||Garroth's Ending||

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I fluttered my eyes open and saw baby blue eyes staring into mine.... Garroth.
"You did t..this all f..for me?" I asked,
"Y..yes of course I did... I love you.." He rubbed his arm nervously and turned red. I giggled and smiled, He chucked and rubbed my cheek.
"(Y/N)... W..will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" I blushed and he picked me up by the hips and sup me around. More fireworks went off and we melted into a another kiss, This was the best vacation ever! Now we have to tell everyone.... The fireworks were loud so nobody would hear us, we started walking back towards everyone and Garroth grabbed my hand and I blushed super hard, He chucked and we went back to where everyone was hand in hand. Once we got there Everyone was staring into the sky watching the fire works, I sat down next to Garroth and the guys looked at us confused but continued watching the fireworks. He pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist, I blushed and laid my head on his shoulder.
~time skip to the end of the fireworks~
Everyone was watching Garroth and I confused, Finally someone asked what was going on,
"(Y/N)~senpai... What's going on between Garroth~Kun and (Y/N)~senpai?"
"Well... Garroth and I are Dating now..." I hesitated saying,
"Really?" The boys said kinda sad,
"Heh You take care of her Garroth, Were always here For ya (Y/N)!" Laurance smiled,
"You better not hurt her...." Zane growled, Garroth punched him in the arm.
"Don't worry about us Baby brother, I'm going to take great care of her." He pulled me closer and i giggled, I'm glad the boys were fine with it. Tomorrow morning we are heading back home so we all headed back to the hotel, it was pretty late so I got dress in pajamas and everyone went to bed I laid down but I couldn't sleep. Garroth was laying in his bed tossing and turning trying to sleep too,
"(Y/N) you still awake?" He whispered
"Yeah... I can't sleep..."
"Want me to come lay with you?"
"U..uh Yeah.." I stuttered and pulled the blanket over to cover my blush, he crawled out of bed and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I snuggled up to him resting my head on his chest.
"This Better?" He asked and played with my hair,
"Yeah a lot better" I giggled and became really sleepy and drifted off into a deep slumber.
(I'ma going to do a time skip to Six Months later after the vacation so enjoy!)
Garroth and I moved in with each other a little while ago, Today was Garroth and I six Months. I made him a scrap book of all of our pictures and moments we had together... I hope he likes it! He was at work till 1pm so I was finishing the last of the scrap book, When suddenly I got a text from Garroth,
Gar- Hey Hun! Happy six months! When I get home be sure to be ready, we're going some where!"
You- where?
Gar- Hehehe you'll see😉
You- Babe... Plwwweeese tell me
Gar- you'll just have to wait and see, Love you!
You- Love you too
Grrrr I wish he would tell me where we were going... Well where ever where going I bet it's going to be amazing! I finished up his scrap book and I had nothing to do till he got home, well should start getting ready.. I run upstairs and looked through the closest and u had nothing to wear, Maybe I should call Aphmau and see if she could help.
"Hey Aph, it's (Y/N)!"
"Hey! (Y/N) what's up?"
"Well it's Garroth's and I six months and he's taking me somewhere special but I don't have anything to wear... Soo could you help me?"
"AHHHH! Of course!" She yelled into the phone.
"Hehehe okay see you in a bit!"
"Yup! See you! Ahhh!" She screamed into the phone and hung up... Gez Aph she's excited, in a matter of no time there was a quick knock on my door, I ran down stairs and opened the door.
"Hey Aph!"
"Hey! Oh my Irene I have the perfect outfit for you!" She squealed,
"Gez Aphmau your starting to sound like Kawaii~chan" I laughed
"Hehehe we'll here it is! Go put it on and I'll help you with hair and makeup!" She handed me a dress in a bag and a shoe box wow Aph you didn't have to bring me and entire outfit haha! I pulled out a (F/C) strapless dress and a pair of white Sandals, I put it on and walked out of the bathroom and Aphmau was fangirling.
"You look beautiful!" She giggled, She curled my hair and but in a (F/C) flower crown and but some makeup on, i heard Garroth's car pull into the drive way and Aphmau pretended she wasn't here so we could go out, I walked down stairs and the door started opening.
"There's my beautiful girl!" He chucked and pulled me into a kiss,
"So where are we heading?"
"It's still a surprise!"
"Awe!" I whined,
"Well cmon let's go!" He chucked and grabbed my hand and led me to the car, like a gentleman he opened my door and i got in, "why thank you" I laughed, "Anything for my princess!" He chucked and got in the car.
~After 30 minutes of driving~
"Where here!" He said, he pulled up to a park and got out and walked to my side and opened it, He grabbed my hand and we walked into the park, a blanket placed under a large tree with a cute little picnic basket.
"Awe Garroth this is adorable!" I giggled,
"Not as adorable as you"
"Have you been taking lessons from Travis?" I laughed,
"Pfft No!" He chucked We walked over and sat down on the blanket, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
"I love you (Y/N)"
"I love you more!" I laughed and playfully pushed him away,
"Oh yeah, you think you love me more! Oh wait look over there!" He said pointing the opposite way I turned around to see what was over there and there was nothing.
"Garroth theres nothing there you goof!" I turned back facing him and he was down on one knee with a box in his hands. I covered my mouth with my hands and held back the tears of joy.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He said opening a small red velvet box, and a sliver diamond ring sat in the box.
"Yes! A million time yes!" I hugged him and he pulled me into a kiss, I cried tears of joy. He pulled the ring out and placed it on my finger,
"See I love you more!" He chucked,
"Hahaha nope I think I still love you more!"
"Oh okay..." He rolled his eyes and I pulled him into a kiss,
"Oh! I forgot I made this for you!" I pulled out a bag that held the scrap book I made, he opened it.
"Oh (Y/N) this is amazing!" He smiled and opened the book and looked through it, We sat there looking all the moments we've had together. This day had to be the best on in my life!

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