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Author's notes- ahh there's nothing better than writing a nice story. Except tea, earl grey is best. But anyway I killed Bumblebee last chapter, I replaced it with Dragon so yeah that's over. Or is it. Nobody knows not even me. Anyway let's get this pancake flipping. Also when you catch fire and go rage mode it will be Bold Italics. Warning Lemons.

You stood in your red trenchcoat, your Flamesaw boxed up in your hand. Your brothers were watching along with dozens of people all from different schools. "Y/N". Goodwitch says "let's find you a teammate" she sighs knowing you like to make a mess. She taps her scroll, "will Miss Coco Adel, please enter the arena." You see her smile as she enters the ring, "this'll be fun" she giggles. Why, why does this happen to me? Pressing a button your Flamer transforms. Her smile vanishes, she pulls a coffee cup from nowhere and takes a deep drink then throws it to the floor. She has a large suitcase by her side. What's in there? You change your Flamesaw back to a box. "You may start" Glynda steps back. You charge Coco attacking with the box she blocks with her case. Lighting the case on fire you speed up your attacks and finally one impacts on her right arm flinging her across the arena. "Show me the demon" she laughs. You switch to your chainsaw and light it on fire. "No" you say simply.
"I guess I'll have to drive it out" her case transforms into a golden minigun with a huge magazine. Fuck. You're hit in the chest with several bullets before you create a wall of flame. She fires maniacally through the flame. Switching to the box you slam it into the ground and knock a huge chunk of the arena up acting as a shield. Lighting your fist on fire you punch it through the wall of flame. You hear an impact and a yelp. You extinguish the fire and see her on the ground, her sunglasses shattered. This earns you an evil glare from her as she stands up and  pulls the glasses off and throws them to the ground. At the push of a button your flamethrower is out. Your fire meets her bullets melting them and making it rain lead. Switching to your chainsaw you fly at her but she kicks you in the stomach. A huge fist of fire knocks her back and you get up. She charges at you, hitting you in the stomach with the case and knocking your's from your hand.

Now disarmed you coat yourself in flame. Moving faster than her eyes can track she tries in vain to block your attacks. "You wanted the demon now you have it" you cackle through fire. Landing a punch in her stomach she hunches over. You pull off her hat and grab her hair, you punch her in the face several times before kicking her stomach. She flies backwards still standing up. You rush her and land a punch in her face making her do a backflip. As she gets up you grab her hair and knee her in the face sending her to the ground. The fire sizzles out. "No regrets" she groans from her hole in the ground. Looking around you see many people shocked having not seen anyone do this before. "Y/N, I'm sure you will qualify for the tournament" she sighs at the mess you made of the arena. "Next up is Pyrrha Nikos versus team CRDL."

As you head back to your seat next to Yang she gives you a hug and a kiss. When you sit down you put your arm around her. You spot someone looking at you, with, is that fear? He had grey hair. His name's Mercury I think. Is he up to something? Pyrrha is fighting but you're not really paying attention, focusing your attention on Yang. You're nibbling and kissing her neck. She giggles. Out of the corner of your eye you see Blake watching, you pull away from Yang and Blake quickly hides herself from view. You pull out a bag of cookies that you kept in your pocket, there were only four. One for Ruby, obviously. One for Yang. You look across dammit Weiss is here. I can't not give her one. I guess no cookie for me. "Y/ N are those cookies?" Ruby asks. Does she have cookie sense or something? You hand the cookies along the row, trying not to cry. "Y/N, where's your cookie?" Ruby asks her mouth full.
"I ate it earlier" you explain trying not to make them feel bad.
"It's not nice to lie" someone whispers in your ear. Jumping you look behind you and see a girl with black hair and bright amber eyes with a flame burning inside them. She walks off and winks at you. Why? The bell rang "That is all for today" Glynda says. "Remember the dance is this weekend, but you all have your first mission on Monday." Yang nudges you and winks. "I will not accept any excuses" Glynda finishes. You follow your team out of the class and down the hallway.

