The Food Chain Game

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(Y/n) POV

The brother's and I are hang gliding over the African savannah once again, and even though I'm merely using this to take my mind off certain things, I am actually having fun with the brothers.

Chris: Yeah! These Falcon Flyers are great for spotting animals on the African savannah!

Martin: They give us the ultimate bird's eye view!

(Y/n): Speaking of, bat eared fox, 12 o'clock!

We manage to land a ways away from one of the coolest foxes ever, in my opinion.

Martin: Whoa, check out those ears. No wonder they're called bat eared foxes. Each one is as big as his face, just like a bat.

(Y/n): Yeah, those ears are like satellite dishes.

Martin: Hmm, what's he listening for?

*beep* *beep*

Suddenly, my Creature Pod sounds, indicating I got a message, this also got the fox's attention momentarily.

(Y/n): Oops.

Martin: *chuckles* Doubt it's that.

(Y/n): It's a message, from Aviva. "Guys, come back to the Tortuga HQ. Quick it's urgent!"

Martin: Yeah, yeah, sounds good, right after we see what this bat eared fox is up to.

Chris: Martin, Aviva said it's urgent. Could be an animal in danger, or the crew may have miniaturized themselves again.

(Y/n): We've gotta get back there, fast. Let's go.

We take off and fly back to the Tortuga, we land outside and rush into the main room.

Martin/Chris: What's going on?

(Y/n): Is there a creature to save?

Chris: A mystery to solve?

Martin: Bring it on.

I then look and see Aviva stop a stopwatch and tell Koki.

Aviva: See? I told you I could get them back here in less than two minutes.

Koki: Impressive.

(Y/n): Well, what's the emergency?

Aviva: The emergency is that you're late for the start of my game.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): Game?

Aviva pulls us back outside as she says.

Aviva: Or you could call it a challenge. See, I'm building a food web to see how energy moves through the African ecosystem, and I knew you guys could help me with it. So, I made a game out of it.

Martin: Great, we love games.

Chris: And challenges.

(Y/n): So, how do we play?

Aviva: Okay, it's called Food Web Fury.

Chris: *confused* It's an empty board, Aviva.

Aviva: Not for long. I'll build it here, while you guys discover it out there.

Martin: Food webs, cool!

(Y/n): Right? The who eats who of an ecosystem. One creature eats something.

Chris: Who's eaten by a creature.

Martin: Who's eaten by another creature.

(Y/n): And all the way up to the creatures that aren't really food for anyone.

Aviva: Exactly! So, this is how the game works. You'll need your creature power suits for this and all the discs for African animals. You start at the bottom of the food web and you have to get to the top as fast as you can.

Martin/Chris: Cool!

(Y/n): Easy peasy.

Aviva: So all of you will start as....

We all grow excited expressions until she says.

Aviva: A blade of grass.

Martin/Chris: Oh.

Aviva: So first you'll have to find a creature that eats a blade of grass. When you do, you can move up the food chain. Use your Creature Power suit to become the animal you found.

(Y/n): Okay. Who'll I be first?

Martin: *already in the air* Oh, I'm on my way to the top, guys!

Aviva: One more thing, you can only turn into animals I have Creature Power discs for.

(Y/n): Copy that.

I hop into the air on my Falcon Flyer before Aviva has a chance to finish what she was saying, and fly to a spot of grass near a water hole. I slip in my grass power suit and activate, then I hear Aviva over my comm link and spot her on her hover bike.

Aviva: Ready Chris?

Chris: I was born ready.

Aviva: Ready, Martin?

Martin: Oh, yeah! Set me loose!

Aviva: Ready, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Locked and loaded.

Aviva: On your marks, get set, go!

I try to run but find I can't move anywhere.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, grass doesn't move.

Chris: We're rooted to the ground.

Martin: A grass race, don't blink or you'll miss it.

Aviva: Have fun guys! Gotta get back to my food web.

3rd Person POV

Back at the Tortuga, Jimmy is seen hammering the grass picture to the bottom of the empty board.

Jimmy: Poor grass, at the bottom of the food chain.

Koki: Poor grass?

