Rescue in The Jungle

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(Y/n) POV

I have been called up from the reserves for my annual training review and for new assignments. I passed the written review with flying colors but for the physical training, the higher ups are doing something a bit different. Today I am on a plane flying over a river in South America.

*satellite phone ringing*

I look at the caller number, flip the satellite reciever and answer.

(Y/n): Sergeant (L/n)!

Morshower: Sergeant. General Morshower, I will be overseeing your training mission.

(Y/n): What exactly is my mission, Sir!

Morshower: We recieved a distress call from the Brazilian Government. One of their doctors, Dr. Ramos, went into the jungle to deliver life saving medicine to remote villages deep in the Brazilian Rainforest. Your mission is to find that doctor, call in a rescue copter, and deliver the medicine yourself. You will have no ground support, so you won't have backup once you leave the plane.

(Y/n): Radio silence. Got it.

Morshower: We've pinged the village and where the doctor's last known location onto your GPS. When your mission is complete, call for extraction location. Questions?

(Y/n): No questions, Sir!

Morshower: Good luck, Sergeant. Over and out. *hangs up*

I put the phone in my backpack after turning it off to conserve battery life, I then pack my GPS, water canteen, survival knife, a machete, rappelling rope, and a slingshot. I had to leave my Creature Power Suit with the Wild Kratts so I didn't risk it, or the Power Discs, falling into the wrong hands.

Pilot: We only have one shot at this, otherwise I have to return to base for fuel!

(Y/n): Understood!

I put the bacpack on, and wrap the rope across my shoulder, I open the door and wait until the plane flies close to the river's surface, I then take one last deep breath and fall out of the plane and land in the water. I quickly make my way back to the surface and see the plane leave the area before making my way to the shore. I check my GPS and see two locations pinging on the screen, the further one is most likely the village and from the doctor's last known, she's probably about 15 miles North.

(Y/n): *checks surroundings* Good grief.

I looked at the riverbank and immediately had a decision to make, either use my machete and bushwack though the jungle undergrowth, which means it'll keep me on track with the doctor's heading, but be sweaty and exhausting work, I also risk running into jaguars or snakes. Or I can ford a river, which will be faster but I then run the risk of encountering Anacondas or Caimans. Since I have no backup, or tools to use against anaconda's and caiman, I decide to use my machete to bushwhack through the undergrowth of the jungle.

(Y/n): *deep breath* The thing about the jungle is that everything is tightly packed together, so it makes travelling across the ground difficult. And because everything is so dense, most animals have to be small because there's so much competition for food.

An hour later and I am back on dry land and moving through the undergrowth.

*monkey call*

(Y/n): *looks up* Ah. Spider monkey's, one of the largest monkeys in South America. *recognition* Oh. Hey Grabsy. Still hanging in there?

Hairdo, the baby spider monkey, looks at me with a curious look and tilts his head. The other spider monkeys decide to move on as I continue to cut through the jungle undergrowth.

(Y/n): One creature I do need to watch out for while I'm here is jaguar. But it'll be tough, because even people who have lived in the rainforest all their lives have never seen one, and when they do show themsleves, it's usually the last thing they ever see.

I continue through the undergrowth, I then look around alert, as I hear some howler monkeys, I tehn spot some odd color on the green palette.

(Y/n): *approaches* Okay, this is a good sign. It's a recently abandoned campsite.

I feel a abandoned purple and red blanket sitting on the ground and pick it up.

(Y/n): This is mega-recent, otherwise this blanket would be soaking wet. And this left over campfire... *feels wood* is still warm.

I then see a coffee press that has been broken, which tells me that this camp has been ransacked, but by what?

(Y/n): Hear that? That's howler monkeys. Most likely it was the monkeys that ransacked this camp.

Great signs so far, but the doctors last communication came from ten miles North, except that was 24 hours ago, so she could be anywhere by now.

(Y/n): Okay, new decision. Climb one of these trees. Get aview out over the top of the jungle, maybe shout as well. Or, *hears howler monkey call* hear those howlers? A lot of monkey sound is usually an indication that something has disturbed them.

The fact that I can hear distant monkeys is possibky a sign that she's in their direction. I decide to follow the sounds of monkeys because where you often find monkeys going crazy, you find disturbance and people. So now I just wait until I hear those monkeys again and then head towards them.


(Y/n): There we go. Howler monkey calls can be heard from three miles away but judging how loud these ones are, they must be close by.

On the move again, I head deeper into the jungle. Sure enough, 15 minutes later I notice movement on the ground and move closer until I peer around a bush and see a young howler monkey sitting near a backpack.

(Y/n): That's almost certainly gonna be the doctors bag.

What I need to do now is scare that monkey away from the bag, but because I don't have my Creature Power Suit, I can't just go charging in. So, I grab my slingshot out of my backpack and shoot a fallen nut near the monkey and it races back up the nearest tree. I run up to the backpack and start rummaging through it.

