Ch.20||What's Happening?||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color
-(E/C) eye color

What do I say!? He just confessed he loved me..... I...I don't know what to do........I sat with no idea of what to say or do, I was confused; What is love? He sat there waiting for me to say something,
"Hey, that was little much. I'm sorry." He said moving away.
"Aar..... Never mind."
"Well I guess I'll go..." He walked out and went home, Why did he have to do that so sudden; I was in shock.....
Love is such a strong word, why all of a sudden would he tell me he loved me. I strongly like Aaron, but it's not love.... Who do I love?
Why is life so difficult?
I was just sitting on the couch with no idea what to do, so I decided to take a nap.
I was in a small village, in a house? I walked out to see Three Little kids running around and playing, it was quite cute. I saw Two guards on patrol, this village was very tiny; I walked around and didn't realize a giant tree, I walked around it to see a ladder going up into in. I climbed and got to the top to a huge open space, and saw three figures talking. It was Aphmau, Katelyn, and Laurance; they were talking about an alliance..... Phoenix alliance to be exact, I looked around to see guard armor and stands with their swords in frames.....
What are these? And then a man with light sandy blonde hair came up,
"Hey Garr...?" I started to say and stopped, that wasn't Garroth! Everyone looked at me confused and conserved.....
"What going on?"
That dream, what are These strange dreams? I woke up with shivers down my spine. And felt Werid like I'm reliving moments..... I just shrugged it off, and I Heard my phone go off. I got a text from Laurance.

Laur- Hey (Y/N)!😄 what's up?

You- on nothing I just woke up😴 lol

Laur- oh! I'm sorry.... Did I disturb you?

You- No you didn't it's okay😄 I just took a small nap, so what's up?

Laur- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?😄

You- Yeah!😄

Laur- okay😄 come over when ever, I'm at my house

You- I'll be over soon😄😆

Laurance always make me smile, maybe I'll forget about these strange dreams, I fixed my hair and headed over to guys house. I knocked on the door and Laurance opened the door and I saw his cute smile and it made me smile.
"Hey (Y/N)!" He said, we came inside.
"Hey Laurance!" I smiled, His smile make me smile so big, there's just something about Laurance that always makes me happy.
"So whatcha wanna do!" I Asked,
"Wanna watch a movie or do something else?" He said,
"Hmmmm...." I started thinking, he smiled.
"That's so cute." He said, I blushed what's cute? Oh wait my nose scrunching when I think. I giggled I knew he was going to say that.
"What? It's cute the way your nose scrunches when you think." He smiled I blushed even harder.
"Hehehe I knew you were going to say that!"
"How? You psychic!" He chuckles, I giggled
"No I'm not psychic hehehehe." He grabbed me by the hips and..... Ticked me, I fell on to the floor laughing. I ticked Laurance and he laughed too, we both were lying on the floor dying in laughter. He got up and helped me up,
"Sorry." He said
"For what? Ticking me? It's okay!" I smiled
"Okay!" He smirked, his smirk is so cute! We both, we're just chillen out talking when Garroth came back home;
"Hey Garroth." Laurance said.
"Hey Garroth!" I said smiling
"Hey G..Guys." He stuttered, hehe his stutter is adorable.
"We're about to watch a movie wanna join?" Laurance said,
"S..sure!" He said walking into the living room and sat on the couch with us,
"And don't worry Garroth were not watching a scary movie." He chuckled, Garroth turned white and looked kinda annoyed at Laurance. We put on "22 jump street" the funniest movie, we all laughed so hard at parts; Then Travis and Dante came home.
"Hey guys." Dante said,
"Hey guys, Oh why hello beautiful." He said and winked at me, I just rolled my eyes. The other just glared at Travis, hehe they get too jealous of each other. "Hey guys why don't we invite Aph and the girls over and we'll have a movie night." Laurance suggested,
"Sounds great!" Everyone said in unison,
"I'll text Aph!" I said, I texted her and asked her if she wanted to come over with Kawaii~chan and Katelyn, she said it sounds great.
"They'll be over soon." I said, they come over and we all hung out; I was really fun. We watched a ton of movie and Laurance and Dante made dinner for everyone. We were chillen out in the living room, then a strange purple Ora was appearing around Aphmau.
"Aphmau! Are you okay?!" I asked, she looked terrified.
"Ah! What's going on!" Then the Ora appeared around Katelyn and Kawaii~chan but it was pink and blue.
"Gah! What's going on!" Katelyn yelled
"Ah! Kawaii~chan can't move!" She shouted,
"Same!" Aphmau and Katelyn yelled, we tried helping them out but I tried touching them, I got pushed back I fell to the floor,
"What's going on!" I shouted, the Ora appeared around Laurance and Dante, Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii~chan started to disappear!
"Ah! HELP!" the girls yelled I tired but nothing was working. Everyone was trapped in a strange Ora, We all tried to get out but they disappeared!
"GUYS! WERE DID YOU GO!??!?" I shouted, I was scared; What's going on!
I ran out side to see if someone was doing this! I saw Michi standing in the street,
"Nyahahaha." She laughed evilly.
"MICHI! You did this!" I shouted, I ran up to her but the Ora was around her.
"Nyahahaha" she laughed and then disappeared, I ran to Aaron's house.
"AARON!" I shouted, "are you here!" I shouted more.
"Over here! HELP!" He yelled, he was trapped in the Ora too, Then disappear with the rest. I ran outside to go to Lucinda's but I was stopped,
"GAH!" I yelled, I was trapped in a
(F/C) Ora!
"What's going on!" I shouted, I saw my arms start disappearing.
Something happened.............
Where am I?......

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