Jimmy accidently hit his finger with the hammer.

Jimmy: Ow!

Koki: Ouch, sorry, JZ. But you shouldn't feel sorry for grass. The bottom of the food chain is the most important place of all. That's where the producers go.

Jimmy: I thought all plants go there. *sucks thumb*

Koki: They do. Plants are producers. That means they make their own food, from energy from the sun. Kind of like my solar panels collect energy from the sun to power the Tortuga HQ. Animals can't do that, only plants.

Aviva: *arrives* Okay, first level of the food web: plants.

Jimmy: Fire them up here, guys!

The girls proceed to grab different African plants and toss them to Jinmy to put on the food web board.

Aviva: Lychee fruit!

Koki: Wild potato!

Aviva: Rhodes grass!

Koki: Sedge!

Aviva: Okra flower! Acacia tree!

The Acacia tree thumbnail hits Jimmy on the head and he falls to the ground then groans as he rubs his head and says.

Jimmy: Well, we know one thing. There are lots of producers.

(Y/n) POV

Back out on the savannah, I am trying to make myself less obvious, because lets face it, no animal would want to eat a (F/C) colored blade of grass.

(Y/n): This place is great to be a blade of grass. Lot's of animals eat grass on the African savannah. Only problem is, I have to wait for them to come to me.

Good thing I parked myself near a water hole, because all animals need to refill on water every so often, so a grass eater should come along and-

(Y/n): WHOA!

I am suddenly uprooted by-

(Y/n): Rhino! Awesome, I'll take it!

I slip the rhino power disc into my suit and-

(Y/n): Activate rhino power!

I manage to hop out of Nubs' mother's mouth as the rhino power suit forms around me.

(Y/n): Yeah! Alright! I have rhino power! *calls over comms*

Aviva POV

(Y/n): *over comms* Yeah! I'm at the next level of the food web! Whoo hoo!

I happily take a look through my binoculars and see (Y/n) in his new suit.

Aviva: Black rhino power! Awesome!

Koki: Wait, I thought black rhino only ate trees and bushes.

(Y/n): They do, but you have to take what you can get out here in this tough and arduous landscape.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): Hmm, what's next? Not a lot of animals eat adult rhinos. Even a pride of lions will flee from a grumpy rhino....

I then look at Nubs as he and his mother walk away.

(Y/n): But, a baby rhino is a different story. Lions, hyenas, crocodiles, wild dogs and even leopards will try to take a rhino calf, if they can get past mom. Alright, I'm following you guys.

I decide to stick with the rhinos and see where they go through the day and maybe move up a level.

3rd Person POV

Chris: Awesome, (Y/n) is at the next level! Oh, I've gotta catch up.

Martin: That (Y/n), always one-upping us.

Back at the Tortuga, Jimmy climbs a ladder to ready the next stage of the food web.

Jimmy: All set.

Aviva: Okay, so the herbivores are the plant eaters.

Koki: *eats a lychee fruit* Things like rhino, zebra, elephant, guinea fowl, giraffes. Even bees who eat nectar from plants. They're all herbivores.

Jimmy: Wow, plants are amazing. They just keep on giving.

Aviva: Yeah, so many animals eat plants, and we need to get some of them up on our food web. *tosses thumbnails* Jimmy?

Jimmy: *catches thumbnails* I'm on it.

Jimmy then once again hits his thumb with the hammer.

Jimmy: Ow! But this hammer keeps attacking me! Whoa! *jimmy falls off ladder*

Aviva: Keep fighting the good fight, Jimmy, because now we get to connect them.

Aviva pulls out a marker and starts connecting plant eaters to the plants they eat.

Aviva: So, black rhinos eat acacia trees and bushes. While elephants will eat just about anything, grass, acacia trees, even roots.

Koki: Elephants and rhinos also eat these wild lychee fruits.

Jimmy: Koki, what are you doing?

Jimmy walks over and sees Koki has put a little post-it stamp with a drawing of her face on it and a marker connecting her to the lychee fruit thimbnail.

Koki: What? I like these lychee fruits. It's not just animals that like fruits and veggies. We eat them too.

