Always There

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'Lilly's POV'

As I regain consciousness I realize that I'm chained to a wall. I sit on the ground with chains connecting me to the wall from my wrists, leaving me little room to move my arms.
I hear faint crying and feel a warm little body curled up beside me.

I open my eyes slowly and see Felix crying beside me, leaning against the rough, rock wall. They didn't put any chains on him, I guess they didn't think he could escape

"Felix" my voice comes out raspy and quiet

"I-Illy, y-you're alright?" He cries and looks up to me with his big blue eyes, I nod and see a bloody scrape on his arm

"Felix, what happened to your arm?" I ask

"Oh" he looks to his arm "I was awake when we got to this place, and when they threw me into your cell I scraped my arm on a rock" he explains

"Where are we?! Where are the others?!" I panic

"I don't know..." he trails off and begins to cry again

"Felix, we'll be alright" I put my arm around his small body and he rests on my side.

After what feels like hours I hear footsteps coming towards my cell

"Ah, I see you've awaken" my Evil smirks at me

"What do you want?" I ask, staring at, well, myself

"Evil Lloyd sent me to get you and Felix, we're bringing you to see the others" she answers

"And why would you do that?" I ask

"Because torturing you one by one would be no fun" she smirks wickedly

"What?! no!!" I scream, holding Felix close to me

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice" and with that I feel hands grab onto my arms, unlocking my chains and ripping me away from Felix

"No!!! FELIX!!!" I kick and thrash at the two Evils' holding my arms.

They eventually get me to the same room as the guys'. The room is lit up by the sun shining through the glass-covered ceiling. The walls are still made out of rock

"Guys'" I whisper as they chain me beside Lloyd, Felix on my other side

"Why did you bring us here?!" Cole demands

"Calm down my other, all of your questions will be answered" Evil Cole says calmly

"You just disappeared for months then showed up again!" Kai screams

"Oh Kai, we were always there. Who do you think started the fire that killed Felix's parents? Who do you think the 'Six Figures In The Darkness' were?" Evil Lloyd smirks

"Y-you killed my parents?" Felix asks quietly

"Yes, we did" Evil me walks over to Felix, she runs her finger down his cheek

"No!! Don't touch him!!" I scream

"Shut it! This boy will be mine, you will be turned evil, and these five will be killed" she says to me

"No, if I have anything to say about it, none of that will be happening" I say, beginning to stand up

"Well, you don't" as I stand she elbows me in the ribs, causing me to collapse to the ground and begin coughing. She then proceeds to kick me in the stomach, over, and over, and over

"No!! Stop!" Lloyd screams

"Lilly!!" Cole screams

"Leave her alone!!" Felix screams the loudest. Evil me immediately stops. I breath quickly and hack up blood

"Why do you care for her?" She asks Felix

"Because she saved me... She's like a mother to me now, I know she'd do anything to keep me safe, and I'd do anything to keep her alive" he answers

"You really do care for her" Evil Lloyd walks over

"Yes, I do" he answers

"F-Felix..." I breathe

"That's enough out of you!!" Evil Lloyd shouts, striking me with dark magic. I scream in pain and breathe out one last time before my vision goes black...

'Felix's POV'

Evil Lloyd strikes Illy with dark magic and she stops moving, she barley breathes

"Lilly" I see the guys try to hold in tears

"No!!! Illy!!" I scream

"Stop! Or do you want the same thing to happen to you?!" Evil Lloyd threatens

"N-no..." I whisper, trying not to cry

"Leave him alone!!" Lloyd screams at them, tears running down his cheeks

"No, we would kill him before letting him go" Evil Lloyd grins

"Y-you'd kill me?" I ask shakily

"Why yes Felix, if you don't cooperate, we will have no other choice" Evil Illy says

