Search and Destroy

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Author's notes- so as we reach the end of series two I'm going to start changing certain things because we'll you're here. The vytal festival battles will be completely different, maybe we'll see you fight cinder and find out who the strongest brother is. Without further notes let's begin.

The Bullhead slowly dropped onto the ground ruins surrounding you, you hop out and hit the ground lightly.
Everyone lands next to you striking cool poses and Oobleck drinks his coffee. "Why didn't you do a cool pose?" The Demon asks as he hits the ground in a ball of flame.
"Ladies, you may still be students, but as of this moment your first mission as huntress has begun" Oobleck says. "For fucks sake" everyone looks at you "I left my Flamesaw in the dorm"

-in the room-

Crimson sits purring on the Flamesaw in its box.

-back to you-

"That's great you can improvise" Oobleck shouts excitedly. "Ruby I thought I told you to leave all your bags at school"
"But, uh you hadn't told us to listen to you yet." Everyone looks at her. "So I didn't."
"She's not wrong" he scratches his lip.
"Are you serious?" The Demon facepalms
"Very well, Ruby, leave your bag here. We can pick it up upon our return." He says jittering.
"But, I...uh..."
"Young lady! What in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with..." he was interrupted by Zwei poking his head out of the bag.
"Get back in the bag..." Ruby whispers through the corgi's panting.
"We're here to investigate an abandoned urban-jungle, teeming with death and hostility, and you brought....a dog!?"
"I...uh..." she starts you see everyone looking very unimpressed.
"Genius!" Oobleck shouts he grabs the dog "canines are historical known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!"
"Why is he spinning with the dog?" The Demon gawks.
"I'm a genius." Ruby smiles.
"So, what are your orders, doctor?" Weiss and Yang facepalm.
"More like dogtor" you smirk. They look at you horrified.
"Ah, yes. Straight to the Chase. I like it." He drops the dog "as you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hotspot for Grimm activity. Now there are several possible explanations for this behaviour, one of which being... Grimm."
"I beg your pardon" you say confused.
"Grimm. A creature of Grimm, approximately one hundred yards from us, at this very moment." You all turn to face a single Beowulf. "What?" Yang speaks while turning. They all ready their weapons and you sit there like an idiot. "Stop!" Oobleck orders.
"Huh?" You all question in unison.
"There are a number of reasons why Grimm would congregate in this particular area. The most likely of which would be their attraction to negativity, sadness, envy, loneliness...hatred"
"Maybe you brought them here with all your negative thoughts about me" he chuckles.
"All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harbouring ill intent."
"So..." Ruby begins. "What now?"
"We wait, we track. If this Specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey."
"How long do we wait?" Blake asks.
"It's uncertain. Hours. Days. Weeks. Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months. And there's the whole pack." A large group of Grimm comes out from behind a ruined building.
"What?" Weiss yelps.
"And now they've seen us."
"What?" Weiss says again.
"And now they've seen us!" He shouts in her ear.
"I take it tracking is out of the question?" Ruby asks.
"An accurate assumption, yes."
"What's the plan then?" Yang asks. The Grimm start bounding towards you.
"Show me what you're capable of." The girls ready their weapons.
"Let's do this" you address the Demon cracking your knuckles"
"It's about time" he snarls as you set yourself on fire.
"This aught to be fun" you grin through flame. A group of Beowulf charge at you, you grab the first ones jaws and crush them closed obliterating its snout. You send a burning upercut into its remaining head destroying it. Another one bites your shoulder it's teeth sinking in, pulling it off you stamp its head into the asphalt. Using your semblance you set another two on fire with an explosion. The final and largest one leaps at you, you grab its throat and punch its stomach seven times before grabbing it by its fur and pulling out its windpipe. You laugh maniacally as you light the area on fire you punch a wall collapsing a building in a pile of dust crushing another few Beowulf. "That was fun" you growl.
"Piece of cake." Ruby smiles.
"The best kind of cake" you smirk.
"Do not celebrate yet, for I am certain this is the first bout of many. Shall we continue?" Oobleck suggests.

-time skip-

"What about you Y/N, why do you want to be a Huntsman?" Oobleck asks you.
"I don't know, for the lolz" you spit fire.
"Can I speak to Y/N, not the Demon?"
"Fine" the Demon shrugs and you sizzle back to normal.
"With a semblance like mine there's not much else to do, unless I want to barbecue for a living. Also my big sister is a huntress so me and my brothers decided to become Huntsmen to." You set your fist alight and punch a Beowulf in the snout, it explodes.
"You four, set up camp in that building." He orders throwing his bag at you. "Oh and please make sure there are no more of those...creatures. Your leader and I am going to secure the perimeter. Come Ruby." He walks off with Ruby and Zwei and you four head to the building he talked about.

"The Sun's setting" you state.
"How romantic", Yang winks at you. A small fire burning in the room. You roll your eyes not feeling the mood, focusing more on the task at hand. You'd become increasingly antisocial since the demon had started gaining more control. "Let's bang Yang, come on it'll be fun. For the laughs. It'll be a night to remember. We could do her so hard and it would be great..." the demon antagonised
"Shut up! You good for nothing flaming pile of shit!" You shout at a wall, earning frightened looks from your teammates. "Ah wonderful! A textbook campfire." Oobleck interrupts your insanity rant.
"Fire!" Ruby gasps "sssooo...warm..." She hovers her hands over the fire.
"Very good, eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need to take turns, keeping watch over our temporary abode, any volunteers for first watch?" Oobleck says in his usually speedy manner. "Yo" Ruby volunteers raising her hand Zwei panting beside her.
"Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a huntress?" Yang asks Ruby. "I mean, what did you tell him?"
"Hm, no he didn't,weird. Oh well, goodnight guys." Ruby replies heading to a window to start lookout. Everyone unpacked their sleeping bags and placed them around the fire wanting to stay warm. You however sat in a corner playing with your thumbs contemplating what to do about the demon. Zwei swaddled over to Ruby and she petted him as Grimm howled in the distance. "Don't worry things'll be better tomorrow." She reassured the corgi. It made you miss Crimson, but there wasn't a lot you could do about that. You lay down on the thin sleeping bag your body heat keeping you warm...

Author's notes- it feels good to be back and writing my single most popular story. Why is it so popular? Who knows? I don't. Chapters may be slow coming at maybe one a week, I don't know what day. But I am watching season four now, and I'm already crying, after HE was confirmed dead and the shield nearly brought me down. It's just so God Damn sad. I approve of Salem's psychotic servant Tyrion I think it is. Dave out...

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