The Emerald Forest

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Writer's note- I think people read these I know I do. I'd planned for the reader to me placed on team RWBY because then I don't have to make other people. I know I'm just lazy but who doesn't want to be part of team RWBY congrats if your name begins with S. RWBYS. It's just so perfect. Oh and by the way your thoughts will be in bold. That's right I control your thoughts.

Waking up is the worst part of any day and you expected that but you didn't expect to be woken up by the loon herself Nora. Not on purpose of course. That poor guy Ren. You slowly got up keeping a look out for Yang. You weren't in the mood for girls coming onto you. Everyone was still asleep apart from the girl in black, you, Ren and Nora. With time to waste you walk over to her reading a book. "What's your name?" You ask. She looks at you but doesn't answer, you sigh and walk off. Attempt number three at making friends is a failure. Being bored for an hour after waking up early is the second worst thing.

After getting changed you play with a small flame in the ballroom creating shapes and entertaining yourself. You really did love your semblance. Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder and you extinguish the fire in your fist. "Come on. Show me the fire." Yang says before sitting next to you. She seemed surprisingly calm compared to yesterday. You reignite the fire and tease it with your hand, it morphs into a miniature Nevermore and flies over Yang's head. "Does it get bigger?" (Bow chicka bow wow)
"Yes I can make it the size of this room if needed but it would require concentration."
"That's a pretty cool semblance. But mine's far cooler." She smirks.
"I highly doubt that"
"Okay after initiation, let's fight."
"Sure but don't expect to win" you say killing the Nevermore with a clenched fist.

After the best  breakfast of pancakes you and Yang head to the locker to retrieve your weapons. Ruby is there to. "Finally I can let my sweetheart do the talking"
"I know the feeling Ruby" you say.
"Your both weird. Anyway Y/N what is your weapon."
"He has a..nghngh" Ruby mumbles as you cover her mouth.
"I'd like it to be a surprise."
Ruby frowns "fine" she moans.
"Ruby who's time are you going on?" Yang asks
"I'll be on yours and Y/N's team."
"Maybe you should be on someone else's team." Yang plays with her mass of hair.
"My dear sister Yang are you implying that you don't want to be on the same team as me?" You decide to leave and prepare for initiation your Flamesaw on your back. Today's looking up.

-At the launch pads-

Everyone stood expectantly on the launch pads waiting for a speech by Professor Ozpin, the head master of beacon. You all wanted to hear about the teams. And you hoped that you wouldn't be on Yang's team. "For years you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest."
"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumours about th assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... Today." Glenda spoke up.
"What?" Ruby said releasing a yelp.
"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone whom you can work well. That being said the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be you partner for the next four years."
Crap you thought as the pads started launching people into the air. You hear Jaune talking to Ozpin but ignore him and get to work on your landing strategy. Pulling the compacted Flamesaw off your back you keep it boxed up so Yang can't see it. She looks at you and pouts. She places her sunglasses on and shoots into the sky. Now you press the button. It quickly transforms into the very bulky flamethrower. Jaune squeals as he is thrown into the air, you hear him scream. As you're launched into the air you hop onto the flamethrower and shoot downwards, not flying up but slowing down. As you approach the ground like a hot air balloon, you press a button and your chainsaw is now out. Pushing the rotating chain into a large tree you slide the the ground at a snail's crawl. Pressing the button again you place the box onto your back and head north. You hear gunshots to the west and decide to keep on moving. You hear cracking earth and fall through the ground. Hitting the floor you black out.

"My head" you moan. Realising quickly that you were in a cave. Ahead you see a dimly lit passage. lit only by the hole you'd made. Taking your Flamesaw out you set it to flamer mode and slowly walk forwards. When the light diminishes you produce a flame to light the cavern. But soon wish you hadn't. Ahead was a huge Grimm spider its eyes glow red and its head was covered by a white mask with red markings. "Time to call the exterminator" you say as the spider reaches for you with a long spindly leg. Changing the flamer into a chainsaw you cut the foot off. It screams in pain and reaches its stump at you, waving your hand you set the stump on fire. While shrieking it squirts a web at you and catches your legs. It goes to bite you and you shove the Flamesaw into its mouth and ignite the chain burning its jaws. It tries to run but you switch to flamer and hold down the button inside its mouth. The Grimm howl's in pain as it collapses to the ground. "Looks like this bug's been squashed." You say aloud. Why is no one ever here for my good jokes? You ask yourself with a sigh. Behind the spider's burning carcass lies the exit. Why does it look like a Death stalker broke through here? You silently ponder.

