I Burn

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Authors note-Hello me again I'm shooting out chapters like a minigun apart from with chapters not bullets. Okay so this chapter will be shorter. I say that but it probably won't be. As long but you get to fight Yang so it's all good. P.S. don't do drugs.

Waking up is the worst part of the day. It makes everything else seem amazing. Especially when you wake up to find Yang watching you sleep. "What are you doing?" You yell knocking her off your chest. "Why were you sitting on me?"
"Observing the enemy" she narrows her eyes. Ruby blows a whistle. Yang gets up as Weiss falls down.
"Good morning team RWBY. Sorry Y/N" Ruby chirped already in her uniform but also wearing her cape.
"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss moans getting up.
"Now that you're awake we can officially begin our first order of business."
"Excuse me"
"Decorating" Yang chimed in.
"What?" Weiss said.
"We still have to unpack" Blake says holding up a suitcase. That falls open spilling stuff everywhere. "And clean." Ruby blows the whistle again causing Weiss to topple again.
"Alright, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Y/N and their fearless leader Ruby. Have begun their first mission. Bonzai!" Ruby yells. "Bonsai!" Yang and Blake repeat. You realise your not even out of bed yet. Standing up the blanket falls off and the girls look at you. They start to blush. You stare confused at them until you realise you were topless. "Seriously girls, grow up." You say storming off to the bathroom to get changed. When you exit the bathroom you see Weiss is also dressed now and that the room was inhabited by two makeshift bunk beds. "They don't look safe" you comment.
"Yours will hang from the ceiling" Yang says sounding like you should feel better about that.
"Where's my stuff?" You ask
"We already put it away" Yang stats
"Where are my posters?"
"The red vs blue one is up there." Ruby points to the one in the centre of the front wall between two Windows. It made the room seem like a red vs blue mural. "We didn't think Play Bunny was appropriate considering Velvet's room is next door." Blake added.
"Who's velvet?" You ask trying not to blush.
"A rabbit faunus" Blake says. Oh I forgot play bunny is half naked faunus girls. You could see Blake blushing. She must think I'm a fool. "Next order of business is, classes lets see we have a few classes together today, at nine we've got b..." Ruby says.
"What?" Weiss buts in "did you say nine o'clock?"
"Err" Ruby replies.
"It's eight fifty five you dunce" Weiss yells before sprinting out the room. Everyone looks out the door piled on top of each other with you at the bottom. Team JNPR looks out in the same fashion. "To class" Ruby says before following Weiss. With the rest of her team behind her. "Class?" Jaune ponders before everyone falls onto him. "We're going to be late" he squeals before following you and the rest of team RWBY.

-in professor Port's class-

Port was talking about something you didn't feel like you needed to know. So you were talking with Jaune. "Do you like Weiss?" Jaune asks
"Yeah she's like a ray of sunshine" you say sarcastically.
"I know right" Jaune says. You look at him.
"I'm being sarcastic Jaune."
"Oh right then. Well since you're on the inside" he says dramatically "can you find out how I can get her to date me?"
"I can try Jaune but I don't know."
"Thanks Y/N you're a life saver."
"Mr L/N. Do you see yourself to be the embodiment of these traits." Port asks
"Sure" you guess Weiss lowers her hand seeming more interested in you fighting than proving herself.
"Well then get into your combat gear and grab your weapon we'll see you in a minute." Crap.

You stand facing the cage your Flamesaw boxed away in your hand. I'll do this with my semblance. Port releases the boar and it charges at you. You backflip over it, and raise your arms. A Beowolf created by fire stands over you. Moving your hand again the Beowolf grabs the boar's tusks and tears the creature in half. You fall to your knees panting. "Well it appears we are in the presence of a true Hunter." Port claps. You faint.

-in beacon's medical wing-

You wake up in a white bed. "Were am I" you croak.
"He's awake" you hear Yang say.
"What happened?" Ruby asks.
"He used to much energy creating the Beowolf, that kind of semblance is very hard to use with limited concentration. And very dangerous." Professor Ozpin answers.
"No one's told me where I am." You moan.
"Your in the medical wing." Blake answers.
"Where's Weiss?" You ask as everyone else was there.
"She doesn't agree with Ruby being the leader." Blake answered another question. Professor Ozpin walked away but added. "You're free to head back to your room anytime. Your bed is there now. And it's on the ceiling."
"We can fight tomorrow if you like" Yang suggests concerned. You leap out of bed. "I'm good" you say. "Race you there."
All four of you Sprint for the arena with Ruby in the lead with petals blowing in your face.

-at the arena (the one Glynda teaches at)-

To your surprise Weiss along with team JNPR, CRDL and team CFVY (Coco, Fox, Velvet and Yatsuhai). "Yang did you have something to do with this" you yell across the arena.
"No. Ruby did." You shoot Ruby a glare.
"Let's do this." You pull out your box.
"Great I'll finally see your weapon" you nod as she readies her gauntlets.

Blake counts down.
"5.." the excitement is palpable.
"4.." sweat beads on your forehead.
"3.." Yang starts bouncing and assumes a fighters stance.
"2.." You place both hands on your weapon.
"GO!" Blake yells.
Yang breaks into a Sprint and heads straight for you. She goes for a punch and you slam her out of the way with the box. She pulls herself up and charges again. This time you fly a miniature flaming Nevermore into her face, it explodes into ash and cinders. You wack her around the head and she flies across the arena.
"Y/N it'll take more than that." She gets up shaking. You press the button and the flamer is released. The Beast growls as you spew fire across the arena. Setting the floor alight. You lift up your hands and bring fire down on her collected from the whole area. She erupts in fire and explosions. You know it's not over yet. She sits on one knee her hair glowing gold. She looks up at you and a golden hair hits the ground. She looks up her hair on fire and punches her fists together. Her hands explode and she charges, you switch to chainsaw and she punches the tip and sends you flying through the audience stand and into the world's crust. "Ow" you say grimacing before crawling out of your grave. You stand up "it's not over yet." You say wavering from side to side. She uppercuts you sending you into the stratosphere.

-exactly 146 seconds later-

You crash through the roof bringing it down with you your chainsaw aimed at Yang's head. She blocks it with her gauntlets pushing her a few feet into the ground and cracking what was left of the floor. The roof comes down on you and Yang covering you both. Everyone gasps but you soon come out digging a hole with your fire. But then the ground explodes and you are punches several thousand times straight in the lap (if you get this reference I love you). But you get up again. Then she punches you directly in the face.
"K.O" Blake shouts before coming to your aid. "Y/N are you okay?"
"That...was...amazing" you laugh through not feeling anything anywhere. You walk up to Yang and shake her hand "thank you for this Yang" she hugs you and kisses your cheek. You blush and she winks at you. Blake frowns at Yang but no one notices. Everyone cheers for the fight was indeed epic.

Author's note- well shorter was the plan but it turned out just as long and in the same day I'm getting good at this. I'm starting a love triangle between Blake, The reader and Yang. Because why the Fuck not. If twilight can have one with with a vampire a werewolf and some bitch. Then I can have the reader a cat person and the human shotgun. DAVE out.

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