Ch.40||Vacation... The Falling (Part eight)||

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Things to look out for:
-(Y/N) your name
-(L/N) last name
-(H/C) hair color
-(F/C) fav. Color

As I ran I could feel my (H/C) hair flowing behind me, My heart was pounding but I just ran. I ran into people and I felt bad.. But I continued. I bet there looking for me right now, I'm so stupid for just running but my emotions just took the best of me. I slowed down but still running at a steady pace, I tripped and landed on my knees.
"Gah...OW!h" my hands stopped my fall but got all scratched up,
"Are you okay?" I heard a voice say and helped me up, The pain shot right for my knees I looked down and they were all torn up and bleeding.
"Let my help you." A kind voice said wrapping my arm around their shoulder and led me to a chair, I looked up to see a girl with Long Black hair with Dark blue eyes stood in front of me.
"I'll be right back!" She said running off, Couple minutes later she came back with a first aid kit. She pulled out some rubbing alcohol and bandages, she pored the alcohol on my wound.
"Ah!...." I cried,
"Sorry sweetie.." Then she wrapped bandages around both knees, and patched up my hands.
"T..Thank you.."
"Don't sweat it darling, oh I'm Lily!" She smiled,
"Oh I'm (Y/N)."
"It's so nice to meet you!" She giggled,
"So Let's get you back with your Family or Friends!" She said,
"Oh um...I'll call them..."
"Okay, Do you need a phone?"
"Yeah." She gave me a phone and I called Aphmau....
Oh phone~
"Hey Aphmau, It's (Y/N)"
"(Y/N)! Thank Irene your okay we've been looking for you!"
"It's okay! Where are you?"
"Um...close to the front gate.."
"Okay we'll be there in a bit."
"Okay see you soon.."
Call ended~
"So your friends are coming?" She asked
"Yeah they should be here in a bit.."
"Um may I ask why were you running?"
I hesitated and nervously rubbed my arm.
"Well... My Friend.. There boys and they all like me and... I don't know who I like... But my friend Laurance just made it difficult by trying to kiss me..."
"Oh I'm sorry darlin, I was in your same boat before too."
"Heh yeah"
"Thank you again Lily for helping me."
"No problem!" She smiled,
"(Y/N)~senpai!" I heard, I looked over and saw Kawaii~chan, Aphmau, Katelyn, And Maya coming.
"Hey Guys.."
"What in the name of Irene happened?" Katelyn and Maya asked.
"I'm so glad we found you!" Aphmau said,
"Uh...well I kinda fell...running."
"(Y/N)~senpai why did you run?"
"Well....I've been really confused about whom I really liked.. Of the guys and Laurance tired kissing me and I just ran..."
"Awe.. (Y/N) I know Love is confusing but you'll find him!" Aphmau rubbed my shoulder,
"Oh by the way thing is Lily!" I said
"Hia!" She waved and giggled,
"I'm Aphmau and this is Katelyn, Kawaii~chan and my sister Maya."
"Nice to meet you all!" She smiled, then the guys ran up,
"(Y/N) there you are! What happened?" They all asked,
"I..I Fell..."
"Are you okay?" Laurance asked,
"Yeah thanks to Lily!" Lily smiled,
"Hey I'm Lily!"
"I'm Laurance."
"Heyo I'm Vylad!"
"I'm Garroth."
"Eh I'm Zane.."
"Heyyyyy I'm Travis." He smirked,
"I'm Aaron.." Aaron had a spark in his eyes, Ooooo I think Aaron's found a liken to Lily (if you haven't figured out yet Lily is Aaron's Wife From MCD)
"Nice to meet you all!" Lily smiled,
"Well we better get (Y/N) back to the hotel so she can rest." Garroth said,
"But I don't wanna go yet..." I frowned and gave a pouty lip.
"Well maybe we can still do something!" Aphmau said,
"Why don't we go to the haunted mansion!" Travis suggested,
"Yeah!" We all cheered.
"Let's go, c'mon Lily wanna come?"
"Sure!" She giggled,
"Here let me help you!" Laurance and Garroth both offered,
"Wait no I'll help her!" They both said,
"No I will!" In unison.
"Here why don't I help you!" Vyald chucked picking me up bridal style leaving Garroth and Laurance speechless. I giggled and wrapped my arms around Vylad's neck,
"Vylad you know I can walk."
"Heh I know." He smiled and did a slight chuckle, and we went over to the haunted house. I started shaking and once we got in Vylad set me down and helped me walk, I'm more than capable to walk by myself... Something jumped at me and I jumped to Vylad,
"You scared?"
"" He pulled me closer, we walked through almost hand and hand, suddenly I felt Vylad's hand lock with mine and I felt my face turn hot.... OMI I'm blushing my best friend is holding my hand.... He had a light pink blush across his face surprisingly because he always called himself the 'love expert' hehehe. Close to the end another jump scared popped in font of me and I screamed, Vylad pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear,
"It's okay I got ya" He turned me towards him and I looked into his bright green eyes, he hesitated but leaned in and........

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