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Author's note- by now your probably realising that the chapters are named after episodes. Except chapter 3 that's named after the song in the yellow trailer. Anyway this chapter is set during the episodes were Jaune is bullied by Cardin. So let's get right into it. Also so as I'm writing this 17 people have seen the story but no one's read it. But I don't give up hope.

Jaune was panting heavily his sword in hand he was hunched over his hands on his knees. He's done for. You say to yourself. I guess I didn't do much better. Looking down at your lap you see the ice pack and a very sorry looking Yang next to you. But at the very least the arena is now fixed. Cardin stood before Jaune his mace on his shoulder. Cardin is very rude but he is a good fighter. Well compared to Jaune. Compared to me and Yang he's Jaune. Cardin laughs knowing he's already won. "Come on" Jaune whispers and charges Cardin. Cardin dodges and swings his mace knocking Jaune to the ground, Jaune quickly gets up and puts both hands on his sword, he swings for Cardin. Cardin blocks with his mace holding Jaune in place. "This is the part were you lose." He growls pushing Jaune back.
"Over my dead ugh" Jaune grunts ask Cardin knees him in the stomach.  Jaune falls to the ground and Cardin raises his mace. A buzzer sounds and the lights over the arena turn off. "Cardin, that's enough" Glynda tells him. "Students as you can see Mr Arc's aura has dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match. Mr Arc it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll in combat, gauging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is better to make to a more...defensive strategy." Jaune looks solemnly at his scroll as Glynda speaks. "We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?"
"Speak for yourself..." Cardin says venomously.
"Remember everyone the vytal festival is only a few months away it won't be long until students from the other kingdoms start arriving in vale, so keep practicing." Yang starts punching the air in excitement along with your other team members. "Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament, will be representing all of vale." The bell rings as Glynda finishes, and you see Pyrrha with a sad expression on her face. You go to talk to her but Yang drags you out of the room. You know resistance is futile and give up.

-at lunch-

"So...there we were...in the middle of the night..." Nora to tells everyone.
"It was day..." Ren interrupts.
"We were surrounded by Ursai"
"They were Beowolves."
"DOZENS OF THEM!" Nora suddenly shouts.
"Two of 'em." Ren sighs.
"But they were no match...and in the end..Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of lien selling Ursa skin rugs!" Nora finishes.
"Ah...She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now..." everyone looks down except you who was vaguely entertained by Nora's story. Pyrrha speaks up "Jaune..." You see him moving his food around his plate. "Are you ok?" Pyrrha follows.
"Uh?" Says Jaune "oh, yeah! why?"
"It's just that you seem a little...not okay..." Ruby pipes up.
"Eh, guys I'm fine...seriously, look!" He gives an unconvincing laugh and smiles with his thumbs up. You hear laughter from another table and see Cardin and his team bullying velvet. "Jaune Cardin's been..." Pyrrha speaks but you're not listening. You grow enraged. "Don't you agree Y/N?" She asks you.
"Give me a second" you reply sliding over the table. You tap Cardin's shoulder. He turns and you deliver a fire infused punch at his face causing him to fly across the room. "Leave" you growl at his teammates "Now!" You shout. Your voice echoing in the now silent hall. "Are you okay?" You ask velvet softly. She nods. "Where's your team?" You ask. She shrugs her shoulders, "come sit with us." You order. A rush of wind passes your ear as you're smacked into the ceiling. Hitting the ground in an explosion you see the ground by Cardin on fire. That's lucky. Raising your hands the fire engulfs Cardin. Clenching your fists he flies through the floor. "How do you like being six feet under?" Your team members hold back laughter but Nora laughs like a hyena. As Cardin climbs out the floor Glynda turns up, she doesn't look very happy. "You two. Ozpin's office. Now!" She demands.