When you get outside Sun runs up to Blake "Hey Blake! You uh, doing okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine" she answers clearly not 'fine'. Sun clears his throat.
"So I hear there's there's this dance on this weekend. Ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me I'm thinking not as lame uh?"
"The dance, this weekend, you want to go or what?" He asks.
"I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that." She storms past you and her other teammates. "What? No time to dance" you say wiggling your hips. Sun looked very sad.
"Are you okay?" You ask Sun as your team follows Blake.
"Yeah I'm fine" he says unconvincingly.
"Yeah no you're not, do you want to come with me me and my brothers are going into vale." You smile slightly. "Wait isn't Jack, one of your brothers?" He asks. You look at him.
"Of course he's my brother we're triplets."
"Really, he's on my team" wait another team of five.
"Cool you can meet my other brother Benson."

-when you come back from vale-

It's dark, not even the moon is shining any light. Weiss and Yang were snoring, Ruby was muttering random words you think you heard something about you not getting cookies. Something smells strange, something smells familiar what was it. Someone puts something over your mouth. You fall to the ground and black out.

You wake up still in the dark and hear someone shuffling around the room. Something is stuffed in your mouth and your hands are tied. I'll make short work of these. Lighting your body on fire the gag disintegrates in your mouth, spitting out the ashes you realise your hands are still tied. What are these made of? "I see you're awake" a female voices says. The voice is distorted so you don't recognize it. She shines a light in your face, you can see a pair of black boots and the start of black trousers tucked into her boots. "Hey sis" you say smiling.
"Are you serious Y/N?" She laughs turning the lights on.
"No other girl has ever worn clothes like that." You laugh. She folds her arms, someone unties you. It was Jack. "Are you ready for Benson?" She smiles. Katherine is your older sister at twenty years old she's a professional huntress.

Benson wakes up in the same state you were in. He freezes his bindings and attacks Katherine then sees that it's her "really sis?" He says. She flips him onto the floor.
"So sis what brings you to beacon?" You ask. She ruffles your hair.
"I wanted to see my wittle broders foight" she says in a baby voice.
"We're not kids anymore" Jack quickly mutters.
"Y/ N even has a girlfriend" Ben mumbles.
"Wait, what?" She speaks "I'm just going to say what mum and dad would say." She puts her head in her hand. "Do you wear, a condom?" She sighs. Jack bursts into laughter and Ben facepalms. You blush.
"Yes" you sigh. Both your brothers look at you.
"Wait you mean to tell me you're not a virgin." They say in unison.
"Well, yeah" you smile at the two of them.
"Okay Y/ N is grown up, you two are still kids." She chuckles.
"Anyway sis why have you brought us here this late?" Ben asks.
"I need to talk to you Y/N, in particular. I've heard about your powers growing. I've received footage of you fighting, people think you may be a threat." She answers.
"Why?" You say quietly.
"Someone working with Torchwick has many things similar to your semblance. She's called cinder. And  she's a pretty good fighter. However we don't think she has the skill level of 'The Demon' as you're becoming known as." She informs you. "But on a lighter note let's go meet your teams"
"Kate it's a bit early." Jack chirps
"It's eight in the morning, you guys were asleep for a long time."
"Can we eat first?" You ask "we can meet our teams at breakfast" you suggest. She nods and you all head off to breakfast.

