Ch.27||A-Con (Part 2)||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

"(Y/N)? Hey!" Liam said,
"Umm Liam I'm so sorry!"
"Ah it okay!" He said as he helped me up,
"(Y/N)~senpai lets go to the uh? Um hello! Im Kawaii~chan! And you are?" She ran over and offered her hand excitedly,
"Oh hello Kawaii~chan I'm Liam." He said being such a gentleman man,
"Hehehe nice to meet you Liam~Kun! Um do you know (Y/N)~senpai?"
"Yes, I've know her for along time." I've met Liam in my old high school when I moved from Phoenix High, I went to Brightport academy; Liam was the first person to introduce himself, i had the biggest crush for the longest time before he asked me out! We dated till our senior year when he graduated early and went to college, he was a high honor student so he graduated early. I was really upset cause he moved to Australia to go to college and he broke up with me cause we couldn't do long distance.
"We went to school together, he was my high sweetheart." I smiled, Kawaii~chan's grin turned into a full smile; Oh No......
"Hehehehe Liam~Kun, well it's nice to meet you. (Y/N)~senpai I'm going to get our room keys! See you soon!" She ran off with Katelyn, Aphmau, Lucinda, and Nicole follow her.
"So (Y/N), it been a long time and you still look beautiful as ever." I blushed,
"Hehe thanks Liam, to still look great! So what brings you here?"
"A-Con of course! I always come to them!"
"Really my friends due all the time! This is my first one!"
"Well you'll have a great time! So guess we could catch up with each other than."
"Yeah sounds great!" He brought me into a hug, wow it's been a long time since I've seen him; he always been the top of the grade, but the popular type and the most handsome guy in school! Everyone wanted to date Liam.
"(Y/N)?" I familiar voice say, I pulled myself away from mine and Liam's hug,
"Hey Laurance!"
"Oh (Y/N) I didn't know you had boyfriend." Liam said backing away from me.
"Yeah you best stay off her!" Laurance got in his face.
"Laurance!" I shouted, not loudly but kinda loud.
"I'm sorry, I've know her for a long time." He backed away, Laurance's eye stared to turn a slight red.
"Laurance stop! He's a friend!" His eyes went back to his baby blue colour.
"(Y/N)? What's going on?" More familiar voices said, I turned around and saw Garroth, Travis, and Dante; Oh great!
"Oh?" I heard Liam say, Laurance backed off.
"Hey guys, this is Liam my friend from high school."
"Oh hey I'm Dante."
"Hello I'm Garroth."
"Sup I'm Travis, you best not be makin moves on my lady!"
"Lady? But I thought this man was with (Y/N)?" He pointed to Laurance,
"Hey in my defense I saw them hugging and I didn't want him to make moves on her!"
"LAURANCE!" The guys said in unison,
"Liam I'm not dating anyone sorry if they get jealous."
"Jealous! We don't get jealous!" Laurance said being kinda stubborn,
"Well I'm sorry." Liam said
"Well let's get to our hotel room guys!" Dante suggested,
"Okay! I'll see you at the convention bye Liam!" I waved goodbye to him as the guys pulled me into the hotel, we got our bags checked and sent to our room; we went to the room and the girls were already there. Wow it was a huge room! Of course I was rooming with the girls. I walked and immediately the girls ran up to me and asked who Liam was.
"So who was that guy?" Aphmau asked
"It's was my friend Liam, I've know him since high school."
"(Y/N)~senpai told me that Liam~Kun was (Y/N)~senpai's high school sweetheart!"
"Oh so you two dated before?" Katelyn asked
"Well yeah it was a long time ago."
"Ooooo! Do you think Liam~Kun still has feelings?"
"What no!" I responded quickly
"What makes you say that? Kawaii~chan?" Nicole asked,
"Well Kawaii~chan saw Liam~Kun bring (Y/N)~senpai into a hug."
"That was just a hug Kawaii~chan." Lucinda said,
"Yeah Kawaii~chan knows...."
"Well hey guys lets get into our costumes and head to A-Con!" Aphmau said happily,
"Yeah!" We all said in unison! I ran to my suitcase and grabbed my Lucy costume and rushed into the bathroom. It took all of us a good hour to put on and get our costumes ready,
"Ooo! (Y/N)~senpai! Kawaii~chan loves your costume!"
