Ch.39||Vacation...What is Love?(Part Seven)||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

My eyes widened, He smiled as he kissed me.... I pushed away from his and landed on the cold sand, he hovered over me with a strange look on his face.
"(Y/N) are you okay?" He asked, Why Travis Just why? Right now I have no clue who I have feelings for.... I crawled  backwards away from Travis and got up and ran away... With my (H/C) trailing behind me, I felt tears form and a tear slowly ran down my face. I ran for ever and my legs felt tight my muscles tightened and I stopped. Painting and Gasping for air and sat along the side of a building. Where am I? Thoughts all running through my head overwhelming me with feeling... I cried, Who do I really love?... Do I even love any of them?... What is love? Tears streaming down my face like a river I held my head in my hands. I felt to overwhelmed with everything, I just wanted to be back home in my bed not having a care in the world... But the thought mostly running through my head was What is love? I like them all... But is that too selfish to say, playing with their feelings.

Aphmau's POV:

Once (Y/N) ran off I quickly ran out of the water with Maya, Kawaii~chan and Katelyn following me.
"Travis, Why do you kiss her?"
"I...I um well like her.."
"Why did she run off?" Maya questioned,
"I don't know..." Travis rubbed his neck nervously,
"Well let's look for her!" Katelyn said running off, we all ran off in our own directions. I hope she's okay.

Maya's POV:

I ran in towards town looking for (Y/N) stupid Travis I should just... Errm punch him! Gah just focus on finding (Y/N). I was running for a good 2 minutes and gasping for air I saw (Y/N) leaning on a building, I ran towards her and saw she was slightly crying.
"(Y/N)?" She looked up with a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Are you okay?" I asked, she sniffled and said,
"Y..yeah.." wiped away the tear with her hand.
"Why did you run away?"
"I...I.. Don't know... I just feel like I'm playing with all their feelings... But I don't know..."
"It's okay." I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back,
"Thank you Maya"
"No problem, Now let's get back!" She pulled away from the hug,
"I..I well..okay let's go." We walked back to the beach and everyone was already there, they all were happy that I found her.

Your POV:

Once Maya and I Headed back to the beach Everyone was Happy that she found me.... I felt like an idiot for running but... I was too overwhelmed and I still am. We headed back to the hotel and once we got to the room Kawaii~chan was Still trying spells to fix Laura, Dantian, And Vyla.
"So had Any luck yet?" We asked,
Kawaii~chan let out a big sigh,
"Kawaii~chan's trying another spell and it's really difficult but here Kawaii~chan's goes!" She began to Say a spell, The 'girls' started to change as a Blue Ora appeared around them A bright light flashes and... There back to Normal!
"Ah! Yes we're finally back!" Laurance shouted happy, Kawaii~chan ran to Dante and hugged him, I was so happy I brought Laurance and Vylad into a big hug! Everyone was so happy, I'm so glad their back to themselves. It was late in the afternoon and The boys were ready to finally get out of the hotel room.
"How about we go to Disney Land! We're not that far away!" Vylad said, Our eyes lit up OMI yes!
"Yes yes yes!" I shouted jumping up and down. They laughed and we got ready to go, We all got into the cars and Laurance and Katelyn were driving them. I was super excited! I sat in the passenger side next to Laurance.. Of course duh!(😂) it took a little while before we got to Disney Land, I got so jumpy I couldn't stay still, Laurance chucked.
"You look super adorable when your excited." I turned a light shade of pink, Gah... Why? We parked the car and I jumped out with everyone following me I ran to the front gate (I've never actually been to Disney land soo yeah I don't know...XD) I was in awe, I felt two arms around my waist and I jumped.
"GEZ Laurance you scared me." He chucked.
"Sorry I just missed being able to hug you." I turned a bright red we went into Disney land and did what you had to do to get in...(I don't know, just roll with it.) Once we got in I wanted to go on every ride visit every store... Just everything! All the boys were arguing about me.... Aphmau, then pulled me to the to take a picture with all the girls with Minny and Micky mouse.
"Great picture guys!" Aphmau giggled,
"Kawaii~chan's super excited to Go to the stores! Eek Kawaii~chan heard there was a super anime store!" She squealed Dante Face palmed heh poor Dante she's going to be dragging him to all the stores. I heard my name from the guys.
"Hey (Y/N) wanna go on the tea cups first?" Laurance asked, I smiled
"Yeah sounds great!"
"I'm coming too!" Garroth, Vylad, Zane, Aaron(surprisingly) and Travis shouted. I giggled and ran towards the tea cups... I didn't want to think about what happened earlier but that all the kept running though my thoughts...
We got in line and I was excited,
"Your really excited arnt you?" Garroth chuckled,
"Yes! I'm sooooo excited!" I jumped up and down, It took alittle while then Laurance, Garroth, Aaron, and I got into one tea cup.. Haha Vylad, Zane, And Travis had to ride In another cup.

Laurance's POV:
Hahaha! Vylad, Zane, and Travis all had to sit in another tea cup. The ride started and We spun around I saw (Y/N)'s eyes beam with happiness, her long (H/C) hair flowed in the wind and her (E/C) eyes sparkled she looked absolutely gorgeous. She sat between Garroth and I and when we spun around she would slide close to one of us She blushed each time... I wish she would pick soon, who ever she picked I would be fine it just it's been so long and I..I love her.... I'm getting impatient and I need to know but for the mean time I should enjoy the time I have with her. On the ride she was smiling so big and giggling so much so we're Garroth, Aaron, and I. The ride ended and she immediately wanted to go on another ride.
"Let's go on another one!" She smiled,
"Cmon were hungry let's get something to eat!" Vylad wined,
"Finne!" We headed to a small restaurant and met up with everyone else, She walked up and ordered food for everyone. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist, she jumped and giggled also turned a light pink.
"Need help?"
"Y..yes.." She waited for the food and I turned her around I started into her beautiful (E/C) eyes and smiled she blushed a brighter pink almost Turing to a red. I leaned in to kiss her but she pushed off and stood back,
"(Y/N)?" Then she ran off....

Ahhhh! Thanks so much for 26k reads! And for 100 followers💗
Love yall my little Buggles😋💚
Hope you enjoyed!
Sorry left ya on sorta a cliffhanger...😁

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