Chapter 1: New Girl

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"Y/N!" The voice was muffled. "Y/N!" I was awake but, I was trying to ignore the voice. "Y/N M/N L/N!!!" I then jolted upwards. My vision was blurry until I rubbed my eyes. I then looked over to the person. It was my mom standing right by my bed. She looked a bit mad. "It's your first day of school so, get up!" She told me. She then walked out of the room. Almost in a hurry. She probably had work. I groaned and lied back down. I closed my eyes hoping to go back to sleep. Turns out, after I wake up, I can't go back to sleep. I then sighed and sat up. I swung my legs onto the side of my bed and, brushed my feet up against the floor. I slowly stood up. I wabled a bit when I first stood up. I walked downstairs with an unsteady rhythm to my walk. I plopped onto a stool next to the kitchen counter. Mom then served me a plate with bacon and eggs on it. Trust me, it was made pretty quickly though. She was on the phone while she ran around the house. She was even in her business outfit. I sighed and played around with my food. "Sweetie! I gotta go to work now! Love ya!" I heard her call out before, I heard the front door close. "Yeah..... love you too Mom....." I said to no one. I then got up and picked up my plate. I went over to the garbage and dumped the food into it. I then put the plate into the dishwasher. I walked over to the cabinets and, grabbed a bowl. I then opened the fridge and pulled out the yogurt. On my way to the pantry, I grabbed a banana. I then grabbed the granola out of the pantry. I cut up the banana and scooped up the yogurt into the bowl. I mixed everything together and started to eat.
Once I was done, I looked at the time. 6:30. I had enough time to get ready. I then put my dishes in the dishwasher. I then ran up stairs and went straight to my closet. I pulled out my favourite outfit. A black long sleeved turtle neck with, some black leggings. I then slipped on my favourite beige sweater that showed my shoulders. I looked in the mirror and, smiled. I liked the outfit. I then pulled out my phone and took a quick selfie. I posted it on Instagram and said, "First day at my new high school!". There were already some comments from my old friends. I smiled and, grabbed my bag. I swung it over my shoulder and headed downstairs. I walked in the front door hallway and, slipped on my beige boots. I then opened the door and, started walking to my new high school.
There it was, my new high school. I stood at the front gates, feeling nervous. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. I looked at the picture for my lock screen of me and, my old friends. "I should start thinking of the future, not the past...... I should start new....." I thought and, went into my photos. I pulled up the selfie I took and pressed on the send button. I then pressed on the wallpaper button. I hesitated but soon pressed on the lock screen option. Then, it was done. I was starting a new. And what a great way to start a new by, being bumped into and, falling over. I fell onto my side which really hurt my right arm. "I'm SO sorry!" I heard the person apologize. I looked up to see a blonde boy with purple eyes. He looked like he was younger than me. I was 16 anyways. I looked at him once again and then tried getting up. "I-It's okay...." I said holding up my body. I then looked in front of me to see a white haired and red eyed guy standing in front of me with his arm extended out to me. He was actually pretty handsome, to be honest. "Are you okay?" He asked me. His voice sounded like an actors or a singers. I took his hand and he lifted me up. "Yes, thank you" I said. He smiled then turned to the blonde. "Yoosung! Next time offer a hand!" He told the boy who might be, Yoosung. "Sorry, Zen" he told the guy who might be Zen. They both then looked at me. "I'm super doper sorry!" The blonde apologized again. "Apology accepted" I told him. He then looked at me and smiled. "Really!? Wait, are you new here?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Cool! I'm a freshman so I'm sorta new here too! Oh! Also, I'm Yoosung Kim!" He told me. "I'm Ryu Hyun, it's nice to meet you" the other told me. I smiled. "I'm Y/N L/N" I told both of them. They both smiled. "That's a nice name!" Yoosung told me. "Thank you" I responded. Suddenly, the bell rang. "Well, we have to get going, I hope to see you around more" Ryu told me. I smiled and waved to them as they walked off. I then noticed my phone on the ground. I picked it up and, thankfully, it wasn't broken. "Wait, that was the bell!" I thought before dashing into the school.
I pulled out a piece of paper that said my locker number on it and, my home class. "143......" I said and looked at the lockers. I scanned through each. "137......138.....139.....140......141......14-" Right when I reached 142, I shoulder bumped into someone. I looked up at the person. It was a young man with black hair and grey eyes. He looked at me emotionless. But he looked sorta handsome. "Mr. Han, are you okay?" A female asked him. I looked beside him to see a female with brown hair and gold eyes. He looked at the female. "I'm fine" he told her. "I'm terrible sorry for bumping into you....." I apologized. He then looked back at me. "Oh, you must be new here" the female said. I smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm, Jeahee Kang and this is-"  He cut her off. "I can introduce myself, I'm Jumin Han" He told me "I'm Y/N L/N, it's nice to meet you both" I greeted. "Your very formal, I like that" Jumin told me. I smiled softly at the, kind of a, compliment. "Well, we must be off" Jeahee said following after Jumin. I smiled and waved to them. "Well, you've run into two people but, have met four...... your doing great at first introductions" I told myself sarcastically. I then walked over to locker 143. I turned the dial with my numbers. It wouldn't open. "Right, this isn't my old school......" I thought and sighed. Then, something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see a paper plane on the ground with, a crumpled up nose. I looked around. No one was around. I then picked it up and, unfolded it. On the paper were, numbers. I then looked around again. Still, no one. I then turned to my locker and tried the numbers. They worked. I opened up my locker to see, it empty. Except for one thing. A picture of a blonde girl with yellow, green eyes and, light blue haired young man with, the same colour of eyes as his hair. They were standing side by side and, smiling at each other. It made my heart feel warm. But I felt bad that someone left this in here. I then remembered the time. "I gotta get to class before the second bell!" I said and, put all my stuff quickly into my locker. I then looked at the paper with my home class and, dashed there.
I made it to the classroom just on time! Right when I sat down, the second bell rang. I was so happy but, I was also out of breath. I sat up properly though cause, the teacher walked in. "Hello class! Today is a special day cause, we have a new student! Would you like to introduce yourself?" He looked at me. He didn't even say his name. I nodded and stood up. I knew that this introduction was going to be like the rest. Horrible. I walked up to the front. I turned to the class and, smiled. "Hello! I'm Y/N! I moved here from Y/S (Your School)!" I told the class. No one seemed to care. I stiffened up. I was so uncomfortable. "Well then, it's nice to meet you, Y/N. You can now sit down" I nodded and walked back over to my seat. It was finders keepers I'm guessing cause, I wasn't told where to sit. I sat down in the same seat I sat in at the very beginning. I spaced out while the teacher was explaining something to us. It sounded like something I already learned at my previous school. They must be a bit behind here.
Before I knew it, it was the end of the day. And guess what? I had no friends. None, nada, zero! I make friends easily so, this worried me. I got home and walked into the kitchen. Time for a very early dinner with my very busy parents.

Ello Fwends!
I'm gonna be honest, I'm so happy that I'm writing this book! I have big plans for this book! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about YouTube High! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and if you did, don't forget to vote, comment or, follow!
Bye Bye Fwends!

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