-at breakfast-

Sitting down next to Yang you sigh and lean your head on her shoulder. Your brothers and Kate sit opposite your team, Kate in front of you. "Who are you?" Yang asks your sister.
"I'm Katherine" she smiles "I'm Y/N's sister, and a huntress."
"Wait Y/ N your sister's a huntress" Ruby gawks.
"Yes I am, you must be Ruby I've heard so much about you." She smiles again.
"You smile a lot" Weiss points out.
"You must be Weiss" she says in a less chirpy tone. She looks at Blake. "And you must be Blake." She smiles again, Blake doesn't answer. She looks at Yang, Yang smiles. "You're Yang. Y/N's girlfriend" she smiles. Leaning over the table she whispers something to Yang. Yang's eyes widen in fear. You decide to change the subject "so Jack and Ben who are you taking to the dance?"
"I...I..erm..I" Jack says making you laugh. "Ruby, would you like to go to the dance with me?" He asks Ruby. She blushes "y..Yeah" she answers.
"So Ben what about you?" You ask. He sighs, then looks around the room.
"One sec" he walks over to team NDGO then walks back. "Yeah I have no luck."
"What do you expect? None of us three even go to shade academy." You say.
"Yeah it's a shame none of us picked that out of the hat." Ben says looking over at them.
"Wait what do you mean?" Yang asks.
"Well we couldn't decide which one to go to so we picked them out of a hat" you answer.
"So everything, that's happened so far is by chance, you could've ended up in Atlas or Haven?" Yang says.
"Well yeah" you speak.

After a while Yang and your other teammates left to prepare for the dance. "Y/N, Jack and Ben. " Kate starts "we need to get you guys something to wear"
"Hey what's wrong with this?" You gesture at your red clothes.
"No, we're getting you a suit" Katherine orders. "I'm sure Yang's going to wear something nice"
"Fine let's go" you finally say.

-in the tailor-

Kate had gotten you in a black suit with matching tie and trousers, and a white shirt. "Do you have this in red?" You ask the tailor. He nods, and comes back with a suit for you. You get changed into it and come out again. It had a crimson blazer with matching trousers. The shirt was pink and the tie was dark orange you wore a pair of black shoes with it. There was a pink handkerchief in the breast pocket. "I like it" you say.
"Do you have one in purple?" Jack asks, the man comes back with a purple one. Jack gets changed and comes out with a dark purple blazer on and matching trousers. He had a light purple shirt on and a dark purple tie on. Ben walks out from his changing room, wearing a dark blue blazer and trousers. A light blue shirt and a dark blue tie. "What's with you three and those colours?" Kate asks.
"What's with you and black?" All three of you ask at once.
"Point taken. Do any of you need anything else why we're here?"
"I need more tea" you say.

-at the dance-

"What's up bitches?" You say walking through the door Ben and Jack behind you. Katherine was talking to Ozpin and Glynda. Yang was welcoming everyone to the dance. "Who you calling a bitch?" She asks furrowing her brow. "Definitely not you" you rub the back of your head. Ruby walks in.
"Oh, you look beautiful" Yang says. Ruby is wearing a red dress and high heels. You wish Jack and her good luck. Ben walks over to the punch bowl to drown his sorrows in punch. Blake walks in in a beautiful dark blue dress that shows off her legs she went to dance with Yang leaving you and Sun standing alone. "Well, you're wearing a tie" you say to Sun.
"And you're wearing a suit"

Blake and Yang finish dancing, Sun goes off with Blake. Yang walks over to Ruby and Weiss, you follow her. "I told you she would come" Yang says.
"Mission accomplished" Weiss cheers.
"So...what do we do now?" Ruby asks.
"Just have fun!" Yang says before pulling you with her. You wave at Ruby as you're dragged away and you see Jack ask her to dance. You and Yang start dancing. After about ten minutes she leans into your ear and whispers "how about we take this back to the dorm?" Jaune walks in through the door in a dress. Team JNPR starts dancing "yep I say we go before this gets weirder." Yang heads to the bathroom before you go. You stand next to Ruby at the doorway. You both see someone running on the rooftops and look at each other. Ruby starts walking and you follow her to the CCT building where you see a knocked out guard. Ruby calls in her locker and retrieves her scythe. You ready yourself for a fight.

