Winter Picnic in the Lovely Night

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A several hours later...

Jude's POV

As I was wearing my casual clothes for home such as white sweater, followed by black pantyhose with black skirt over the pantyhose itself, reading a non fictional book in the living room, sitting on the goth sofa, sipping my cold water. Whilst Timothy was preparing some food and drinks for the winter picnic in the nearest forest, putting them in wooden picnic basket. It was the early evening, already dark outside, filling the ambience with spookiness but mysticism and unconditional beauty. It was hardly snowing today. According to the weather forecast, the snow is going to reborn in the next 2-3 days, almost a week before Christmas. Actually it shall be a marvel if it snows right on Christmas in midnight. 

Oh! When I was talking about the marvel to snow right in midnight on the Christmas day, I put afield the non-fictional book on the coffee table, dividing a several centimetres distance with the glass of water, recalling myself once time when I have just lost my mother, remaining a hopeless orphan at age 18, with the only thing that remained as a ruin and memory from my lovely mother- the ruby sapphire bracelet. Onto my wrist, wearing a red sweater; a several months before to graduate from high school...I was living in the modest house which was desolated like it was dominating darkness, loneliness and void...a home where I used to share a roof with my mother mostly...It was possibly one of the most secluded Christmas that I have ever had in my entire life...without my family, being only child...have prepared by myself some Christmas meals with many efforts, surviving by working as a singer in a jazz group since they found out that I am actually quite talented in the singing. There were a handful minutes until midnight, watching the snowless landscape outside with the freezing wind how blasts every fragile object. I was rather enthusiastic if it is going to snow right in midnight on Christmas. I hoped for it! Howsoever, the phenomenon happened actually. As the antique clock hit 12AM, all what I could see through the bedroom dirty window's fuzzy glass was snow, gradually falling. Suddenly I could sense a couple of tears flowing through my soft and pale face. It wasn't due to the loneliness that I have convened with it since my childhood. The real motive why I was crying is actually of exuberance. It is the second midnight on Christmas when it has ever snowed for 18 years. My frown drastically changed, stretching its lips, smiling broad, touching with my flimsy, thin and mellow fingers the window's glass like a curious and satisfied child, bringing back childhood memories. My grimaced faced faded away as the plague hasn't got any dominant effect upon the survivors anymore, lost its strength to doom everything that layers the endangered and assumably endangered area.

I am never going to forget this memory of mine which is going to last inside my lurking and unwarranted soul after my death, somehow emollienting it as I relaxed on the couch, my both hands extended, abiding, crossing my left leg with closed eyes once I thought of this memory. 

-Jude?!- I heard Tim's yelling name from the kitchen, opening my eyes fully, my heart's beats were rapid. His scream sounded like there's currently something urgent.

-Yes, Tim? - I shouted as soon as I got out of the couch, heading to the kitchen as quickly as I could.

Once I arrived in the kitchen, all I could see is a prepared picinic basket with food and drinks including a retro silk blanket with white dots. Tim welcomed me with a broad and serene smile, goggled at me especially into my eyes. He posed the question if I am ready though I replied with simply "Not yet!", asking him if he is either ready. Then he answered me with brief "Almost!" which forced me to go upstairs, preparing myself by taking off my skirt, changing it into warmer trousers, leather mid-calf boots, black coat, my gloves, hat and a fashionable scarf, coddling my bare neck that is endangered to catch a cold. 

A few minutes later, I returned back downstairs, noticing that Tim was already prepared with the stuff that we should carry with ourselves during the winter picnic time in the woods. I felt a bit awkward for rendering him to wait for me, excusing myself:

-I am so sorry for constraining you to wait for me, Tim! - I justified myself by having the wish to grip the picnic basket. Instead of misunderstanding, I received forgiveness and a kiss on the forehead by weakly hoisting the warm and cozy hat.

-No problem, Jude! Everything is fine! *taking me into his arms for a while by not realising what am I holding in the another hand until the hug descended as a process* I should be sorry for rushing up a bit due to my manners, you know! Pardon me! - Tim excused himself either too, although I do forgive him. I am always going to forgive him even for the pettiest things which aren't such a big deal. 

-Do you mind if I hold the picnic basket instead of you? - I asked by taking a quick look at everything else around us in the house once again in case if we have forgotten something. 

-No, of course, I don't mind, Jude! You are so gracious.

-Aww!*blushing as we have turned off every light in the room, arriving outside as we were already prepared to go in the nearest forest, walking normally* Thank you! You are either too. 

-You are welcome! *cackling* Not as much as you! Aww, every time whenever you blush or being embarrassed, you are cute! - He kept on by complimenting me for being every time when my face is reddened. He is really relishing to compliment me and reassure me. 