"Why do you want me?" I ask

"Because... Because She has you and I don't!" Evil Illy screams

"So you only what what you don't have?" Jay asks

"Yes, that's why I wanted Lilly" Evil Lloyd answers

"That, and she was a threat to us" Evil Kai adds

"Let him go, Evil Lilly! Can't you just make another one of him in the underworld?" Kai asks

"We could, but, you see, we're sick of being down there, we're going to harness your powers and use them to make us real again... Even if it kills you..." Evil Lilly answers

"No! Don't kill them!!" I scream

"I warned you, didn't I?" Evil Lloyd walks to me

"Y-yes" I answer him

"So you know what happens now?" He asks

"No!!" Lloyd screams and pulls against his chains

"Quiet! Or you're next!!" Evil Lilly screams at Lloyd. Evil Lloyd readies his fist to hit me

'Lloyd's POV'

I watch helplessly as Evil Me hits and kicks Felix over and over. The small boy screams and cries, bleeding from his nose, mouth and a small cut on his arm

"Evil Lilly, stop him!! Please..." I plead as she watches Evil me hit Felix

"Why should I?" She asks and turns to me

"Please just stop him!"

"I don't think you understand how this works. Felix deserved this, Evil Lloyd warned him"

"You're a horrible person" she just turns to continue watching Evil me beat Felix. Evil Me holds Felix against the wall, off of his feet, by his throat

"Now, you aren't going to speak unless spoken to by one of us. correct?" Evil me smirks

"C-c-correct" Evil Me drops Felix to the ground and he shakes and coughs. He cries into his knees, leaning against the wall, unable to stand or stop bleeding.

The other Evil's move in to begin torturing their other. Evil me and Evil Lilly walk to me

"Are you ready for your punishment?" Evil Lilly asks

"What am I being punished for?" I stand up

"Being born!!" My evil screams and kicks me in the side. Because of the chains I can't protect myself or fight back

"Face it Lloyd, the world would have been better off if you were never born!" He kicks me in the chest, throwing me into the wall, causing me to hit my head and fall to the ground

"S-stop!!" Felix stutters

"Would you rather this happen to you?!" Evil Lilly screams at the boy

"No! Don't... hurt him..." I can't get any other words out before they begin hitting me again. Felix pulls against his chains, trying to escape

I wish I could do something to help the others... I feel useless...

"Please, stop hitting him..." Felix tries to come towards me

"Don't tell me you care about him to!" Evil Lilly screams. I feel blood trickle down my face in many places as they stop hitting me

"Yes... I-I do..." he says quietly

"You are all pathetic! You don't have any family left so you've decided that these two are your new family!" My Evil screams

"They are my family!!!" The young boy screams

"That's right Felix, we're your family" I try to smile through my pain. He looks to me, and as he smiles back, my Evil gives me one last kick to my head, sending me flying back and landing unconscious.

'Felix's POV'

"NO!!!! Lloyd...." I don't want to cry, but I can't help myself. As I look around the room I see the other four ninja being beaten by their Evil... They're bleeding and bruised

I close my eyes and wait.... I open my eyes when I hear someone walk over to me

"See what you've done? This is all your fault Felix." Evil Lloyd says, then proceeding to walk out of the room with Evil Lilly

"D-don't listen to them Felix... This isn't your fault..." Cole says quietly, wiping some blood off of his forehead. I notice that Illy and Lloyd are the only two who are unconscious... Is that because I'm closest to them? Or just because their Evils' are cruller then the others?

"B-but you were all hurt because of me..."

"No Felix, they only told you that to make you feel guilty, so you'd go with them to the Underworld" Kai tells me, attempting to sit back up

"I won't go with them... I won't..." I look to the ground

"And we will not let them take you" Zane says

"You seem pretty important to Lloyd and Lilly, almost like a son, I can't imagine what I'd do if they took my son, or daughter... There's no way we'll let them take you" Jay says, trying to smile at me

"Try and get some sleep, they aren't letting us out of here anytime soon." Cole says. I nod and lay down...

What will happen if they do make me go to the Underworld?...

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