Red Like Roses

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Author's notes- previously on Lost...I'm back like five seconds later with another chapter about everyone's favourite weapon the Flamesaw. Well that's why I write it, also I need to up my creative writing game for GCSE English. And RWBY is my second favourite web series beaten by Red vs Blue. Team DAVE will be back and does your character have a thing for Velvet. I also found out CFVY is pronounced coffee which is great. Anyway to the next chapter.

You stood both hands on your box, Ruby standing opposite, her scythe stuck in the ground. Everyone once again was there except Cardin, Jaune and Pyrrha where could they be."Blake would you kindly" you say ready for the fight to start.
"3" at least it's not five again.
"2" you press the button and unleash the Flamesaw. Let's get close on this one.
"Go" Ruby flies at you with unimaginable speed but you stop her with a kick to the face. She starts firing sniper shots at you so lifting your hands you engulf yourself in flame the bullets melt before they reach you. Good thing your fire's hotter than normal fire. You throw the fire at Ruby uppercutting her with it. She hits the roof but doesn't break it. Using the height to her advantage she pushes off the roof and spins her scythe facing out aiming for you. You press the button and have your box again. As she nears impact you block with the box. She shoots her scythe and flies off you, you activate the flamer and spray the arena around you, lighting Ruby's cape on fire. You fly across the battleground and ready your chainsaw. Hitting her straight in the stomach you activate fire on the chain. The force throws her away from you and she drops her scythe. Picking it up you throw it into the fire not melting it but making it too hot to pick up. Ruby now disarmed throws herself at you but you slams her into the ground with the box. Her on the end of the box you make eye contact. "Sorry" you smile and switch to you flamer. "Do you like rare or char grilled?" You ask rhetorically. Then you light her up shrouding her in flame. A foot lands on your Flamesaw and you look up to see Weiss. You switch the flame off. "Do you need help Ruby?" She says.
"Yes" Ruby coughs. You smile and jump back to your side.
"Do I get help?" You ask and look around at everyone.
"Yang?" She looks at you venomously. "So that's a no. Blake what about you? I haven't seen you fight." Without speaking she jumps to your side "so I take it that's a yes." You didn't need another countdown as you flew at Weiss and Ruby on a carpet of fire. You strike Ruby in the stomach with your weapon and kick Weiss in the stomach taking them both down. A plum of fire erupts throwing Ruby's scythe at her. A familiar face appears in the crowd, Violet. She waves at you a bag of popcorn on her lap. As your distracted Weiss freezes your legs. "Are you serious?" You say swiftly melting the ice with two snakes of fire. Ruby was now armed and ready to go. A black ribbon whizzes past you and hooks around Weiss' sword it's pulled out of her hand and Blake catches it. Without looking back you flip back to Blake, "show off" she smirks
"You know it." Ruby charges at Blake clawing her scythe into the ground and delivering a roundhouse kick to her face last minute. With your teammate in trouble you Sprint over and see Weiss' sword gone. Ruby leaps over to Weiss giving her the sword. Blake gets up and starts shooting at Ruby, you ready the flamer and light them up. Weiss extinguishes the fire and creates glyphs ahead of Ruby, you're confused you'd never seen this before. Ruby flies at you at super speeds creating a loud bang. She shoots as she's flying hitting you in the lap then swings her scythe uppercutting you. Why doesn't it hurt? You ask yourself then realise the ice pack was still there you pull it off and punch it at Ruby while still flying through the air ice cubes hitting her face. You land behind her and get out your flamer lighting her on fire again, you stop and see she's out of the battle, glazed a burnt black colour. Blake charges at Weiss and a glyph appears before her Blake hitting it and flying back. "Let's do this ice queen." You rev your chainsaw, she strikes an elegant pose her sword pointed at you ready for close quarters. She lunges at you and you sidestep tripping her up. She gets up and Blake attacks a short sword in her hand she clashes with Weiss. You go for another attack and are thrown away by a glyph. Blake's sword holds Weiss' in place and changes into a gun with a sword beneath it. She fires shot after shot at Weiss knocking her to the ground. Weiss sees you coming and kicks your chainsaw across the room, now disarmed for the first time ever you feel a rush of energy. You growl through your teeth and produce an Ursa which punches Weiss into the ground repeatedly then disappears in a massive explosion destroying the arena but leaving the audience untouched. You don't feel exhausted like before but the rush of energy is gone. Looking at Weiss you see she has also turned a sooty black colour. Violet starts clapping in the crowd then disappears. Where's she gone? Turning around you see Blake burnt in a similar manner due to the explosion. You run up to her being unexpectedly worried, why am I so worried about her and not the others? Arriving by her you see she's asleep. Huh. Ruby staggers up to you and shakes your hand. Weiss also shakes your hand getting up like a zombie. "Let's take Blake back to the room, it's getting late" you suggest wanting to leave before Glynda shows up. You pick up Blake and everyone sprints back go their dorms.

-in le dorm-

Once you get back you place Blake onto her bed gently. You turn around to see Yang in her pyjamas pretending to sleep. "I know your not asleep" you say aloud.
"Wait how?" She groans
"You're breathing is too heavy."
"Fine" she sits up "do you, like Blake?"
"Yeah." You say. By the look on Yang's face you realise she meant the other way. "Not in the way you're thinking of. I like her as a friend." Yang suddenly looks relieved as you unexpectedly friend zone Blake. (The friend zone it's for girls too) you jump off Blake's bed onto your bed which is really difficult to get to. You lie down and Yang starts to speak. "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No, I have had them though" you answer.
"How many?" Yang asks.
"A few" You hear movement below you. And suddenly Yang's head pops up in front of you.
"Have you ever been in love?" Has she been talking to Blake? Has someone put her up to this?
"No. I can't say I have" Yang pulls you in for a kiss, you push her away "what are you doing?" You yell. Yang tries to do it again but you shake her off and turn around. "Y/N?" She calls, you didn't know what you wanted maybe this was it but you couldn't decide now. You slowly drift off to sleep, then Ruby and Weiss come in all cleaned up "night everyone." They say as the head to sleep.
"Night" you reply.
"Night" Yang replies.
"Night" Blake replies. Wait was she awake the whole time? You blush then slowly drift off to sleep, again.

Author's note-So there we go Yang and Blake like you, what ever will you do. But wait didn't I say something about you winning and Ruby liking you. Well yes you are right. Maybe if you concentrate in class Weiss will like you, but you know I Could be wrong. This chapter was meant to be short but oh well. DAVE out.

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