-You are rather cuter when you are caring and being concerned about me!- I spoke my mind clearly as we locked the house's door, walking together to the forest in the eternal but earthy and flawless winter night. 

The temperatures were around minus 3 or probably lower. It was gelidly cold, barely snowing. Moreover, our boots stamping onto the snow blanket, leaving a trace per a footstep. It took us around a couple of minutes until we establish on the right place in the gloomy snowy forest. Luckily, there wasn't a powerful glacial wind that could redden our face with its strength. 

Once we occupied our area, setting the blanket onto the snow, thereafter sitting on it, we began to take out of the basket some food and drinks such as a wine bottle with 2 wine glasses, vegeterian sandwiches and Boston salad in a bowl, followed by eating tools with napkins and some other remarkable items. It was such an amazing and impossible for describing moment! To spend it with someone for whom you have mighty, besides expressed in another way feelings. 

We sipped in our wine glasses some British wine, toasting for it by shrieking "Cheers!", sipping a handful of sips from the tasty wine, therefore eating a several bites of our sandwiches while exchanging commentary, developing a topic for discussion with the passing time. There were plenty and diversity of little, howsoever, visible with a naked eye, blinking stars in the nocturnal sky, followed by a full moon.

-Jude, when you were a child or a teenager, what you wished to work as an adult?- Timothy posed the question with curiosity, glancing at me whilst he took one of my hands into his warm and strong one, observing wondered the nightly sky's scenery including the nearby naked trees, covered with snow from the naked crowns to their branches.

-Well...*gulping* One of my dreams which I wanted to come true to work as something in the future was...a singer or something with which I may bring happiness to the others, bringing them smiles from the bottom of their hearts, either if they are harmed or immaculated. It is either something to do with the religion or something where you do crave for fame, money, popularity and kind of respect. - I responded to the question honestly, naturally coming out of my heart as I rested my head onto his left shoulder, feeling much safer with Tim rather than being completely isolated, despite I am a warrior who can survive the loneliness and pass every obstacle no matter if it is difficult or simple.

-That is wonderful! One of your dreams had been fulfilled or it's, at least! You became a singer not only because of your wish and hardwork, besides it depended of your natural talent that was exhibited back in your high school years. I presuppose that you had rendered a lot of people to be happy. With your talent, your kind heart, your charisma and your intelligence!

-*chuckling quietly* It depends! Some people were gleeful whilst another people weren't that at all. It's so controversial, Tim! Personally, I don't care if the others are happy than your and mine happiness which matters  unreservedly more.- I stated in intelligent way with a broad smile, stretching my lips.

-Aww, how precisely said, Jude! I am quite astonished by your intelligence. I am wondering how did you success, although the dark past including your lack of spare time.

-*exhaling abruptly* Thank you for your kind and sweet words, Tim! You are such a lovely gentleman! Anyway it wasn't easy for me to success, gain a lot of knowledge and experience as you know as well. When I was a nun and before my nun years, somehow I seperated a few hours daily to read a decent book which conquers my heart mostly, being obsessed with until I finish it. Especially when I am available. 

-Oh wow! That is marvelous to hear it! I do enjoy and love to read books whenever my opportunities are possible due to my hectic life as a former priest. 

-By the way, let's return back to the previous question! 

-As a little boy, since I had grown up in a religious family especially parents who had devoted their life to the church, God and religion, I got addicted to the religion amidst them, regardless how irreligious people there were who were perceiving the religion for a harm or corruption. 

-I comprehend! *suddenly turning our faces, facing each other, our eyes meeting, forming an intense eye contact that didn't last for a handful seconds, it lasted longer than the expected with intensity* Everyone has the right to express their opinion on every topic including religion even if it is a negative one. I think it is better to not pay attention to those opinions who aren't sharing the same opinion as yours. Just whatever! - I felt one of his arms, rubbing gently with his thumb my upper back, massaging on circles. I advanced firmly my position with tranquil, nonetheless smooth voice, barely opening my eyes.

-I know but you know how much the religion means a lot to me including God to me!*sighing resiliently* But not as much as you, Jude! 

After hearing what he has just said in this moment, I remained speechless, without peeling a single word for straight 30 seconds, just blankly watching the sky with a pure angelic smile, stretching lips. I felt my heart melting per a second after hearing those touching and priceless words! I cannot believe how religion and God could mean a lot to Timothy, however, I mean much more to him rather than those both strengths which shined in our lives, leading us to another path. Consequently, soft but melodic lips with little scruffy beard tickling my smooth like a baby cheek, kissing my forehead preciously like a baby, My left hand was wrapped around his left arm, holding tightly, feeling protected and safe in the same time. 

To be continued... 

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