a man is standing against me and who can kill me with the weakest slap or punch. I hope Casey doesn't emerges in my life ever again. Forever and ever! 

-*giggling maliciously* Don't be fooled, Jude! Nobody is going to rescue you! - His arrogance didn't have its peak to end. He was tremendously cocky when I used to be with him until he dumped me. 

I gulped modestly. Fortunately, my boss's office door opened, thereafter noticing that Mr.Smith is leaving his office, being shocked by what he could see now. 

-Who are you? Get out of Miss Jude, you punk!- Mr.Smith yelled at Casey, his voice filled with rage, strength and discpline, glaring at my former fiancé, gripping him by the wrists, pushing him to the exit door. 

-Never! *spitting on Mr.Smith's face* I will return back, Jude! Again! - His echo could be heard from a several metres, being out of the institution as my boss was done with the "dirty" work. 

My boss wiped the spitted part of his face with his fingertips, somehow one of the young clients has goggled his eyes still at me, observing me carefully with raised eyebrows as I stayed paralised after the happened, asking me:

-Are you okay, Miss? - He asked concerned.

-I think so!- I answered quickly, scarcely being able to breath normally for this moment, gasping painfully.

-Are you okay, Jude?- My boss questioned me by wrapping one of his hands around my shoulder, giving at me a worried look into my eyes, smiling to me.

-Yes, I am!- I somewhat justified myself, failing to hide the torture that I experienced just a moments ago. 

-You don't seem to be, Miss! You deserve some rest. Do you want a glass of water?- He took me in his office like I am a wounded wild animal, reassuring me, taking a seat onto the chair that I sat for his interview.

I nodded silently, gazing at the floor, taking a deep breath as much as my ability allows, unluckily. My both hands were upon my knees like an abruptly panicked girl who had been lost in the woods for hours even days. I didn't anticipated Mr.Smith to intervene by aiding me to stay away from this sick toy boy.

30 seconds later, my boss arrived, holding a glass of fresh water, giving it to me by thanking him in return, ultimately sitting on his spinning chair against me, spotting my already pale and flushed face due to uneasiness. I sipped my cool water a little before to break the silence, feeling much better after the happened.

-Feeling better?- He questioned in caring way.

-Yeah!- I replied briefly, therefore drinking in a handful sips the entire water like I haven't drank water for a straight week or perhaps more, wearing an innocent smile.

-Glad to hear that! You should relax, Miss Jude!

I nodded my head humbly, leaving the empty glass onto his desk, exhaling and inhaling in the same time.

-Pardon for the question but who was this unknown man?

-He? That was my former fiancé...*stammering, endeavoring to keep on with my speech* Casey! The last time when I have seen and encountered him was around 2-3 decades ago. I cannot say accurately in numbers when was our last encounter. 

-I see. *sipping from his hot afternoon Brazilian coffee* Why he is so aggressive? 

-It's a long story, Mister Smith! *exhaling, managing to form an eye contact* He is like that for a long time. Even when dumped me and a little before that, calling me bad names cluelessly due to my former career as a jazz band vocalist in the night clubs. I have never cheated on him and I swear to God, I was tremendously loyal to him, without lying to him a single time. - I spilled the stone directly.

-I understand! For example, how he had hurted you except calling you with uncensored labelled names and being truculent?

-Well, he was cheating on me more than 10 times, sleeping with plenty of more attractive and popular gals, infecting me with a syphilis, incapable to have my own precious, beautiful and serene children. Once I told him that I had a syphilis as a young woman yet, he couldn't believe me, thus being appalled. - I stated everything on more abysmal level, recognizing sympathy from my boss's side which was quite soothing.

-Understood! He doesn't have the right to abuse you, besides to call you bad names without having any proof of violating the relationship's vows. Why don't you report him to the office right away?- Mister Smith inquired wisely.

-I don't...know! If he carries on with the terrorism over me, I will actually report him at last! I won't leave the things like that. 

-Excellent! I hope he goes in jail as soon as possible.

-I hope either too! *standing off the chair, approaching me by patting my right shoulder friendly by chuckling along* Don't worry, Jude! Take a break for 5-10 minutes, at least. Then you can return back to work.

-Thank you, sir! - I exclaimed graciously, sitting on the same chair again, taking a break from the pressure.

-No need to thank me, Jude! *leaving a gap before to close fully the door* Whenever you need in endangered case, look for me around the facility.

-Alright!- I said by smiling to myself, pierced my eyes vainly into the blurry freezed window glass from a far distance.

In the next 10 minutes after I took a comforting break, I returned back to work, serving food and drinks to the clients, accepting upcoming orders from them. Since I was being hired as a waitress in this restaurant, my life has drastically changed. Not only my boss was treating me as an equal, furthermore the cliens liked me, smiling to me and vice versa. In fact, the atmosphere was quite fascinating and effulgenting, bringing me a smile from the bottom of my heart and natural happiness that lasted until the end of the day, reborning back at home with positive energy, doing interesting and enjoyable things together. 

Nevertheless, this time the things were absolutely different. Today could be described as one of my worst ones especially on work. Because of Casey who ruined it in the least predictable moment! I haven't expected this imbecile to surprise me in such vicious way by knowing where I am working, where I am living and more personal data about me.

To be continued...

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