Aviva and Jimmy chuckle, until all three of them hear some grunts and they look to see a warthog eating Koki's supply of lychee fruit.

Koki: *annoyed* Hey! You lychee thief! *as warthog runs away* Come back here! Oh well, *turns to board* I guess that's another animal that likes them.

Back with Martin, he sees a bunch of grass eating animals but they are too far away and not getting any closer.

Martin: Oh man, why are all the herbivores on that side of the savannah today? Oh, I'm never gonna reach the herbivore level with no herbivores within reach. *gets bit* OW! Something bit me!

Martin looks down and gasps as a termite tries to chew on him.

Martin: Those jaws are powerful. But hey, I'm really happy to see ya! *grabs termite disc* Because you're one of the most incredible grass-eaters around. *termite bites again* Ow! Ow! Activate termite powers!

The suit forms around tiny Martin.

Martin: Alright! I'm at the next level! I'm a herbivore, with some serious jaws! Watch out, (Y/n), I'm catching up.

Martin proceeds to chop off a blade of grass and follow the termite across the savannah. Meanwhile, Chris saw what happened.

Chris: Alright! Martin made it to the herbivore level. Aw, and I still stuck as a--whoa!

Chris is suddenly plucked from the ground and finds himself-

Chris: Between the lips of a Thomson's gazelle! *grabs power disc* Oh, still in the game.

Chris activates his gazelle power suit and the suit forms around him.

Chris: Whoo hoo! I can move! I can run! Thanks to you gazelle, I'm heading up the food web. *as he runs* This is great! Gazelles are one of the swiftest herbivores on the savannah. We can keep a top speed of 50 miles per hour for long stretches at a time. It's a good thing gazelles get most of the moisture they need from the plants they eat.

(Y/n) too saw his competitors move up in level.

(Y/n): Heheh, this is turning into a really good game now. Rhinos might not be the fastest but they don't need to be when they weigh a maximum of 2 1/2 tons and stand almost 6 feet tall, but they can still charge at a top speed of 35 mile per hour.

(Y/n) continues watching Nubs and his mother eating yet another acacia bush.

(Y/n): Wow! Rhinos can eat 120 lbs of food every single day! But when you look at this animal, it's a little difficult to tell where it sits in the family tree of evolution. At first, you might think maybe a cow, or a goat, but in fact rhinos are more closely related to a horse. In fact they belong to that same group, the odd-toed ungulates, or Perissodactyla, which they also share with tapirs.

(Y/n) then watches as the mother rhino's ears swivel around.

(Y/n): Rhino's senses of hearing and smell are their strongest senses, and like the bat-eared fox, those ears are like satellite dishes and can pick up almost 360° of sound. But I still need to find some animal that eats rhino calves, this might be harder than I thought.

Back at the Tortuga, Aviva has eyes on all three contestants.

Aviva: Fantasico! Each one is on a different path through the food web. A path through the food web is called a food chain. So Chris went from grass to gazelle, Martin went from grass to termite, and (Y/n) went from grass to rhino.

Koki: Now what's gonna happen? We have a tiny herbivore, a medium one and a giant one out there. Who eats them?

Aviva: We'll see. Koki keep an eye on the little Ter-Mart.

Koki: You mean termite?

Aviva: No, Ter-Mart. *laughs* Jimmy keep and eye on Chris. I'll watch (Y/n) and report what we see.

Jimmy: Good enough for me.

Koki: There he is.

Martin POV

I have been following my termite friend for a while and I believe we've come to it's underground burrow colony.

Martin: Going down!

When we enter I can somehow see the entire nest system.

Martin: So you guys are a different kind of termite than the ones that make those mounds. You guys just build tunnel nests underground.

I see the termite I've been following into a cavern where some other termites are there eating some of the grass that have been stored here.

Martin: Oh, okay, so this is where you keep you food, stuffed in these termite food cabinets. Nice! Enjoy. *drop my grass*

I then turn around and see some more termites walking down anither tunnel with more grass in their mouths.