(Y/n): Let's see what you're carrying.... Alright, just lots of medical supplies. Definitely a doctor's pack, so I'll this with me.

I zip up the bag and tuck it under mine and keep heading in the same direction, that doctor must be close by. I also decide to start shouting for her as I continue through the jungle.

(Y/n): *calls out* Doctor. Hello.

I keep trekking for another quarter of a mile until I find the ruins of an old military bunker that has been reclaimed by the jungle.

(Y/n): Hello.

Dr. Ramos: Who's there?

(Y/n): Sergeant (Y/n) (L/n), I'me here to help. Are you Dr. Ramos?

Dr. Ramos: Yes.

I approach the doctor and see that she isn't injured but she's very dehydrated.

(Y/n): *hands over water bottle* Here. Drink this.

Dr. Ramos: Thank you. *drinks from bottle*

The doctor then tries to get up, but I stop her.

(Y/n): Hey, hey. What are you doing?

Dr. Ramos: *spanish* I need to get this medicine to the village.

(Y/n): Don't worry about that. I'll take it to the village.

I pull out my satellite phone and step outside the bunker before calling.

Morshower: Hello?

(Y/n): General. Sergeant (L/n), I have found the doctor but she needs immediate medical evac now.

Morshower: I'll scramble a helo and send it to a beach 1 click west of your current position. Can you make it there?

(Y/n): Yes sir.

Morshower: Excellent. The helo should be there by the time you arrive. Over and out.

I turn the phone back off and turn back to the doctor, she's looming a bit better than when I found her but she's still unable to walk on her own.

(Y/n): *gets idea* Okay, Doc, we're bugging out of here.

I grab the doctor's gear then pick her up bridal style and walk the 1000 meters to the extraction point. I get there and a helicopter is indeed waiting for us. I get the doctor onto the helo, take the medicine and attach it to my backpack before setting off. I watch the helo take off and I check my GPS again for the location of the Embarra village, which is 27 miles west.

(Y/n): Alright, let's go.

I learned from the doctor that the easiest way to reach the village is by using what's a called a cold chain route, mainly used by doctors like Ramos to deliver medicine to the villages in the jungles across Central and South America. I bushwhack for half an hour through the dense forest undergrowth, until I come across a ravine with a rope stretching across it.

(Y/n): Okay, obviously, this rope is part of that cold chain route.

I can see there's a wooden trolley, this is something that people would use to load it up and then use it, well, like a trolley. The only problem is, this whole thing is incerdibly overgrown and could be unstable.

(Y/n): Let's just try to pull this trolley back to me.

I pull on the trolley rope and start trying to pull it back, but almost immediately the rope holding the trolley to the main line snaps and the trolley falls into the deep gorge.

(Y/n): Well, that sucks. Guess it's better to find out now rather than when I'm already in it. *leans on main rope* This looks pretty strong though, I could either commando crawl across this rope, or use the one I have and just rappel down into the gorge.

There is severe risk with either choice, but if I make it across the cold chain rope, I'll still be able to stay on course and on my way to the village faster. So that's what I go with. I lay myself on top of the rope with my right foor hooked ove the rope and my left leg hanging off to keep me balanced as I crawl. Thing about commando crawl is all about balance, and not looking down.

(Y/n): *groans and grunts as he crawls on line*

About halfway across, I end up looking down and seeing just how steep this gorge is. Suddenly, I lose my balance and fall off the top of the rope, and now I am hanging off like a monkey would a branch. I end up upside down while trying to get back on top of the rope. When I do, I notice something.

(Y/n): Ah, damn. There goes my machete. Let's just get across.

I commando crawl the rest of the way without much incident, other than a bird flying out in front of me, but I land on the other side of the gorge and look down at my machete.

(Y/n): Well, let's not waste anymore time. Without my machete, trekking through the jungle is going to be much harder. Let's go.

I continue through the jungle and indeed the progress is a bit slower without my machete or Creature Power Suit. Soon though I did find a creature to help break the menotony of the endless jungle.

(Y/n): Oh. Poison dart frog. I can't tell what kind, there's a lot of different kinds. You want to be careful of these. Poison dart frogs have enough venom to kill an elephant. I've learned in the jungle that it's the little things that can kill you the quickest. So, dangerous to touch but beautiful to look at. That bright coloring is a warning to anything wanting to eat it, saying "Stay away. I'm dangerous." Which is what I'm going to do.

I move around the frog and keep moving through the jungle, the village is still ten miles away, so, I've got some time to make up. But eventually, I came to an even more challenging terrain.

(Y/n): *groans* Mangrove swamps. These are great survivors in the tidal regions of the world. It's a route but it's slow, which is a problem for the medicine in the heat. Let's see if there any other ways through.