The elevator doors open into a room full of computers. "Hello?" Ruby calls out. "Is anyone there?" A girl with black hair and a mask stands up from behind a set of computers, she looks surprised when she sees you. "Excuse me" Ruby says. "You know, it's not a masquerade party" the girl sprinkles some dust that forms into crystals she sends them at Ruby who blocks with her scythe. Setting your body alight you send balls of fire her way, she dodges them. You attack with your fists "who are you?" You snarl inches away from her face. She kicks you away. Ruby starts shooting her but she blocks. She summons a pair of swords you grab them "that's a nice pair you've got there" you smirk. She kicks you off again and you stumble backwards, the elevator opens and ironwood steps out. When you look back to where the girl was she's disappeared. You return to normal.

Ironwood finally lets you go after extracting all the information he can. You head back to the party and find Yang tapping her foot in annoyance. After explaining what happened you head back to the dorm. No one was there, luckily. Yang closes the door behind you and you push her against the wall. You push up her dress with your hand and slide it inside her panties. Slowly you begin to rub her opening before sliding a finger in. She's already wet. Pushing her onto Blake's bed you slide another finger in while hovering over her. "Have I told you this dress is beautiful?" You smile. She pulls you in for a long kiss. Forcing her tongue inside your mouth you groan. "Enough foreplay" she growls taking her dress off. You pull your suit off as fast as you can leaving both of you in your underwear. Someone opens the door... they don't notice you. Yet. It's Blake. SHIT I thought she'd be out with Sun for longer. She turns around and sees you both in your underwear staring at her. "Is that, my bed?" She asks blushing.
"We...well...y...ye...Yeah" you stutter.
"If you're going to do it in my bed, at least let me join in" she purrs. You roll to the side of Yang.
"Did you just..." you're cut off by Blake removing her clothes.
"This'll be fun" Yang smiles. All three of you sat in silence for about forty two seconds before you try to get up. Yang pushes, you down and Blake crawls over to you. Blake kisses you, that smell. Wait Blake is the mysterious girl. She smiles as you realise , wrapping a hand around your member Yang pulls you in for another kiss to show Blake you're Yang's own property. They look at each other having a silent conversation before Blake begins to kiss down your chest then stomach then kisses your member. You feel her warm breath on the head before she swallows your whole shaft. Yang climbs onto your chest and slides her wet opening into your face. Sliding your tongue inside she moans before Blake wraps both hands around your Cock both moving in different directions. Yang gets off your chest and both girls kneel before your Cock. Blake takes her head off of you and moves to the side. Both girls kiss your member before meeting at the head pulling each other in for a kiss your head sandwiched between them. Their tongues begin swirling around the head and you start to move your hips. Blake gets up and pulls a. Condom from the night stand. She tears it open and rolls it down your length pulsing with anticipation. Blake gets on her elbows and knees on the carpeted floor Yang spreading her legs before her. You slide yourself into Blake, she's a lot tighter than Yang almost unbearably so. You grab her hips and slowly thrust letting her and yourself adjust. She begins to eat Yang out and you hear Yang moan. Blake starts to push against you when you thrust into her, driving you crazy. You start to pump faster grabbing one of her breasts with a free hand Yang removes Blake's bow and you kiss her neck. You start thrusting as fast and as hard as you can, Yang cums on the carpet and you feel Blake's muscles tightening. "Y/N, I...I..I'm c...c..Cumming" Blake moans loudly. She convulses then collapses you continue fucking her until you feel the point of no return then cum while still thrusting slower and softer to squeeze out every drop. Falling to the floor you're all lying naked on the floor Blake still has her bum aimed in the air. "That was fun" you pant.
"It was" Blake pants.
"It was also a one time thing miss Belladonna. " Yang pants but still sounds strict.

Author's notes- hope you all like the Blake and Yang at the end there, I might even do one where Pyrrha joins you and Yang. But meh the ship's have sailed. Also we're nearing the end of season two and with it the soon to be released season four. It'll be great anyway Dave out.

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