Spin-Off: Celia

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'Lilly's POV'

The next few months pass without any problems. The guys have gotten jobs to keep themselves busy. Felix, Ari, Gwen and Jackson have begun going to school, and the other girls and I stay at home to help with housework and take care of children.

I stand outside, holding Link, waiting for the school bus. The guys got home about an hour ago and are inside eating.

"Mommy!" Ari runs to hug me

"Welcome home." I hug Felix as well

"Hey mom." He smiles happily at the giggling Link

Gwen and Jackson get off the bus and we start to head inside

I hear Chamille scream begin to run. I rush into the living room and see the others crowded around her

"What happened?" I ask, nudging myself into the group

"It appears that Chamille is in labor." Zane states

"We've got to get her to the hospital." I say, taking her shaky hand

"Let's go!" Cole grabs the keys off of the key hook and runs out to the car. He opens the door and we quickly get into the back seat.

Lloyd shoves into the front seat, holding Ari and Felix. The rest stay at home until we bring the baby home, since there's to many of us to go to the hospital all at once.

"Are you okay, Chamille?" Cole asks as he starts the car

"Yeah..!!... Let's get going!" Her grip on my hand tightens, Link -who I'm still holding- begins to cry

"Shh, everything's going to be okay, Link." His mother's pained screams make him cry even more.

Once we arrive at the hospital, the doctors take Chamille and Cole into a room. A doctor comes and confirms that Chamille is in labor and will be having her baby

"Looks like you're going to be an aunt again." Lloyd says, looking down at me, the three boys look at me as well

"It does... Are you excited for your new sibling, Link?" I ask the small child

"Of course I am aunty Illy!... W-will mommy be okay..?" He asks, looking at me with teary eyes

"Yes, she's going to be fine." I wipe away the tear that was running down his cheek with my thumb.

After only a couple hours, a doctor tells us we can go and see them.

We walk into the room and see Chamille holding a small baby in a light pink towel

"Mommy! Daddy! And... Sissy?" Link questions, looking at the pink towel

"Yes, this is your baby sister, Link." I put Link down on the bed and he stares at his new sister

"What did you name her?" I ask, looking to Cole, he smiles sweetly

"Her name is Celia; Celia Brookstone." The name brings tears to my eyes

"That was moms name..." I whisper

"Aw, don't cry Lilly..." Chamille smiles at me, holding an arm out for a hug. I hug her, looking at the new baby closely

"Hello... Celia..." I touch her small hand, to which she grabs onto my finger, still not opening her eyes.

Her hair is purple, like Chamille's. Her eyes open slowly as she lets out a yawn. They are dark brown, like Cole's

She giggles and squeezes my finger tighter. I smile as a tear runs down my cheek

"She's adorable." I look at Cole, who moves around the bed to hug me

"Thank you." He wraps his strong arms around me, holding me only for a short while before letting go

Celia giggles and let's go of my finger

"I made her laugh!" Link squeals, playing with his sisters fingers

"Mommy, is that what Felix was like when I was born?" Ari asks. I giggle

"Yeah, Felix was really happy, just like the rest of us." Lloyd answers for me, looking at the child in his arms

Felix reaches up and holds Ari's hand

"I'm really glad that mom and dad had you." Lloyd puts Ari on the ground. Ari quickly wraps his arms around Felix, Felix smiles and does the same

"I couldn't have gotten a better big brother. I'm glad you're mine." Ari's voice is muffled by Felix's shirt, but not enough for us not to hear what he says

"Will she be able to come home tonight?" I lift my head and see a tall male doctor, a clipboard tucked under his arm

"Yes, she will be released soon."


"Aww, she's so cute!" Everyone is squeezed in the entranceway to see the new baby

"What'd you name her?"

"She's got your hair."

A million and one thrown at the parents. I take Felix and Ari and escape the crowd, taking them into the living room, where the rest of the kids are. They're all focused on a movie, not even acknowledging us when we walk in.

I set a tired Ari on the couch, Felix hopping up beside him. Ari leans over and snuggles his head into Felix's shoulder.

That night, we put the crib together. That's really all we had to do, we'd already done everything else.

So the excitement of a new baby hits the household once again.

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