After leaving the cave you walk quite a while before finding the artifacts, but there were none to be found. You check all around the temple but find nothing. "Ill be my own team. I'm a strong independent Hunter who don't need no team." Sprinting with you Flamesaw packed away you see a Death stalker's carcass with the stinger hammered into its back. And another guy falls to Nora. You laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" You hear Weiss say.
"Me... laughing... never." You say surprised and jumping out of your skin.
"So who's your teammate?" She asks
"I don't have one. Or an artifacts."
"So you failed the mission?"
"I guess so"
"It's okay Y/N. We can share" Yang purrs with her hand on her hip.
"No you're good" you quickly say.

-professor Ozpin's office-

"So Y/N. You want to be a hunter, yes."
"Yes sir" you say
"Well it appears we miss counted the number of students to be accepted into beacon."
"Oh" you gawk
"However we decided that you'll be staying with us Y/N"
"Thank you sir. But may I ask, who's team am I to be on" you cross your fingers begging for any team but Ruby's. Ruby was great but her team of Yang, Blake and Weiss really set you on edge.
"Well, Miss Rose's team is unbalanced so you'll be with her team."You gulp but don't change face you didn't want to seem ungrateful. "Thank you so much sir you won't be disappointed."
"I know I won't. Walk with me Y/N we have an initiation to attend."

-At the initiation-

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie." Ozpin says followed by those four entering the stage. "the four of you retrieved the white room pieces from this day forward you will work together as team JNPR. Led by Jaune Arc." Nora hunts Ren around the neck.
"Huh?" Jaune yelps looking terrified. "L..led a by"
"Congratulations young man." Ozpin says. Pyrrha punches Jaune in the shoulder and he falls to the ground. Jaune as leader really Ozpin.
"And finally Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long" they walk onto the stage. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together RWBY led by Ruby Rose." Weiss looked distraught and Yang hugged Ruby tightly. "And for the first time in the history of Beacon academy a fifth person joins team RWBY, Y/N L/N. You will be a member of team RWBY." You walk onto the stage and Yang winks at you. You look away immediately. "Y/N will join RWBY due to an error on out part. Looks like this is shaping up to be an interesting year." Ozpin finished.

-back at RWBY's dorm-

There were only four beds in the room all on the window side. "There will be a bed for you here by tomorrow night Y/N, until then work it out." Glynda said before taking the others to their dorms. Someone wolf whistled as they went past. "Hey Y/N you can share with me" Yang said closing the door.
"I'd rather not."
"Excuse me while I throw up" chirped Ruby before heading to the bathroom.
"Ill sleep on the floor" you say finding an extra quilt and pillow under the furthest right bed.
"Y/N throw me my bag" Blake said from the most left bed. You throw the black backpack from next to the door. "Thanks" Blake said.
"It's dark already" observed Yang
"So it is" you remarked. Weiss had already fallen asleep at the second most left bed the blanket pulled over her. "I'm going to bed. I need rest if I'm going to beat you Y/N"
"You can try your best" you laugh maniacally. Ruby walks in and goes to bed and after getting changed you notice everyone's already asleep. So you decide to check what Yang's weapons are. Picking them up you notice the shotgun cartridges inside all full. They were two golden gauntlets that after the user punches it fires a shot. Unfortunately you didn't know Yang's semblance. After checking out her weapons you lie down. A page turns, "Blake" you whisper "I can hear you turning the pages" silence... Another page turns "Can you like see in the dark or something?" You say in the pitch black. You light up the room with a Nevermore that lands on the night stand beside Blake."answer me" you look over to see her reading ninjas of love. You giggle. She looks petrified. "Why do you look so sca..." You begin to say before seeing two black cat ears on top of her head. "Your a faunus"
"Shush" she hisses like a cornered cat. "Please don't tell the others" she pleas.
"I won't." You say extinguishing the Nevermore.

Author's note-And that is the end of that chapter, I've started to build on a bit of reader x Blake there at the end. The next chapter will be reader vs Yang. DAVE out.

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