Martin: Wow, now I know why termites are the biggest little herbivores in Africa. There are so many of you that you actually eat more grass than all the elephants, zebra, wildebeests and every other grass-eater combined!

I then get a connected call from Chris to (Y/n) and I.

Chris: How's it going guys?

Martin: Oh great, Chris. I'm a termite! Harvester of grass, builder of giant nests, power herbivore of the savannah!

(Y/n): Still a rhino, but we're approaching another water hole, maybe I'll spot something there and win this game!

Chris: We're not out of the race yet. I'm a gazelle. And remember our pal Blur who chased me all over the savannah the last time I had gazelle powers?

(Y/n): *laughs* I couldn't stop laughing every time she pounced on you!

Martin: Oh yeah. How could I forget.

Chris: Well, he's about to help me move up the food web. Wish me luck.

Martin/(Y/n): Luck!

The call ends and I start moving back up the tunnel.

Martin: Okay, so now I'm looking for some kind of bug eater. Lot's of animals eat bugs. Let's see, especially aardvarks, warthogs, aardwolf-

I get to the nest opening and see...

Martin: Ah, bat-eared fox.

It looks like this one is listening for something but for what. He starts digging until-

Martin: Aha! That's what he was looking for, termites! Oh, I can't believe it. He can hear termites underground!

The fox hears me and I duck back down into the tunnel and grab my bat eared fox power disc and slip it into my suit. I then feel the fox's tounge lick me and I press the activation button on my suit and pop out of the hole in my new suit.

Martin: Haha! Told ya we'd catch up with you later. I'm a bat-eared fox!

3rd Person POV

Koki: Alright, Martin made it to the second order of consumers. Animals that eat other animals. The predators.

Aviva: Like foxes, wild dogs, cheetahs and lions. Mongooses, even spiders that eat other bugs. Basically, if it eats an animal, it's right up here in the food web.

Koki: This is the sad part of the food web.

Aviva: Look at it this way, Koki. It's how nature works. I mean, if these predators weren't around, in no time, there'd be too many of these herbivores. Soon there'd be now plants left, and no one would survive. Everything's in balance.

Koki: I guess that's why the food web works so well, but it's still sad.

Jimmy hits his thumb with the hammer, again.

Jimmy: Ouch! No! This is sad!

Aviva: Put some ice on it, you'll be okay. I'm gonna check on (Y/n).

(Y/n) POV

The rhinos and I had an uneventful drink at the waterhole, and are now wallowing in mud when my creature pod goes off.

Aviva: Hey (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hey.

Aviva: Where you at?

(Y/n): A mud wallow, I'm still a rhino, but let's face it no predator is gonna entertain the idea of taking on a rhino.

Aviva: Yeah, being big does bring that advantage, the trade-off is that you require more food and water to maintain your size.

(Y/n): And yet, the rhino is still the third heaviest land animal in the world, so they must be doing something right.

Aviva: Well, you better make some progress, Martin is already a bat-eared fox. Good luck. *call ends*

(Y/n): *to myself* Yeah, I'm not finding any of the smaller predators, so I may skip to the very top of the food chain, the lion. *to Nubs* Sorry guys, but I've got lions to find.

I give myself one last covering of mud and then head off into the savannah to find some lions.

Chris POV

Nothing I have tried so far has gotten Blur interested enough to chase me so I can get cheetah powers, but I may have an idea.

Chris: Okay, Blur, check this out. I'm injured. Oh, oh, my leg. I can't run fast anymore! I hope a predator doesn't see me!

And sure enough, Blur starts taking a keen interest.

Chris: *to myself* Yes, my trick is working. Predators usually target injured or weak prey. They're the easiest to catch. *out loud* Oh, I'm so injured. Huh?

Suddenly, an African Rock Python wraps it's coils around me.

Chris: It worked alright. But on a different predator. A python has a hug on me. Pythons are constricting snakes. That means they squeeze their prey until they can't breath anymore.

We eventually collapse to the ground as I talk and the snake squeezes tighter.

Chris: *exerted speech* This wasn't, exactly, the plan, but I'll take it.

I switch out power discs and-

Chris: Activate rock python powers!

The suit changes into a python suit.

