Ch.19||Confessing His Love||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color
-(E/C) eye color

Kawaii~chan was scrolling through the pictures she took of Garroth and I, she was fangirling so hard! Hehehehe.
Knock knock! Aphmau ran to the door and opened, "MAYA!" She yelled; and gave her a big hug.
"Hey Guys!" Maya said happily,
"I saw Garroth walk out.... He was as red as a tomato... Why?" She asked
"Hehehe Garroth~Kun and (Y/N)~senpai!!!!" Kawaii~chan yelled!
"Ooo you guys are dating?!" Maya said
"Well... No we're not." I said
"Yet..." Aphmau teased. They giggled, then Katelyn can down the stairs still in her pajamas.
"Hey guys." She said sleepy, "what I miss?"
"Only Kawaii~chan's OTP!!!" Kawaii~chan yelled.... (Man it's hard talking in third person heheh)
"Huh?" Katelyn asked.
"Nothing...." I said, she just shrugged her shoulders and walked into the kitchen.
"Well I think I'm going to head home, I need to get dress." I said grabbing my stuff.
"Okay! See ya later, Hey wanna go out to dinner tonight?" Aphmau said,
"Yeah! Sure! Who's comin?" I said
"Only us girls!" Aph smiled,
"Okay see ya later!" I said waving bye.
**at your house**
Ah back home! I decided to take a quick shower, and get dressed in a pair of black leggings and a pink sweatshirt. I was kinda hungry so I started makin a quick snack, I heard a knock on the door, wow I'm always popular! Hehehe
"Hey (Y/N)"
"Hey Aaron!" I smiled
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Cause I couldn't be there for the sleep over."
"Sure!" He came inside,
"I was just makin a quick snack! Want some?" I asked
"Um sure what is it?"
"Oh just little pb&j sandwiches!"
"Oh sure." He said, I walked over and turned on the radio; and I started to dance, I was laughing and Aaron was smiling and laughing alittle.
"Come on! Dance!" I shouted to him,
"Oh I can't dance." He said,
"Nonsense!" I grabbed him hands and pulled him up and made him dance, I've never seen Aaron smile so big! It was really nice.... I feel like I've know Aaron for ever, I was dancing and he kinda was too. Till he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, I stared into his dark eyes; and he Kissed me! Oh my Irene..... My eyes were wide open, and his were closed; I slowly closed my eyes, and I was kissing Aaron. When his lips met mine I froze, I didn't know he felt this way about me. His hands went down my legs and he picked me up, I couldn't help but giggle; my arms were around his neck, he pulled me in again and kissed me again; He set me on the counter, I was still in shock..... I sat on the counter redder than a tomato, He smiled and rubbed his hand on my cheek. Leaned in for another kiss..... I moved.
"Hey umm.... I'm going to finish our snack!" I said kinda stuttering.
"Okay." He said with a smile.
I finished making our little snack and went to sit down on the couch, Aaron joined me, and he put his arm around me.... But I like Garroth.... Laurance.... Dante.... Travis.........Even Aaron..... Urg! Why is life so difficult! I kinda felt awkward but I like it at the same time. I felt his arm move down and move around my hip, and he turned my head facing him.... Was he about to kiss me again?! No..... He just smiled.
"You look beautiful." He said, I blushed a light pink.
"T..thank you." I smiled and blushed.
I got a text, from Aphmau!
"Sorry Aaron! It's Aph."
"It's okay." He smiled

Aph- Heyy! You ready to go to dinner soon?
You- Yeah! When are we going?

Aph- 5 so be ready! Katelyns driving so we'll be over there😄

You- okay!😄

"So what's going on?" Aaron asked.
"Well the girls and I are going out to dinner at 5!" I smiled,
"Cool, well it's only 3 what do you wanna do?"
"Hmm?" I said thinking
"Heh thats cute!" Aaron said,
"What's cute?"
"They way you think, you crunch you nose up, it's adorable." He said, I blushed, I do that!?
"That blush too, it's what I love about you.." He said, I blushed even redder...
"Why don't we watch a movie!" I said grabbing the remote,
"Sure! You pick" he said, I was scrolling through Netflix,
"Ooo! What about this one!" I selected it.
"Sure anything." He smiled and brought me closer............
He kissed my cheek.....
"I love you (y/n), but I don't expect you to return those feeling....I know you have feelings for all of them, but I love you..." I was frozen.... What do I say!? He just confessed he loved me..... I...I don't know what to do........

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