Ch.24||Missing Garroth||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

Last thing I knew I blacked out, but this was strange I was standing in the mine... I walked around to see Laurance and Maya; She picked up something, and they were both sobbing..... She turned around, I felt my heart sink...... That was me...... She came running towards my so did Laurance,
"Guys!" I shouted, nobody heard me..... Was I dead?
They came running towards me and I shut my eyes, waiting for an impact; they went right through me..... I ran after them following them back to the village, Laurance and Maya were in shadow knight forms. They got to the Gate,
"HELP!" Maya cried, Dante ran out of the house; He was shocked..... But immediately took my body up to the treehouse, I stated running with them till I heard a familiar voice...
"(Y/N)?" I turned around, to see Garroth..... He stood there;
"G..Garroth?" My eyes began to fill with tears, I ran to him and hugged him. I cried into his chest,
"Shh, it's okay" he said rubbing my head, running his fingers through my long (H/C) hair.
"G..Garroth.... Are we dead?...." He tightened our hug, I felt his head rest on top of mine;
"We're not dead! Damn it...This j..just a bad dream....."
"Garroth I wanna be back home..... You know back with all our friends and not here..... Why are we here?.." He let out a huge sigh, and lifted my chin; I stared into his baby blue eyes.....
"I wanna be home too..... I know why I'm here, but I don't at the same time.."
He rubbed his hand on my cheek, this feels real.... But is it? He leaned in for a kiss, But something was stopping me from moving!
"Garroth!" I shouted, I saw my arms vanish, I looked at Garroth; and.......

I opened my Eyes........
"(Y/N)!" I heard, I blinked a few times to get my vision clear. I was in the tree house laying on a bed, I didn't feel any pain.... I looked to see Laurance and Aphmah right at my bed side, Aphmau looked exhausted.
"Oh thank Irene!" Everyone said. Aphmau then passed out, I sat up quickly,
"Aphmau!" I shouted, Laurance and Travis picked her up and placed her on the bed,
What I'm healed?
"What had happened?" I asked,
" were dead, we tried everything we could do.... Then Aphmau healed you...." Katelyn told me,
"Aphmau, Healed me?"
"Yes." Katelyn said,
"I'm so glad your okay!" Maya said in tears, she was still in her shadow knight form, why? I was confused about everything..... I think, well all I could think about was Garroth......
I... I.. Lo.... Need to get everyone home!
I stood up, felling better than ever! I quickly walked over to Aphmau,
"She'll be okay, I think she just tired from using her newly found....power" Laurance said,
"I hope she okay! I can't lose Aph, she my best friend." I grabbed her hand, and slight cried; I know Aphmau will be okay... It just I don't want anyone to get hurt.
I was really tired, so I laid on the bed next to Aphmau; staring at Aphmau's unconscious body... I could feel her that she was Alive and okay! She was just sleeping, I felt my eyes become heavy, and I began to sleep.... ZzZzZzZzZ

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