|||Zane's Ending|||

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I opened my eyes and saw Zane, He was Blushing and I was too. He had his scarf down and that's the first time I saw his face fully.... He was really handsome, He rubbed my cheek and pulled me in for another kiss. Once we pulled away, He had me by the hips.
"(Y/N)...... I love you, I know I've never really shown it but I hide my feelings but I couldn't any longer... Will you be mine?"
"Yes, Zane.... I love you too..." I blushed and he pulled me into a hug, man Zane more of a softy that I thought. We went back to where everyone was and Zane Grabbed my hand and he blushed but had his scarf back up so it was hard to see, everyone gave us a strange look and we sat down for the rest of the fireworks. After they were done we headed back to the hotel and we went inside.
"Hey (Y/N).... Is something going on between Zane and you?" Aphmau asked me,
"Uh..." I blushed, everyone looked at me confused.
"We're dating." Zane bluntly said,
"Zane!" I growled, gez he didn't have to be so straight forward.
"What really?!" Everyone said surprised, I nodded 'yes' with a stupid smirk on my face while I was blushing.
Zane wrapped his arm around my waist and the other boys looked jealous.
"Y..yeah.." I stuttered with a blush across my face, I could tell he had one too.
"You take care of her Zane..." Laurance said in a kind tone,
"Don't you worry little Laurance.." Zane chucked, Laurance rolled his eyes.
"My Baby Brother, You better Take care of her... We're always here for you (Y/N)." Garroth said,
"I know and I'm so thank full for all of you" I said, It was late and everyone headed to bed. I sat on the couch watching (F/S or A) (btw that means Favorite show or anime) when I felt my self doze off, my eyes where slowly shutting till I felt two arms pick me up and carry me to the bed. I was covered in blankets and a kiss was placed on my forehead, and a whisper spoke sweetly in my ear,
"Sleep well Love~" and he crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist,
"Love you Zane.." I whispered, He pulled me closer and I laid my head on his chest and I fell asleep.......
~Large time Skip- One year later~
I was making Cupcakes in the kitchen for Zane of course Vanilla cupcakes with Pink frosting, Hehe he's so picky! I pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and placed them onto the stove to cool off, I picked up a cupcake and began frosting it when suddenly I felt arms wrapped around my waist and jet black hair on the Corner of my eye.
"Well Hello Darlin" He said to me,
"Hey Hun, I'm just finishing cupcakes for you."
"Oh I don't need those cupcakes when I got you, my cupcake~" He chucked, I slapped some frosting onto his cheek and laughed. He spun my around and looked at me with pink frosting all over his face, I'm glad he doesn't wear his scarf in the house I love fully seeing his face; I licked off the frosting and he pulled me into a kiss.
"I Love you" he chucked,
"I love you too"
"Hey So I wanna Bring you out to Dinner tonight, And well yeah" he Blushed.
"Okay!" I giggled, "where are we going?" I continued
"Well A surprise!" He smiled with a cute blush across his cheeks.
"Awe... Can't you tell me!" I wined and gave him puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip, It has always worked on Zane.
"Grrr..... I can't tell you...."
"Awe.... Plwwweeese"
"Uh.... No I can't sorry....."
"Hmph finnnneeee...." I crossed my arms and frowned, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.
"You'll see soon okay!"
"Grrr...." I growled, He picked up a cupcake and ate it,
"Wow Hun these are delicious!" He said with his mouth stuffed,
"Thanks Babe, what time are we going?"
~Small time skip to four o'clock~
Zane when out to His brothers house for a bit, I think there helping him get ready. I went upstairs and Rummaged through my closet looking for something nice, I picked out a (F/N) Dress and some black flats and I curled my hair and pulled half of it up. I picked out a necklace and a couple of bracelets and wore them, by the time I finished it was 4:38.
"Hey Hun I'm back!" Zane called from down stairs,
"I'm Coming!" I yelled back and walked down stairs, I peered and saw Zane in black black Dress paints and shirt with a cute red bow tie... He had his stupid scarf back on...
"Ah there's my beautiful girl!" He smiled, I walked up and ripped off his scarf,
"Your not wearing that out right?!"
"But....finnnneeee..." He groaned and I gave him a kiss,
"Shall we" he said and grabbed my hand and I blushed slightly and we headed to the restaurant, once we got there Zane and I walked into it Hand in Hand. We were greeted and brought to a table, it was a beautiful restaurant!
The waiter brought Bread sticks and Some water,then we ordered dinner and everything was really sweet. Zane ordered is some wine, The waiter brought us some sparkling wine. I took a sip and noticed there was something in my drink, I took my fork and pulled it out.
"A ring?" I said confused, Zane Grabbed it from me and Got down on one knee. My heart began running a million miles a second and I became hot.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), Will you marry me?"
"Yes! Oh Irene yes!" I squealed and he placed the ring on my finger and I jumped into his arms and we went into a long kiss, many people were cheering for us. This had to be the best day ever!
~Time skip to wedding Day!~
I stood in front of a mirror in my wedding dress..... I can't believe I'm getting married! I'm going to be Ms. Ro'Meave!
"You look absolutely stunning!" Aphmau squealed helping me get ready.
"(Y/N)~senpai are you nervous?"
"Uh... Maybe.. Okay yes I am!"
"Oh calm down girl, It's your big day you should be excited!" Katelyn said,
"I..I know I'm just nervous..." I stuttered,
"It's okay you got this!" Nicole said, it become time the girls went out and it was starting, I'm about to be married to the love of my life!
Zane's POV:
The music started and little Nekoette~tan ran down the aisle throwing flower skipping, and all the brides mains walked down then came the guys. My heart was beating so fast that I almost couldn't breath, then I saw (Y/N) and the world stopped she looked absolutely gorgeous. She walked down the aisle with a big smile on her face, She came up and have her flowers to Aphmau and we joined hands and the Priest begins-
"Ladies and gentlemen, Friends and family, we gathered here today to witness and the joining of Zane and (Y/N) in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife" the Priest cleared his throat and began to say more,
"Do you Zane, take (Y/N) to be your wife, to have to hold till this day forward, from better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish; form this day forward till death do you part?"
I smiled and said "I do" the priest Began again-
""Do you (Y/N), take Zane to be your husband, to have to hold till this day forward, from better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish; form this day forward till death do you part?"
"I do!" She said,
"You may now kiss the bride!"
"Oh gladly!" I chucked pulling her into a dip and kissing her, Everyone cheered and we pulled apart. She had the biggest smile on her face, I loved it she chuckles and said,
"Okay this had to be the best day ever!" Bring me into another kiss, she was right this was the best day ever!

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