My Life For Yours...

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'Felix's POV'

I sit on the ground crying for I don't know how long. No light is coming in from the glass roof when I finally fall into a dark sleep.

I'm waken up by coughing, I open my eyes and see Illy, sitting up and coughing violently

'Lilly's POV'

I cough and cough, trying to be quiet, not wanting to wake the others, who I'm sure need the sleep

"Illy?" Felix asks quietly. I look to the small boy. Just enough light shines through the ceiling that I can see that he has a black eye

"Felix, are you okay?" I ask, pulling on my chains, trying to get closer to the child

"Yeah... Illy, I'm so scared..." He tries his best to hold in his tears

"Felix, I will protect you with my life" I tell him, reaching my hand out to touch his

"Don't say that!" He screams, breathing heavily, I pull my hand back and tears fall down his cheeks "I... I couldn't live with myself if they killed you because of me..."

"Felix, I will protect you, no matter what... If that means my life for yours... So be it..." I feel like crying myself "but, if I ever get the chance, I will get us out of here, all of us" He changes the subject

"Illy, they hurt Lloyd... But before he passed out, he said that you and him were my new family... Is it true?" He asks

"Yes, Felix, we are your family" I tell him, beginning to cough again

"Illy, are you alright?!" He asks

"Yeah.." I stop and lean against the wall, holding my side "try and get more sleep Felix"

"Okay, goodnight"

"Goodnight Felix"

I eventually fall asleep as well.

When I wake up again the sun is shining brightly through the ceiling, the Evils' are circling the room

"Good morning, my other" my Evil smirks at me, I glare back at her

"What do you want?" I ask, watching as they circle around the room

"We have to feed you to keep you alive, idiot" Evil Lloyd

"What did you do to this?" Kai asks as his Evil sits a bowl of green slop in front of him

"We didn't do anything to it. We have to keep you living until the time comes when we will extract your powers" Evil Kai answers

"Why don't you just kill us now?" Cole asks

"Because, the stars aren't aligned, and if we kill you before we extract your power, your powers will slowly fade" Evil Zane answers

"Now eat! we can't have even one of you die" Evil Lloyd demands

"Felix, go ahead" I whisper

"O-Okay Illy" he begins to eat the slop. As I begin to pick up mine Evil Lloyd grabs my arm

"I need to speak with you" he says, I look up and nod, afraid of what he'd do if I denied him. He unlocks my chains and I stand up. Cole, Lloyd and Felix look worriedly at me, while my Evil glares at me.

Evil Lloyd takes me out and into a dark room, down a few hallways, and into another dark room, where he disappears into the shadows

"What do you want from me?" I ask, getting into a fighting stance

"Now, now, I didn't bring you here to hurt you, love" he says, appearing in front of me

"I don't believe you"

"Smart girl... You saw your Evil, correct?"

"Yeah!.. what about her?" he disappears again

"She doesn't have the power you do Lilly. She isn't capable of what you are..." he appears again and pushes me into the wall, holding my arms above my head

"How flattering... wouldn't your girlfriend be angry if she saw you doing this?" I smirk at him, bad idea... He tightens his grip on my wrists and whispers into my ear

"Don't be foolish, I don't love her, she is only a piece in the puzzle" for a split second I feel pity for my Evil, that pity quickly fades "I would like to make a deal"

"What kind of deal?"

"You and Evil Lilly will have a fight, whoever wins will be the ultimate Lilly"

"How do you win?"

"By killing the other, of course"

"....Fine.... I'll fight her, but I can assure you that she won't live through it...."

"That's my girl" he leans in and forces a kiss on me. I try to get away, but he places his free hand on my cheek, keeping me firmly in place.

