Ch.28||A-Con (Part Three)||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

I woke up to the sound of Slamming doors,
"Eh? What's that?" I heard the girls and the boys all next door yelling and slamming doors. Really guys what are they fighting about? I got up and put on a sweatshirt and threw my hair in a high pony tail, and walked next door
"Hey! Guys what's with all the yelling?" I shouted over their yells, they each had a different problem: like Kawaii~chan keeps shipping, Travis won't stop flirting, Laurance shadow knight form keeps forming, Garroth is complaining about his hair not staying. Just a bunch of crap!
"Woah guys! Calm down!" I yelled,
"Everyone always gets like this on the second day." Aphmau walked over to me and said,
"Uh really?"
"Yeah it was worse last year."
"I don't wanna know..." I giggled, everyone eventually settled down and we all got our costumes on. Lucinda casted a spell on me and I stood there wearing a costume, I was wonder women;
"Woah!" I heard the boys say in awe,
"That skirt is perfect man looking finnee as ever (Y/N) due a twirl for us." Travis winked,
"GAH!" He screamed, laying on the floor rubbing the back of his head;
"Get your mind out of the gutter!" Garroth shouted, I giggled
"Hmm...does look nice but let's try again." Lucinda said casting again, I turned into a cute Kawaii Happy. (Fairytale!)
"Awe super Kawaii!" Kawaii~chan squealed
"Awe she is cute cute." Laurance said smiling, I blushed.
"Hmm.... Do you like it?" Lucinda asks
"Um yeah but I was already cosplaying as Lucy yesterday."
"Say no more! Third times a charm!" She casted another spell I turned into cat women. It was a really revealing outfit.....
"Oh that the stuff!" Travis shouted! Once more the boys hit him oh the head. "GAH!" He shouted,
"Will you ever learn!" Laurance said,
We all laughed,
"Hmm my spelled have to recharge guess your going as that." Lucinda said checking he her staff.
"Umm... Okay... I guess."
"Well let's go!" Kawaii~chan shouted, everyone had their cosplay costumes on and they looked really good! We headed down to the A-Con and I went with the girls today, the boys went to walk around.
"So girls~ what to we do!" Aphmau said,
"Hmm Lets go look at stuff!" Kawaii~chan squealed running off to a booth.
"Oh! Is that limited addition ponies!" Aphmau shouted and ran away, I was left with Katelyn, and Nicole.
"Go girls what do we do?" I asked,
"Hmm......oh my Irene!" Katelyn ran off, what was that about?
"Haha Katelyn always like this a conventions her inner fan girl really comes out." Nicole chuckled, "I better find her won't want what happened last year!" She continued running off in the direction Katelyn went in, cool now I'm all alone at A-Con, the first one I've been too. GREAT! I wondered around and saw Liam,
"Hey Liam!"
"Oh hey (Y/N)! What up?"
"Oh nothin I was here with my friends but they all found something and ran off..."
"Sorry to hear, Hey wanna get some lunch!"
"Sure sounds great!" We then walked off and headed to a little café,
"What would you like?"
"Umm I'll have a Turkey sandwich with a water please."
"Coming up!" He smiled, he order my food for me and paid for it! He's such a gentleman.
"You didn't have to pay for my food ya know."
"Haha anything for a gorgeous women like you." He smirked,
"Haha thanks." I smiled, his smile turned into a slight frown; like he was expecting more of a reaction. We are our lunch a chit chatted for a good hour. We walked around for a while went..... I felt a hand grab me by the wrist and pull me closer,
"Um Liam.....?"
"(Y/N).. I still have felling for you.." He pulled me in grabbing me by the hips, I turned me head and pushed away.
"What the heck Liam!" He looked surprised,
"Hm? What?"
"You were trying to kiss me!"
"Um... Well... Yes" he said rubbing the back of his neck, and he leaned forward grabbing me pulling my into a kiss; my eyes grew wide, I tried pulling away but I couldn't. He had me by the arms, restricting me from moving.

Garroth's POV(oh no....)

Laurance, Travis, Dante, and I walked all around A-Con; I was hoping to find (Y/N) and the girls. We found Aphmau but (Y/N) wasn't with her nor the other girls. We walked around for a good hour trying to find her when...... We saw her kissing Liam! I saw the anger build but in Laurance and the other guys but it was different from Laurance and I...... I felt myself changing and I saw the red fill Laurance's eyes, he turned into a shadow knight.... I turned into a jury of nine form; Us in our forms frightened people around us. Laurance and I walked up to Liam and (Y/N) still kissing, she was trying to get away from him.
"Get away from her!" Laurance and I said in demon voices, he immediately broke from the kiss.
"Hey hey hey guys!" He said backing away with his hands in the air, (Y/N) eyes grew wide,
"Garroth? Laurance?" She said,
"Don't touch her!" Laurance shouted in his demon voice, the Liam guy ran away terrified of us.
"Hahahahaha" we laughed, (Y/N) still in shock. We saw security guards run up to us,
"Hey! What the hell do you think your doing." One guard said,
"Officer it's okay... There harmless." (Y/N) proclaimed,
"Heh they better be! I would like you and your demon friends to leave please. Or there will be more trouble." The officer told (Y/N).
"Yes sir, are we allowed to come back tomorrow?" She asked
"If you boys behave!" The officer pointed at Laurance and I. We headed back to the hotel with (Y/N), once we got in the room (Y/N) looked annoyed.
We finally calmed down and went back to our normal forms.
"We're sorry....." We both said.
"For what?"
"Turing into our forms and scaring Liam, it that who you like we understand...." I said looking down,
"Thanks." She said, I was surprised I lifted my head and saw a smile on (Y/N)'s face. Laurance and I were shocked.
"If it wasn't for you guys he would have still been kissing me! I tried to push away but he held a grip on me." She walked over and brought Laurance and I into a huge hug.

Your POV:

I'm so glad the guys did that they did, I would have still been kissing Liam! I brought them both into a huge hug, it felt nice; then were heard the door fly right open all of them were coming in the room.
"What the hack did you guys do!" Katelyn said
"Travis and Dante told us you guys got kicked out!" Aphmau yelled,
"Oh come on guys it's no big deal, they saved me Liam started kissing me..."
"What really!" They all said.
"Yeah, if it wasn't for them he would have never let me go."
"Wow." They all said,
Hahaha what a day! First I get kissed by my ex boyfriend and Laurance and Garroth scared them away; all three of us got kicked out of A-Con for the day! Hahaha what great first A-Con!

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