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'Lilly's pov'

After the food fight we all have to help out to clean up "Lilly" sensei calls "let me see your hands" he says taking my hands, he takes off the bandages and inspects them closer "they are healing very well" he tells me "so I don't have to wear the bandages anymore?" I ask hopeful "correct, but be cautious" he warns me, I nod and go back to helping clean up.

It's about 2 o'clock when we finish cleaning and I decide to tell Nya about my date "Nya, come here" I motion for her to come over "what's up?" she asks "you mean other than the sky?" I ask sarcastically "I'm going on a date with Lloyd" I say lowering my voice "Lilly! we HAVE to go shopping!" she yells "why do you HAVE to go shopping" Jay asks "Lilly's going on a d-mmp" I slap my hand over mouth "Lilly's going where?" Cole asks suspiciously I slowly take my hand off of Nya's mouth to see what excuse she could come up with.

Nya starts thinking as soon as I take my hand off of her mouth "uh she's going shopping! didn't you hear?" Nya says giggeling nervously as Cole comes over to me "Lilly? you've always been a terrible lier where are you going?" he asks sternly I slightly look over his shoulder and see all of the others who look suspicious and Lloyd looks worried "Nya just told you we're going shopping" I say not looking him in the eye, I start to go into a cold sweat "ok, go ahead" he turns around and walks away.

Nya pulls me to her samurai suit "I can't believe he bought that!" I whisper yell "I know" she laughs she gets into the samurai suit and I get in beside her "ok to the mall we goooo!" I yell and Nya laughs. we get to the mall after flying for 20 minutes in the amazing samurai suit.

We go into a dress shop and look around, I see a sparkly gold strapless dress with silver trim "Nya!" I yell "this is the one!" she comes over to me "it's gorgeous" she exclaims I go and try it on. The dress stops just above my knees, I walk out of the dressing room "how do I look?" I ask Nya "you look AMAZING!" she yells, I go back into the change room and take it off, we pay for it and are on to our next stop.

Next we go into a shoe store, I sit down on a bench and Nya brings out a pair of silver high heels that match my dress perfectly "umm Nya I've never worn high heels before" I say sheepishly "that's ok, I'll teach you" she says putting them on me "stand up" she tells me, I stand trying not to brake my ankles "I'm going to die" I tell her starting to walk "your doing fine" she laughs, by the time we're out of the shoe store I'm a master at walking in high heels.

Nya and I decide to take a break and go to the food court we get pops and sit down at a table, just then I see Mackenzie,Clare and Jackleene, Nya sees them too, we try to get out fast but are too late "long time no see looser" Mackenzie says to me "what is it this time Mackenzie?" I ask "this!" she yells dumping her smoothie down my shirt "oops" I hear her say.

I feel tears sting my eyes but not out of embarrassment, it's out of anger. I take the collar of her jacket in my hand and pull back my fist ready to knock her out, and for the first time ever I see Mackenzie look scared I let out a large sigh and push her away from me "your not worth it" I tell her walking away.

"oh and by the way Lilly, your dress is beautiful" she calls to me. I stop dead in my tracks "what did you... wait where is my dress!!!" I ask whipping around to see Clare and Jackleene about to start pouring grape juice into a bag that Mackenzie is holding open "my dress!" I scream and my arm whips out and a light beam shoots from my hand momentarily blinding everybody but myself and Nya,I run over to Mackenzie and take back my dress, Nya runs up to me and squishes me in a hug "Lilly that was AWESOME!!" she yells "Lets get going, before everybody figures out what just happened" I say and we go back to the bounty.

It's around 9 o'clock and Nya and I are sitting in our room talking about my amazing powers when we hear a knock on the door "come in" we yell, sensei walks in "I hear somebody used their powers for the first time" sensei tells us "ya I used them and might... have momentarily blinded everyone but Nya and me" I tell him nervously "come, show me" he says walking to the training deck and I follow him with Nya behind me "shoot at the targets" sensei tells me "what targ-" I get cut off by 5 different targets poping out of the floor "oh, those targets" I state the obvious "go" sensei says and I try to do it again.

'Misako's pov'

The guys, Garmadon and I are all in the dining room talking when we hear a loud BOOM and screams, we all hurry to the training deck to see Lilly,Nya and Wu "ok try again, Lilly" Wu tells her and she aims herself at the target puts her hands together then quickly pulls them out to the sides, a light beam shoots out of her and hits the target spot on "Lilly that was AMAZING!!!" Nya runs over to her hugging her "thank you" Lilly laughs "that was beyond amazing" I walk over to her "yes Lilly there is great power in you" Wu tells her "and with great power comes great responsibility" Lloyd says grinning and coming over, Wu chuckles to himself and both Lilly and Lloyd look confused as to why Wu is chuckling.

"I have a question" Lilly says "yes Lilly" Wu answers "can I go to sleep now?" she asks "will you shoot one more first" Jay asks as all of the others come out "fine" Lilly says grinning. she turns to the target repeats the same actions and a light beam shoots from her hitting the target I hear all of the guys let out a "wow" Lilly giggles and goes to bed with Nya in tow.

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