When he breaks away he smirks at me, I look away and scowl at the ground

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it" and with that he takes my hand and pulls me back to that pit with glass roofing

Once he chains me to the wall he leans down and whispers into my ear "if you tell anyone about my feelings towards your Evil, I will not hesitate to kill you" my eyes widen at his words

"You wouldn't tell, your to afraid" he smirks "right?" No "right?!" He holds my chin and over his shoulder I see my Evil glaring at us

"No, I'd tell her" I smirk back, now it's his turn to be surprised

"What did you say?!" He holds my chin and I glare at him "answer me!!" He screams, holding onto my arm and digging his nails into it. I scream in pain

"I... I said I'd never tell...." tears burn at my eyes

"Good..." he lets go of my now bleeding arm and stands up

"Get some rest, you'll need it for the fight tomorrow" he smirks, I let the tears fall from my eyes, remembering what I agreed to. They walk out of the room

"Lilly, what's he talking about?" Cole asks

"I... I agreed to fight my Evil..." I close my eyes, not wanting to make eye contact

"What happens if you don't win?" Lloyd asks

"Then she'll kill me... The winner is the one who kills the other..." I answer

"What?!" Felix screams, pulling on his chains

"Felix, calm down..." I try to sooth the small child

"No! Illy you can't leave me! I... I need you!" He yells

"F-Felix" I only cry more, realizing that I might die tomorrow

"Felix, we all need her, but I think she can win" Lloyd tells the child

"She's my sister, of course she'll win" Cole smiles

"You can do it Lilly" Kai says

"We believe in you" Zane adds

"I don't think you'll die Illy" Felix says sleepily

"Thanks guys" I say, laying down on the cold ground. The guys all mumble a goodnight and lay down too.

'Evil Lloyd's POV'

So now Lilly knows that I don't love her Evil... If all goes as planned, during the fight, Evil Lilly will strike Lilly with her magic, turning Lilly unknowingly evil... But if Lilly outsmarts her stupid Evil, then we will have to find another way to bring her with us...

No matter what, Evil Lilly will die!

I walk into, what we've named, the living room

"Did Lilly agree to the fight?" Evil Kai asks

"Of course she did" I smirk

"Good, I can't wait to destroy her" Evil Lilly holds her hand in a fist ...You won't be able to... with that thought I feel myself smirk a little

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Evil Lilly asks, narrowing her eyes at me

"No reason... I can't wait until the fight..." I answer

"After tomorrow that boy will finally be mine" She smiles

"Unless you don't win" Evil Cole smirks, twirling a knife around between his fingers

"Shut up. I'll win." she says, sure of herself

"Of course you will, Lilly couldn't kill you... She's afraid..." Evil Jay puts a hand on Evil Lilly's shoulder...

That's something I never took into consideration, of course she's scared. Lilly's never had to kill someone in a life or death match, much less someone who looks exactly like her... Can she do it?

"Evil Lloyd, would you mind if I played mind tricks to get her killed?" Evil Lilly walks up to me

"What kind of mind tricks?" I ask

"Well, I look exactly like her, only paler, so I could use my powers to change my skin colour to match hers, play around for a bit, then, once we're both tired, you could tell us to stop and get the good ninja to ask a question and whoever answers correctly first survives" she answers

"Are you sure you'd know the answer to any question?" I ask

"Yes" she answers firmly

"Then that's what we'll do" and with that I see smirks all around.

We file out and go to bed...

In the middle of the night I crawl out of bed and sneak to Lilly

"Lilly... Lilly!" I shake her

"Wha-!" Her eyes widen as I slap a hand over her mouth

"Shh, just listen" I take my hand off of her mouth

"What do you want?"

"I need to warn you, the battle will be first thing in the morning... You cannot be afraid to kill her Lilly, you HAVE to kill her..."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I want you to win"

"I don't trust you..."

"Weather or not you trust me, you have to kill her, or she'll kill you" I hear the child move. Lilly moves her arm and pats his back, he stays still and she pulls her arm back

"Lilly, be careful, I don't want you to get hurt..." I kneel down, holding her chin...

'Lilly's POV'

He forces me to look into his eyes

"What are you-" I'm cut off by his lips pressing against mine. I try to move away, but there's nowhere to go, I accept that there's no way out of this and let him kiss me. I hear Felix move again and he pulls away

"What are you doing to Illy?!" He screams, my eyes widen as the guys wake up

"Stay safe" Evil Lloyd whispers, disappearing into the shadows

"Are you okay Lilly?" Cole asks

"Yeah, fine" I answer

"What did he want?" Lloyd asks

"I... I don't know..." I answer "go back to sleep though, the battle is first thing in the morning..." They nod and lay back down

"Goodnight Illy"

"Goodnight Felix" I fall deeply into a dark sleep...

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