Chapter 2: Joining RFA

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"Hello sweetie!" I heard my mom call out to me as, I walked into the house. "Hey mom!" I called back out. I dumped my bag onto the floor in the hallway and took my shoes off. I walked into the kitchen to see at the small table my mom standing at a chair and food on the table. I knew she was trying to make the dinner look exciting but it was just a Jalapeño pizza on, our plates with sauce drizzled around it. There were also two candles in the centre of the table. My mom gestured me to sit down and so I did. She sat down as well. "So, where's my date for this candle light dinner?" I asked jokingly. Mom laughed. "I just thought I'd actually make a dinner look more..... exciting" she told me. "And Jalapeño pizza is the perfect food for this kind of dinner" I joked again. This time she just gave me a look that said 'I'm laughing on the inside'. I smirked and picked up my slice of pizza. "Any new friends?" My mom asked me. "Nope" I told her and then took a bite out of my pizza. "You need to make friends sweetie. Why don't you join a club?" She told me. I wasn't too fond of clubs. But I've never joined on so, what do I know? "Your father would also like that. He likes you doing school activities" she added. "Why do I cringe when you call dad, father?" I asked her. She sighed. "Sorry..... your dad would be happy if you did" she reworded her response. "It's okay, but about the club thing..... I'm not too sure......" I answered. "Sweetie, please try to look into clubs, okay? You need to make friends and joining a club is the best way to" she told me. I nodded my head. "Now, let's eat!" She said and we started to eat.

~Next Day~
I thought long and hard last night on what club I'd want to join. But none caught my interest. I didn't want to do any sports, I didn't want to do anything to do with the arts, I just wanted something simple.
I walked through the halls of my new school and went straight to my locker. I opened it up and a small paper fell out. Strange. I picked it up and read what was on it. It said
"Looking for a club to join? Why don't you try RFA? Room 107
I looked around me. This was weird. First I got my locker numbers on a piece of paper, now this!? I was obviously being stalked. But hey, this might be a sign so, I'll take it! All I had to do was wait for the end of the day!

~End Of School Day~
I walked down the empty hallways looking for room 105. It felt so weird to be walking down these empty halls. The only halls that were filled with sound were the ones with the music club and such. But these halls, were dead silent. It was creepy but, I knew there were supposed to be other clubs down here too. RFA must be the only club happening today. I finally found room 105 and, I instantly heard someone yell out "I FAILED MY TEST TODAY!!!". It spooked me but I listened in. They had a normal conversation until someone said "Wait! I think someone's at the door!". "What!? Is it a stalker!?" The same person who failed there test asked. I was nervous to see what would happen. But I took the next step. I knocked on the door and said "Hello?". Someone yelped and another person came up to the door. Everything was quite for a second until, some guy opened the door, quickly came out and, closed the door behind him. He had red hair and yellow eyes. He worse glasses that were striped black and yellow. "Well!?" I heard someone ask him form inside the room. "She's cute" he told the person. I felt my face heat up. No ones ever said that about me before. "It's a girl!?" Another person asked. "Yup! What are you here for?" He asked me. "Uh.... I wanted to join your club?" I answered. He looked at me surprised. "Club.....? How do you know about this club.......?" He asked me. "I got a note from 'Unknown'?" I showed him the note. His eyes widen. "Come in" he said and opened the door. Instantly, all there eyes looked at me. I noticed all of them. Yoosung, Zen, Jumin and, Jeahee were all sitting at a table. "Who are you?" Yoosung asked me. I waited to see if anyone remembered me. But none of them said anything. "Oh, I'm Y/N L/N" I told them. They still didn't recognize me. "Y/N, I believe you were led here with no explanation" Jumin told me (Don't remember who says that in the prologue!). "Yeah! How did you even find out about this club?" Yoosung asked me. I then pulled out the note and showed it to them. "Someone wanted you to join?" Zen asked. "I don't really know........" I answered. I was flustered. I didn't know this was a private club! Otherwise I wouldn't have come! Someone then walked into the room. He had light blue hair and shades. He looked like he was as old as Jumin. He also looked like the guy from the picture that was in my locker! "V! Thank God! You came at the right time!" Zen told him. His name was V? That's an unusual name. "Yes, I heard something happening and had to come" V told everyone. He then looked at me. "Y/N? That's your name, right?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Well, Y/N, I believe this Unknown person wanted you to join. I believe Rika wanted you to join" he told me. Everyone's eyes widen. "Rika is this Unknown person!?" Yoosung asked. "What V means is that, this Unknown person might have had a connection with Rika and, Rika planned for Y/N to join" The red haired explained. "So..... should we let her join?" Zen asked. "I'm not to sure that's a wise move......." Jeahee said. I felt doubt then. "Y/N, will you join RFA?" I was surprised who asked me. It was Jumin. I looked around to see everyone's expression. They all looked anxious. I wanted to join and I had to join a club so "I'll join" I answered. Yoosung, Zen, V and the red head looked happy. Jumin was smirking and Jeahee just looked concerned. But I knew I'd do a good job at this. I know I will.

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