Ch.34||Vacation...Makin moves (Part Two)||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

I felt my self doze off, I Shook my head slightly trying to not fall asleep. My eyes felt heavy I leaned my head on my hand and felt Myself drift off into a slumber.......I lifted my head and saw nothing but black, I could barely see my hands in front of me.
"Hello?" I called out desperately, no response. I walked into the pit of darkness and saw a light flicker on, there stood Laurance, Garroth, Vyald, Aaron, and Zane.
"Guys?" I called out to them, I ran and they had no Emotion. I stood in fear and Garroth had stepped forward, He had looked different....changed into armor, his sandy blonde hair was now dirty. He grabbed me by the face, his hand felt like it was crushing my face.
"G..Garroth?" I forced out, his blank face turned into an evil smile. He pushed me with full force to the ground, Laurance had walked over with Aaron swords in hand.
"You play us all!" Laurance shouted in a democratic tone, my eyes began to fill with tears. Vylad stepped over, he had a evil grin on this face.
"What do you mean?" I shouted, Aaron picked me up by the shirt holding me in the air.
"You know what we mean!" He spat, I trembled in fear....
"No...I...don't." I stuttered, Aaron then dropped me; They all Laughed.
"You have played with us for too long! We're done trying to make you happy!" Vyald shouted, I trembled in fear held my head between my legs.........

Aaron's POV:

I was resting my head on the back of the plane seat when I heard (Y/N) mumble "G..Garroth" she started shaking in her sleep, her eyes shut tight she force out a breath. She was having a nightmare, I shook her slightly; her fist tightened and she shook terribly.
"(Y/N)?" I whisper, She mumbled once more, "Please don't hurt me...Aaron..."
My eyes grew, Hurt her? I would never! I placed my hand on her cheek and her eyes shot right open, still trembling in fear she started crying. Her eyes filled with tears she placed her head between her knees, shaking she spoke slightly.
"I...didn't...mean...too" she whispered,
"(Y/N)?" I whispered, she lifted her head and turned towards me her eyes filled with fear,
"Please...." She pleaded, I reached for her and she flinched; Her eyes shut fast and she sat there in fear.
"(Y/N) I would never hurt you, You had a bad dream." She opened her eyes and tears still streamed Down her face, I rubbed her cheek and she calmed down.
" was just a dream...." She stuttered,
"Yes, I would never hurt you." I pulled her closer to me and she rested her head on my shoulder, I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my head on top of hers. I could feel her still shaking, she then slowly fell back asleep.

Your POV:

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes.
"(Y/N), we've landed." I heard, my vision was blurry.
"Okay.." I respond really sleepy, My vision came two and I saw Aaron grabbing a small case from the head storage compartment.
"Morning" he whispered and smiled, I stretched.
"Morning...wait morning?" I barely said,
"Yeah it's like four right now," he whispered, I stood up and stretched more. I looked in front of me and saw Laurance and Garroth sleeping like baby's, Garroth head leaned back and Laurnace had his face pressed on the window, I giggled covering my mouth with my hand trying not to burst out laughing.
"Guys...wake up." I said between laughs, they both lifted there heads fast clashing into each other. I that had to hurt.
"Gah...ow that hurt...." Laurance winced rubbing the side of his head.
" head.." Garroth groaned,
"Are you boys okay?" They looked up and smiled, I giggled.
" saw that?" Laurance chuckled still rubbing the side of his head.
"Yeah..I kinda caused it...sorry."
"It's okay." Garroth chuckled,
"Well we landed!"
"We did?" They questioned,
"Hehehe Yeah so let's get everyone up."
"Okay!" They smiled and stretched. I got up to wake up Dante and Kawaii~Chan, Awe!!!! Dante and Kawaii~chan were cuddling and he hand his hand on her belly! So cute! I tapped Dante's shoulder, he stretched and Kawaii~chan lifted her head,
"Eh, Morning Dante~Kun!"
"Morning love."
"Awe!" I squealed.
"Oh (Y/N)~Senpai! Morning!"
"Hehe morning we landed so everyone's getting off."
"Okay!" They both said, I then walked over to wake up Aphmau, Katelyn, Maya,Vylad, And Travis. We all headed off the plane, Laurance and Travis went to go rent a car for all of us, Once they got back we headed to the hotel. We all settled In to our room, Kawaii~Chan had jet leg so she fell right asleep. It was so warm out side and our hotel was close to the beach, I got changed into my (Y/C) bathing suit and put a gray shirt and green high waisted shorts over it and put on a pair of sandals.(pic above) Laurance, Garroth, Aaron, Maya, Aphmau, and We all drove to the beach we took two cars, we brought our beach blanket and laid them on the beach, I spread my towel out and I felt a hand graze my back. I quickly stood up and turned around, there stood Aaron.
"A..Aaron?" I stuttered..He smiled,
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming?"
"Sure!" Aaron graze my hand and grabbed it, uh.............

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