Ch.33||Vacation(Part 1)||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

It's been two days since Ember and Brian moved in, it's also been a quite two days which is weird for my busy life. It was around noon and Brian and Ember were both asleep! They never wake up, I swear those two could sleep through the apocalypse; Hahaha. I had cleaned the house and did what every "normal" person does, Then I get a call from Aphmau
"Hey (y/n)!"
"Hey Aphmau!"
"Kawaii~chan and I have been talking and we wanted to go on a vacation with every one! What do you think?"
"Sounds amazing we all could use a vacation!"
"Okay! Kawaii~Chan! Make plane reservations for 14 people!"
"Wow!  14! GEZ haha well where are we going?"
"California! To Disney Land!"
"What!!" I yelled into the phone, "oops sorry Aph didn't mean to yell..."
"Haha it's okay! I'm super excited, I need to call everyone!"
"Okay see ya later Aph Bye!"
We hung up, Disney Land in California! I've never been to California! Oh I'm so excited now! I heard a knock on the door, I jumped up and answered it,
"Vylad! HEY!" I jumped in for a hug,
"Hey (Y/N)! So nice to see you again!"
"How your new apartment?"
"Ah it good, small but good!"
"GEZ it feels like for ever since I've seen you!"
"Yeah it has." He pulled away from our hug and smiled.
"So is anything new?" He asked,
"No not really...oh wait! Did you know that Kawaii~Chan's having a baby!"
"Really? Who's kid?"
"Wow really! Nothing else new?"
"Nope! Cmon lets head inside" we walked inside, Vylad seemed off, kinda like he's searching for an answer from me.
"Oo Vyald does your brothers know your here?"
"No, I visited Aph a minute ago and she told me about a vacation!"
"Yeah I'm super excited! Are you going?"
"Yeah of course! Who else is?"
"Oh I think Garroth, Laurance, Travis, Dante, Zane, Aaron."
"Oh Aaron's going...say where's he?"
"Oh Aaron's been on a business trip, he coming back today!"
"Is somethings wrong?"
"'s nothin."
"Vylad you can tell me."
"Well last time Aaron was making moves on you and well I don't really like him very much."
"Vyald, Aaron my friend and you are too... Can you too please get along on this vacation." I gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Finnnneee! But I swear if he makes moves on you I....."
"Who's makin moves on who now?" Brian came out from the basement crossing his arms. Vyalds eyes grew wide, Brian stood 6'2 and Vylad was a lot shorter than him.
"Um...nobody..." Vyald stuttered,
"Hmm you better not make moves on my sister!" I giggled,
"Brian this is Vylad, Vyald this is Brian my older brother."
Brian gave Vyald a deep stare down and then smiled, and jokingly grabbed vylad's shoulder.
"Hahaha, Little man! I'm jokin I won't hurt you, but I will if I see you make moves on my sister."
"Gah I'm not little! Your just freakishly tall!" Vyald crossed him arms like a five year old, I giggled. Brian went back down in his room and Vyald and I just hung out for a while, we were watching anime when I heard another knock on my door, I got up and answered.
"Aaron! Your back." I hugged him.
"Yeah" he hugged me back,
"So how was your business trip?"
"Uh boring, but I'm glad I'm back here with you." He smiled and I blushed,
"Well Vylad's here, wanna come in?"
"Sure." He walked in and Vyald looked alittle annoyed that Aaron was here,
"Hey Vylad." Aaron said causally,
"Hey." Vyald said in a stern tone.
"Hey (Y/N) did you hear about the vacation Aphmau and Kawaii~chan are planing?"
"Yeah I'm super excited!"
"Well Aph told me most planes were booked so we're leaving tomorrow at 12."
"Tomorrow! At 12!"
"Yeah short notice."
"Well we all better get packing soon."
Aaron, Vyald and I hung out for awhile, Vylad wasn't to happy about it but he enjoyed hanging with me. I can't believe we're leaving at 12 tomorrow! In super excited! It got pretty late and Vyald and Aaron went back home to pack, I told Ember and Brian about the vacation and they started packing immediately! I ran upstairs and packed all I needed.
"Swim suit....Cheak, Clothes...check! Other things..Cheak! Yawnnnn man in tired." I got changed into pjs and fell quickly asleep.....ZzZzZzZzZ
Next Moring^•^
I heard me phone go off a ton, I stretched and reached for it. I looked I had 15 missed calls, 20 messages, all messages read "(Y/N)! Where are you?" I read the clock and it said 11:35,
"Oh my Irene I'm late!" I grabbed everything and jumped in my car. Brian and ember!
I didnt even get changed.... I was wearing a black tank top and sweat pants, my hair looked like a mess.... I probably smell....
"Gah I can't believe I'm late!!!" I pulled into the airport and jumped out of my car, grabbed my two suit cases and ran to the building. As soon as I got inside I saw Garroth and Laurance waiting for me. I ran up to them.
"Ah (Y/N)! There you are, Hurry the planes about to take off!" Laurance said They grabbed my suit cases for me and we headed to got my ticket and got onto the plane, I saw everyone sitting in their seats. I got a window seat and Aaron's seat was next to mine, I got into my seat and let out a deep breath.
"Wow you almost missed the plane."
"Yeah.....I...Didn' in." I tired catching my breath, Garroth, Laurance and I ran. I heard a familiar "Nya~" from behind me... I turned around slightly and saw Michi....
Irene please! Don't have Michi go to the same place where going......uh this is going to be a long plane ride, we took off and headed to California!

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