-Ozpin's office-

You were alone in the office. Glynda had taken Cardin away a few minutes ago, so now you were alone.
"Y/N" Ozpin calls as he enters. "I'd like you to meet DAVE (I had to)" Ozpin was followed by four people. There were two girls and two guys. One guy was average high with black hair and blue eyes he wore a dark blue trenchcoat, he carried a black and dark grey scythe. It looked a lot like Ruby's but was a third larger. Next to him was a very tall blonde boy with grey eyes, he carried two large swords the hilts were a grey colour. He wore a knight like suit of armour. Next was a Ruby sized girl with white hair  about shoulder length and red eyes, a matching set of Fox ears and a tail. She had a red waist coat and white t-shirt with red trousers. By her hips were two white revolvers that looked pretty unremarkable. Finally was a girl the height of the first guy, she has black hair with neon blue highlights. She had purple eyes, she wore a blue skirt with black shorts underneath and a black leather jacket. Her weapon was a purple axe the height of the previous girl that quite obviously had electricity pulsing through it. "Team DAVE consists of Dave, Adam, Violet and Elle. They're standing in that order." Ozpin gestures to them. Dave smiles and collapses his scythe. "What I said before about you being the first time five people were in a team, I lied. DAVE used to be DAVEI but Isaac was killed a few years back by Grimm. I'm telling you this because he too got into unnecessary fights while at beacon." Crap he's talking about Cardin and Yang.
"However unlike you, he didn't have a good reason to." Violet spoke up in a saddened tone.
"She's right Y/N. You stuck up for someone who couldn't do so themselves. And for that you won't be punished however Cardin will be." You stare shocked at Ozpin.
"Thank you sir"
"Just don't get caught next time." Ozpin smiles "Y/N you may leave me and DAVE have business to attend to. Violet winks at you as you walk past. "See you round Y/N" she says. You reply by smiling like an idiot till you've left the room.

-Oobleck's classroom-

Oobleck was rambling about the human faunus wars and darting around the room. But you were focused on Cardin who was sitting behind Jaune. Every time he thought about bullying Jaune he'd look at you and the evil grin on your face and think twice. Slowly you start to drift off due to Oobleck's boring lecture Blake and Pyrrha on either side of you the ice pack still on your lap. It's so cold but kind of nice.

You wake up to Oobleck speaking "you and Mr Arc can both see me after class for additional readings." You knew he was talking about Cardin so shot him an evil look. He shoots you one back. "Y/N since you seem so busy staring down Cardin you too can see me after class." You groan at the thought of staying with Cardin. Kill me please. The bell goes and everyone leaves except you three, Blake pats you on the back "It's okay" she whispers. Oobleck gives all three of you a book and makes you copy out one of the chapters on the faunus revolution.

After finally getting out of class you see Pyrrha waiting for Jaune, she smiles at you in a friendly manner, You smile back. Then you hear Jaune hit the ground and see Cardin walking off looking smug. You storm over to Cardin but someone grabs your arm "let go" you command.
"No, you'll be in more trouble this time." You look round to see Violet from team DAVE.
"Why are you here?" You ask.
"I've been told to keep an eye on you." She said before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
"Who's your girlfriend Y/N?" You hear someone ask you recognize it as Blake.
"N...no...it's..n..not like that" you trip over your words. Blake looked relieved but you take it as you didn't beat up Cardin again. "Did you wait for me?" You tilt your head.
"Of course" she grins a bit too wide.
"Thank you. Ruby's probably waiting for us." You say walking off with Blake by your side. Blake decides to start a conversation. "Have you ever had a girlfriend Y/N?"
"A few, but I'm no womanologist." You chuckle not noticing her underlying tone.
"Did you ask them out or the other way round?"
"They asked me out. I don't tend to make the first move." You answer. "Blake." You stop moving "have you ever been in love?" She turns around looking at you. She blushes at the question.
"Why yes I was in love once" she looks at the ground saddened.
"Did I say something?" You ask.
"No it's just he changed."
"Was he like you?" You ask walking again.
"If you're talking about my ears then yes." She chirps up as she asks you another question. "How many of your girlfriend's were faunus?" At this you knew something was up. Does Velvet fancy me, has she gotten Blake to ask for her. (You're an idiot) "Two" you answer. Do I like velvet back? You ask yourself. You arrive at the room at that moment.

Ruby greets you both and Yang looks at you two jealous. "Where were you guys?" Ruby investigates.
"I had to stay back and Blake waited for me." Ruby looks to Blake to see if your story checks out.
"Okay let's go" Ruby says.
"Where?" You ask.
"I want to fight you" Ruby states.
"Sure why not." You shrug your shoulders. And follow Ruby to the arena. "Where's Weiss."
"She's with JNPR having pancakes."

Author's note- and that brings another amazing chapter to an end. I'm pretty much going to make you fight everyone. Also the reader is oblivious just like men in real life, trust me I am one. Also I've been forgetting about Weiss a lot, I know I'm bad. Anyway next chapter you fight Ruby. Also there will be no lemons with Ruby because she's underage. But there may be romance depending on if you win the fight. Mwahahaha. Also team DAVE out.

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