Dating a Ninja

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'Lilly's pov'

"Lilly...Lilly!!LILLY!!!" Is what I wake up to, I pull my head out of some of my pillows "what? I'm not deaf" I mumble "you have training! now!" Nya yells "why didn't you tell me?" I ask foolishly and Nya face palms. I get up, get ready and run to the training deck as fast as I can to see some not so impressed teammates "you are late" sensei points out "I know, and since I can't come up with a good excuse right now I'm just gonna go with I'm sorry" I say lowering my head, "since it is your first time you will not be punished" sensei says and I lift my head in relief.

"however your first spar of the day will be with Lloyd" sensei tells me "but I can't beat him!" I half yell "aw come on, Lilly, unless..." Lloyd doesn't finish "unless what?" I ask "unless your... scared!" he finishes "oh you are so on!" I yell and launch a light ball at him which he blocks with a force field, I'm on defence the whole match until I shoot one last light ball and it hits him dead on.

'Nya's pov'

I see Lilly shoot her biggest light ball yet and it hits Lloyd and he's down "LILLY!" I yell running over to her "you just took down the master!" I yell excitedly "I know!!!" she yells obviously ecstatic at her victory.

'Lilly's pov'

"Next time I won't go so easy on you" Lloyd says getting up and coming over to us "easy!? ha!" I laugh "Lilly this does not compute I've ran everything that happened through my data bace and you should have lost" Zane questions "ya, he beat the overlord... and he lost... To YOU" Jay says "hey, that is highly offensive" I half yell "ok so maybe he went easy" I admit.

After sparing we go to our lesson on poison (that I didn't really listen to) with Nya, the day seems to drag on forever but finally the lessons end with "and tomorrow is chore day so their will be no training".

Nya basically pulls me to our room and I get my dress and shoes on "do I look ok" I ask nervously "are you kidding, you look amazing! now let me do your hair and makeup!" she yells, just as she is finishing my makeup we hear a knock on the door "come in" I yell through the door and Misako walks in "you look gorgeous" she says putting her necklace on me it's a yellow gemstone in a silver inclosing i turn to her "I wore this on my first date with Garmadon and I've always thought that it was good luck and now it's yours" she says to me "thank you, Miasko" I thank her.

'Lloyd's pov'

I'm in the guys and I's shared room and just as I finish doing up my tie Jay walks in "why so fancy?" he asks "ummmm" I can't tell him "spill" he half yells "fine but you can NOT tell the others" I tell him and he nods "I'm taking Lilly on a date" I whisper "you are!?" Jay yells "shut up!" I whisper yell "well good luck" he says smirking "thanks" I thank him.

I walk up to Lilly and Nya's room and knock on the door, Lilly answers and she looks amazing: the first layer of her hair is clipped back and her hair is curled, she has a beautiful dress on and my moms necklaces "you look amazing" I tell her "thanks, you too" she says to me "have fun you two" mom calls to us "ya, and Lilly be prepared to tell me everything when you get back" Nya calls to Lilly and she laughs.

'Lilly's pov'

We walk out to the sky deck and see the ultra dragon "hey big guy" I say to him rubbing his nose. We get to the restaurant and are shown our seats.

'Nya's pov'

The guys,Garmadon,Misako,sensei and I are all in the dining room eating when Cole asks "where are Lloyd and Lilly?" "ummm Lilly's in the shower" I tell him "and Lloyd's in town getting shampoo or something" Jay buds in "ok, now where are they really?" he asks "fine Lloyd took Lilly on a date" Jay blurts out "what!!!" Cole yells and stands up.

'Lilly's pov'

Lloyd and I are having lots of fun on our date laughing and talking when my phone starts to ring "it's Nya?" I say confused and his phone starts to ring, we both pick up.

*on the phone*
Lilly: hey Nya what's wrong
Nya: well Cole and the guys are coming for you two because Jay couldn't keep his mouth shut
Lilly: what do I do!?
Nya: well just get out of the restaurant
Lilly: ok,bye
Nya: bye
*End of phone call*

Me and Lloyd look at each other "forest" we both say and nod, we pay the bill and take off for the forest to find that it has started to rain and by rain I mean pour.

I fall to my knees "thats it!" I yell, take my shoes off, carry them and I'm off again. We stop in the middle of the forest "I think this is far enough" Lloyd pants "agreed" I pant leaning up against a tree "so does this mean your my...girlfriend?" Lloyd asks "well it depends, do you think you can handle all of this" I ask laughing "of course, but can you handle me" he asks "well than I guess your my boyfriend" I tell him , Lloyd comes closer and I start to blush "Lilly your all pink, how come?" he asks knowing the answer "you know exactly why!" I yell pushing him and he falls into the mud.

"hahahah" I can't help it I start to laugh "you think this is funny?" he asks scarily and suddenly it's not so funny "um, no" I say as he grabs me by the waist and kisses me roughly, getting my dress all muddy, but I don't care at that moment, I drop my shoes and run my hands through his wet hair, we pull away needing air but still resting our foreheads together he leans back in but he is more gentle and passionate this time. we break away again "should we be getting back?" he asks and all I can do is nod.

We get back to the bounty and none of the guys except Jay are there, we walk into the bridge muddy and wet "Lilly your dress, what happened?" Misako asks "Lloyd fell in a mud puddle" I explain "so how did YOU get all muddy?" Garmadon asks and both Lloyd and I blush.

Cole and the other two burst in the door drenched "theirs the new couple" Kai teases "your asking to be hit" I say putting my shoes on the table "what happened to you two? You are all muddy?" Zane asks "Lloyd fell in a mud puddle" Nya answers "so why are you muddy, Lilly?" Kai asks "ummmm" I just stand there as Jay nudges Lloyd in the ribs "Lilly isn't that Misako's necklace?" Garmadon asks "ya she gave it to me for good luck" I tell him touching it "it matches your dress well" Zane says "thanks" I thank him "Lilly you know it's our day to do laundry tomorrow, right?" Nya asks "I'm not very good at laundry, the one time I had to do laundry at home I accidentally turned dad's red bows pink, he had to go out and buy all new ones" I laugh "oh don't worry Lilly, Lloyd turned Zane's suits pink once" Nya reassures me "you did?" I ask laughing "ya, it was when I was a kid" Lloyd tells me and I laugh and eventually stop.

"Ok you five go get clean and dry, we have to dock tonight because of the storm" sensei tells us "yes sensei" we all say, I go to Nya and I's room and the guys go to their room. I get into the shower, get pyjamas on and than tell Nya everything that happened.

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