I step back and look around and sure enough there is another path but it's another challenging one.

(Y/n): This is just a wall of sawgrass taller than me.

Sawgrass can be found throughout Central and tropical South America, and even into the swamps of the lower United States. Their razor sharp serrated edges will cut me like a saw. Despite the danger, I choose the brave the sawgrass. I grab my gloves out my pack and use my knife to cut a large branch for me. What I'm going to do, is hold the branch out in front of me horizontally and use it as a shield, as I move forward, the stick is pushing down the sawgrass so I don't get cut. Eventually though, I do make it to the end but run into a new problem.

(Y/n): *notices something on a log* What's that?

I walk up to the log then kneel down and pull off what looks like-

(Y/n): Animal hair. *sniffs* It has no smell to it, which probably means this is cat fur. If this were a deer or tapir, this would have a strng musky smell to it, but cats have hardly any scent at all to help sneak up on their prey. If this is feline fur, that probably means a Jaguar is nearby.

I take an immediate quick look around to see if I can see the jaguar, but if I do come across one, I need a way to be able to sneak past them. I decide to cover myself with mud, to help conceal my scent. Chances are, the jaguar would smell me before he sees me. I rub the mud over my face, hands, armpits, groin and rear to help hide any sort of scent of my body and start slowly crawling across the forest floor. After 5 minutes, I hear some faint growling and rustling and see what I feared.

(Y/n): *thoughts* The mighty jaguar. 300 pounds of almost pure killing machine. These guys are often mistaken for leopards in Asia and Africa, but these guys are stockier and more muscular. This is the top of the Central and South American wildlife food chain, but he hasn't spotted me, heh. No pun intended.

I wait for a couple of tense moments until the jaguar gets up and moves off into the jungle, I then get up and rejoin along the cold chain route, but that detour cost me valuable time.

(Y/n): *looks up at sky* It's gonna get dark soon. Sunset in the jungle lasts as long as a bug in a bug light.

I have to find shelter for the night and find a way to keep the medicine cool through the night. Just a little further on, I find a cave.

(Y/n): *thoughts* Now this would be an ideal place to camp for the night. It's cooler for the medicine... *looks around inside* but there's a fresh cow femur with flies still on it. Which means that this might be a jaguars cave and he could come back.

I walk back outside to see any other options and spot a large tree.

(Y/n): *thoughts* That tree is a lot safer, if I do like the orangutans do and build a nest up in the branches, it takes me off the ground where there are snake, mosquitos, ants. But it's almost 20 degrees hotter out here, so not good for the medicine.

I decide to take refuge in the cave despite the obvious danger signs, but I figure if I build a fire, it should keep any jaguars away. Also, I can keep the medicine close, because the jungle comes even more alive at night and I don't want any animals to mess with the medicine and risk destroying the medicine. I get a big fire going and eat one of my rations I packed earlier before settling into sleep for the night.

Timeskip Next Morning

I have taken shifts to get some sleep throughout the night and keep the fire going, but on the plus side, the medicine is safe and cool, and the village is only a few miles away.

(Y/n): *readies pack* Alright, let's finish this.

For the next couple of hours, the cold chain route leads me to a jungle river, so I continue to follow it until I come across a unique rock formation carved out centuries ago by this river and in it is another cave but this one has a sky light and rope hanging in the middle of it.

(Y/n): *thoughts* This must be how doctors got to the village on the plateau just through this cave system. Only trouble is, I'm not one hundred percent certain on the rope's age or strength.... I could also go back outside and try to rock climb up the face, that way I'm not relying on an old rope, but the jungle moisture makes the rocks dangerously slippery.

I decide to take my chances with the rope. I pull on it a little before fully committing to the climb and use my legs for balance and thrust upwards. But finally after several minutes, I am finally at the top of the rope and on top of the plateau.

(Y/n): Whew. Survival is full of chances and risks, just have to be cautious in you chance taking.

Finally, I make it to the edge of the village, where an eldar meets me and I hand off the medicines to him to distribute to the village kids. After getting some food, I reactivate my sattelite phone and call General Morshower.

Morshower: Morshower.

(Y/n): General. Sergeant (L/n). Mission accomplished, Sir.

Morshower: Outstanding, soldier. Relaying extraction coordinates and sending up a plane for pickup.

(Y/n): *looks at phone face* Coordinates recieved. Meet you back at the ranch, Sir.

Morshower: Over and out. *hangs up*

The villagers allow me to borrow a canoe with a guide to take me downriver towards the extraction point. I do need to wait when I get there for the sea plane to arrive, but it does and I swim out to it and the pilot flies us back home.

(A/N): Whew, that could've ended badly. Truth is, jungle survival is hard, one wrong move could spell disaster for your survival but using your brain helped us get to where we are now, don't waste it.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, if you didn't.... who cares? Have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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