"Hehe thanks Kawaii~chan! I love your costume too!"
"Hehehe thanks!" Lucinda, Nicole, Katelyn, Aphmau, and Kawaii~chan headed to A-Con,
"I'll catch up with you guys soon!" I had to finish my hair, I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey Garroth, Travis, and Laurance!"
"Hey (Y/N)! The girls told us you were just finishing up so we wanted to know, if you wanted to walk down with us?" Laurance asked,
"I'd love too! Just give me a sec. Okay!"
I went back into the bathroom and the boys came in, I had sweatpants on I took them off and finished my out fit. I walked out and their jaws dropped.
"Wow! You look stunning." Laurance said smiling,
"Wow (Y/N) l..look beautiful!" Garroth stuttered it was cute,
"Damn baby, your lookin fine!" Travis said winking.
"TRAVIS!" Garroth and Laurance yelled.
"Hehehe you guys are too cute!" I giggled,
"So you took my idea of the sort skirt, wow you gotta nice butt.... GAH!" Laurance and Garroth whacked Travis upside the head and he fell to the ground,
"Hehehe let's go to A-Con!" I ran out the door with them following me, we took the elevator and..... Liam got on.
"Hey Liam!" I said as he entered the elevator,
"Hey (Y/N)! Wow you look great! Haha funny your Lucy and I'm Natsu!"
"Hehehe that too funny!" I giggled,
"Grr" the guys growled glaring at Liam.
We got down and I ran out the elevator, I was super excited!
"Let's go guys!" Ran to the building, wow! The building was huge! There were so many people the guys almost lost me, they caught up to me.
"Wow (Y/N) you must be really excited!" Laurance laughed I giggled, I was really excited my first convention!
We headed inside the first thing I noticed was booths of souvenirs, oooo!
I ran over to the booth that had Kawaii stuffed animals!
"OH MY IRENE! There too cute!" I headed the boys giggle,
"OMI I need this chiby happy!"(The blue cat from fairy tail)
"Hehehe it's so cute, but not as cute as you!" I felt hands wrap around my hips, I turned around and punched Travis!
I heard the guys laugh so hard, and Travis was knocked on the ground rubbing his cheek. I helped him up and we went all over A-Con, I had so much fun! We went over to a dancing contest thingy and I saw Katelyn and Kawaii~chan up there dancing.
Woah they were good! They ended and I clapped for them so did everyone,
"Thanks guys!" Katelyn said getting off the stage, Kawaii~chan ran up behind her and jumped on her back.
"Eekk! Katelyn~sama! That was amazing!"
"Ah! Kawaii~chan! Get off!" She yelled, and laughed.
"Hehehehe sorry Katelyn~sama! Ooo! (Y/N)~senpai should so get up there with someone and dance, Kawaii~chan's seen you dance! And our SOOO good!"
"Oh I don't know Kawaii~chan...."
"Comeon! Pleessseeee!" She gave my puppy dog eyes,
"Uuhggg finneee! But who's going to dance with me?"
"Garroth~Kun, and Laurance~Kun are good dancers!"
"I could Dance with you!" Liam said,
"Oooo! Yes! Liam~Kun and (Y/N)~senpai!" I felt him pull me up on stage, he whispers..
"Hey do you remember the dance we did senior year?"
"Of course! I could never forget!" I whispered, we dance to a song...he took my hand and brought me into the air, we finished and everyone clapped.
I had so much fun today! I love A-Con!
"Ooo! (Y/N)~senpai did Kawaii~chan tell you need to bring more than one costume...." She said as she bit her lip
"WHAT! No you never said that!" I felt a hand on my shoulder,
"Hehehe sweetheart I got ya!" I turned around to see Lucinda, good her magics can help! We headed back to the hotel after a long day of fun! Liam went back to his room, and we went back to ours. I instantly fell asleep on the couch..... Eeeeeh..... I was just so tried, I felt two arms pick me up and put me into bed, I was just super tired...ZzZzZzZzZ

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