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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream, I sat up quickly with my hands over my eyes......
"(Y/N)!" I heared people yell,
"What's wrong? Are you hurt!" I heard someone say to me. I sobbed and curled into a ball, I felt arms wrap around me; I held myself close to who ever it was. I felt myself shaking,
"(Y/N)? What's wrong? Are you okay!?" I heard people ask me, I didn't want to look up to face the hell I've been going through, I just wanted to be back home..... I want Garroth back.......
Damn it I want to just be back!
I continued to cry, I tightened my hug with whom ever it was and just cried.
"(Y/N)?" I felt a hand rub my cheek, and lift up my head; I slowly opened my eyes........
"G...Garroth....." My eyes began to fill with more tears, I hugged him and he hugged me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me, still in our hug. I looked around,
where were we?
"G...Garroth.... Are... We....d...dead?" He pulled away looking really concerned,
"Why would you ask that sort of thing?"
"W..well I was in p..Phoenix...." I stopped I noticed Where we were......Home...... We were back! I started to cry tears of Joy, we were home!
"What?" Garroth asked confused,
"(Y/N) you never left.... You fell asleep right before Dante finished dinner."
My eyes widened......I was all just a dream.
"So it was all just a dream...."
"What was a dream?" Garroth asked, I explain almost everything to him. That everything felt so real and that well everything, I kept going on and on about evey little detail; I was interrupted by........

Garroth's POV:

It was about 8:47 am, I woke up in the recliner; I got up and stretched. I noticed (Y/N), she was still sleeping....
Wow did she looks beautiful! I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a Cerry Coke, I tried being as quiet as I could. I popped the top and the fiz was so loud, but it seems like everything's louder went someone's sleeping; Hehe I bet she didn't even notice.... I took a sip and heard a scream.
"(Y/N)!" I yelled and ran over to her, she was sobbing; I sat on the couch and pulled her closer to me. She held on to me tight, I Blushed super red....... I rubbed her the side of her face wanting to calm her down,
"(Y/N)?" I said again. I lifted her chin she was still crying,
"G...Garroth..." She opened her eyes they began to fill with more tears, she hugged me so I hugged back; she cried in to my chest,
"G...Garroth... Are...we...dead?" She asked, I was shocked at the question
"Why would you ask that sort of thing?" I was puzzled, why would she ask that?
"W..well I was in p..Phoenix...." She started to say,
"What? (Y/N) you never left, you fell asleep before Dante finished dinner." I saw her beautiful (E/C) eyes widen,
"So this was all just a dream...."
"What was a dream?" I asked, she had explained everything to me, and when I say everything I mean everything every single detail.... But honestly it was cute the way she talks with her hands, She told me how I was trapped in the Irene dimension, and how shadow knight almost killed her, I knew Laurance was already a shadow knight but she told me that, Hehehe(Insert Garroth's cute laugh😆) I was lost in (Y/N)'s eyes her wonderful (E/C) eyes, I leaned in... And kissed her.... Our lips met and I knew I loved her, She put her hand on my chest and I hesitated; I was expecting her to push me away.... But she didn't! I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to me, I laid down and she laid on top of me still kissing. I couldn't believe I was making out with the most beautiful girl in the world! OMI! She was a GREAT kisser, I ran my fingers through her long (H/C) hair; we kissed for what seemed like forever, but I didn't want it to stop. she pulled away and smiled, Also blushed a light pink. Her hair fell into her face and she giggled, I pushed it behind her ear; she was smiling super big. I think my smile was even bigger and I probably blushed more.... But I couldn't believe I kissed her again.....
"(Y/N)....I...I.." I began to say.

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