Chris: Yes! I'm a python! Wait a minute, no animals eat adult pythons. I'm at the top of the food web! Whoo!

Aviva: Hold it CK. We're checking something.

3rd Person POV

The camera goes back to the Tortuga HQ. Jimmy is putting the rock python on the food web while Aviva and Koki check where it may fit in the food web

Chris: What?

Koki: Yup, it says right here. It almost never happens, but big adult pythons are sometimes caught and eaten by a super-hungry lion or leopard.

The camera breaks back to Chris.

Chris: You mean like that?

The rock python from earlier is then set upon by a lioness, but the python forces it to back off.

Chris: You have to be one hungry predator to tangle with a python. Catching food is dangerous buisness for predators too. Prey defends itself, and getting a meal isn't always easy.

Aviva: So, it's official. It's rare but a lion will hunt a python if it's hungry enough.

Chris: Wow, I'd better slither off and follow that lion.

(Y/n) POV

I've been moving through thorny bushes safely thanks to my thick rhino hide, when I spot Martin and a bat eared fox headed towards me so I think I'll play a prank on him by hiding in the bush.

Martin: Okay, so I know a lion would eat a bat eared fox and you probably have to be on the lookout for spotted hyenas too. If I can find one of those...

Martin then chuckles to himself at the prospect of actually trying to get into trouble with a hyena or lion.

Martin: I know you probably don't want to find trouble, but I've gotta move up the food web.

Bat-eared Fox: *barks*

I look up and see a-

Martin: Mashall eagle!

The eagle dives for the real fox, but it simply rolls over and claws at the sky to make the eagle back off.

Martin: Ha! Nice move! The old "roll on your back, kick and bite" defense. A bat-eared fox classic. Hey, it's not easy being an animal when things are constantly out to get you.

Martin and the bat-eared fox move to the hide in the bush I took cover in, and it took all my restraint not to start laughing at how easy Martin is missing me. But before I can move, Martin is suddenly, wrapped by a-

Martin: *wrapped* Ah! See what I mean? A pyth-

Chris: *shows himself* Hey Martin. Gotcha!

Martin: What, Chris! You're a python?

Chris: Yeah, and your lucky I'm not hungry 'cause we eat bat-eared foxes.

The brothers laugh for a moment and I reach out and grab both of them and say.

(Y/n): And I guess I got both of you.

We all laugh and I let the brothers down as we walk out of the bushes.

Martin: Whew, it's rough out here.

Chris: I know. Animals always have to be on the lookout for another creature trying to catch them.

Martin: Imagine if humans had to live like that every day?

(Y/n): We used to, but with our discovery of fire, tools and families, we were able to break free from this to be top of the global food chain.

Chris: (Y/n), why are you still a rhino?

(Y/n): Well, I was having no luck finding rhino calf predators, so I figured the only animals, brave or foolish enough to take on an adult rhino would be a pride of lions, so that's who I'm looking for. But you guys seem to making good progress.

Chris: Good idea. Hey, we all have one more creature to find. We're almost there.

Martin: See you at the top.

Chris: Not if I see you first.

(Y/n): I'll be waiting for both of you.

3rd Person POV

Back at the Tortuga HQ, Jimmy is nailing the final thumbnails on the food web.

Aviva: We're almost there.

Koki: Wow. It's close now.

Aviva: Yeah, just some top predators left. Like lions, leopards, crocodiles, Marshall eagles.

Jimmy: It can get pretty confusing in the middle there.

Koki: Yeah, like look at the baboon. He eats things down here like grass, roots and fruits, and he's eaten by things up here, like leopards, cheetahs and pythons.

Aviva: Yup, just follow the lines to figure out who eats who.

Jimmy: All those lines make me dizzy!

Aviva: I know, that's why it's called a food web. It's amazing how all these animals are connected by what they eat.

Koki: And Martin, Chris and (Y/n) have all climbed within reach of the top.

(Y/n) POV

I continue wandering through the bush, when my ears catch a unsettling sound.

(Y/n) I know that sound.

I push through some more bushes and end behind some rocks where I finally see the king of the jungle himself.

(Y/n): Lion!

I start trying to think about how I'm going to get close without frightening them when one stands up and I look to see- uh...

(Y/n): Martin?!

Martin doing some sort of dancing to get the lion's attention and takes off for a hole and lets the lion look around confused, so I thought to myself.

(Y/n): Eh, let's just go with the straight forward approach.

Martin: *over comms* Guys! Where are you?!

Chris: *over comms* I'm being peppered with pounces from lion cubs.

Martin: I've got a mama lion on my tail!

(Y/n): Incoming!

I just charge out of the bushes and drive the lion away as Martin dives behind a large rock, but I couldn't stop myself in time and I too tripped and crashed behind the same rock, where I'm pounced on by a lion cub.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): *laughing* *gasps in realization* Activate lion power.

The suits form and the three of us continue getting pummeled by the cubs. Aviva and the rest of the crew show up in the Createrra.

Aviva: Good game, guys! Looks like the lions won.

Koki: And not the ones wearing lion suits.

Chris: Alright, we did it!

We all give each other a high five.

Martin: We're at the top of the food web.

We head back to the Tortuga and Aviva shows us her food web.

Aviva: Mission accomplished! We built a food web of the African savannah.

Koki: From the producers...

Jimmy: All the way to the top predators.

(Y/n): I gotta say, this is pretty top notch work, Aviva.

Koki: And you know, I used to think lions were kinda nasty. But really, they're just surviving and feeding their cubs.

Chris: That's right, like every single animal on this board is doing. Creatures eat other creatures. It's just how nature works.

(Y/n): Yup, there's no good or evil in the world of nature.

Martin: Yeah, a lion eating a zebra is really no different than a termite eating a blade of living grass.

Aviva: They're all important to a healthy ecosystem.

(Y/n): And it's humanities job to protect it for a healthier world.

Martin: (Y/n), come on!

(Y/n): Where're you going?!

Chris: We're making another food web in North America, let's go!

(Y/n): *remembers and tries to hide sadness* You guys go ahead, I've got some stuff to do, we'll meet you there.

Martin: Alright, later buddy!

I head inside the Tortuga and start packing some things, when I hear a voice behind me.

Aviva: Something's up.

I turn around and see Aviva with a concerned expression.

Aviva: I've gone on enough adventures with you to know when you try hiding something that might hurt the crew.

(Y/n): *sigh* I didn't know how to tell you guys.... I'm being called back to Uncle Sam. They want me on protection detail for national parks and train new park rangers to defend them against poachers.

Aviva: *sigh* Where will you go?

(Y/n): I don't know. But I'll call when I can.

Aviva: How long?

(Y/n): Three months.

Aviva doesn't say anything for about two minutes, I start to think she's gonna hate me or start screaming or something, anything would be better would be better than the silence.

Aviva: When do you leave?

(Y/n): I have to report to Fort Dodge tomorrow at 2300 hours.

Aviva: So now.

(Y/n): Yeah.

Aviva doesn't say anything but walks over to her work station, curious, I follow and see her looking through a small chest. Soon, she appears to find what she's looking for walks back to me and hands me a necklace with some sort of microchip.

Aviva: Press the button anytime.

I do see a button on the encased chip and press it, the chip then projects a picture of the Chris, Martin, Koki, Jimmy, Aviva and I in front of the Tortuga. I take a deep breath while trying to hold back the tears of joy and also sadness.

Aviva: So you never forget us. Because I won't ever forget about you. You always have a safe haven here.

(Y/n): Thank you for the times we spent together, whether it was when we had a creature mystery or crisis.

Aviva hugs me and she finally let some tears out, I returned the hug and we stayed like this for a minute before I was forced to gently pry her off. I put on the necklace and grab my backpack and head out of the Tortuga. I look back as I head out into the savannah.

(Y/n): See you soon Wild Kratts.

(A/N): And Cut! Don't worry, this isn't the end of the story, I promise. Just a new story arc, but I will be focusing on other stories next week, I don't know when I'll get back to this, but like the Terminator, "I'll be back."

Have a great day/night and I'll see you all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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