Spin-Off: Pregnancy Activities

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'Lilly's POV'

I stare unblinkingly at the positive test that sits on the bathroom sink. A smile breaks onto my face, and I place a gentle hand on my stomach

"Lloyd!" I call, excitement ringing in my voice. I hear the bedroom door open, then shut, and he walks into our bathroom. His eyes immediately flick to the test

"Positive?" He asks, his eyes shifting back to me. I nod, he smiles immediately. He wraps his arms around me, kissing my lips gently. He pulls away, lifts the bottom of my shirt, and bends down to kiss my stomach

"Welcome to the family," he whispers, making me giggle slightly.


We wait until the three month mark, then decide to tell everyone about my pregnancy.

We stand in the living room, everyone else sitting on the couches or floor. Each child has taken a seat on one of their parents, and Ari and Felix sit with my father, Misako, and Garmadon.

I smile and look at Lloyd, who smiles back

"Well, what's the big announcement?" Skylor asks

"I'm pregnant!" I shout happily, immediately getting squeals and congratulations from everyone in the room

"If everyone keeps having children, we're going to have to find a larger house to live in," Sensei Wu jokes, making us laugh

"Are we going to have a sister or a brother?" Ari asks, excitedly hopping around

"We aren't sure yet," I answer, smiling at my bouncing son

Felix hugs me gently, careful not to put pressure on my stomach. I guess he's scared he'll hurt me or the baby

"I love you," he says, his cheek pressed against my belly

"Me or the baby?" I ask, petting his hair gently

"Both," he answers, pulling away and going to attempt to get Ari to stop hopping.

Everyone congratulates Lloyd and I.


After about another three months, I'm very visibly pregnant. We decided at my last appointment to wait until the birth to discover what gender the baby is.

Yesterday after school the kids asked if we could go to the public park. Seeing as it's Saturday today, we decided that it would be fun to go and enjoy some sunshine with the kids.

We load all of the kids into the cars and drive into town. As soon as we arrive at the park, the kids are running to the play sets, well, all of the kids who can run.

Zane and Pixal get Faith and Verity out of the car and walk them over to the park, setting them in the baby swings. Cole takes Link over to the baby swings, and Chamille takes Celia over to a park bench to feed her a bottle.

Naomi and Harrison do a fast waddle over to the play set, and immediately climb up the stairs to the brightly coloured slide, Kai and Skylor follow behind them.

Ari, Felix, Gwen, and Jackson swing from the monkey bars. Ari is trying to swing across the full length of the monkey bars, while Jackson and Felix have a competition to see who can hang upside down longer. Every so often, Gwen will attempt to teach Ari how to swing properly, but he insists that the way he's doing it works better. Lloyd and Jay judge Felix and Jackson's competition.

I walk over to the bench that Chamille sits on, and sit beside her. I smile at Celia, who smiles back around the head of her bottle.

"She's so cute," I say quietly, resting a hand on my stomach

Chamille chuckles, "thanks Lilly," she looks at me, "could you do me a favour?"

"Of course," I answer

"Could you feed her the rest of her bottle, I need to use the washroom," I nod, and she hands Celia to me. Celia giggles and rests her hands on the bottle, she then sticks it back in her mouth.

Celia finishes the rest of her bottle quickly, and gurgles happily. I reposition her, resting her head on my shoulder. I stand up and pat her back gently, bobbing slightly.

She burps, and giggles, then burps again.


Later that night, I stand in Lloyd and I's room, looking at my belly in the mirror. I pull my tank top up over my belly, and place my hand on it. From this angle I can clearly see my Saviours Charms on the back of my shoulder.

Lloyd walks into the room and smiles at me. He kisses my lips lightly, then kneels down to my stomach and kisses it too

"Hey in there, your mom and I are really excited to meet you," as he speaks, the baby kicks gently, making us both smile.

He raises back up to me, and wraps his arms around my back

"I love you," he whispers, his lips almost against mine

"I love you too," as he's about to press his lips to mine, Ari runs through our door. We step away from each other and look to our child

"Mommy, can I stay up and watch a movie with Jackson and Felix?" He asks, his innocent teal eyes looking up at me

"Sure Ari, just make sure it's not a scary movie," I answer, looking at the small child

"Thank you mommy!" He exclaims, rushing back the way he came.

Lloyd uses his powers to gently push the door closed, then lock it. He pulls me towards him again, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

I thought it would be cute for them to have another baby. The birth will most likely be the next spin-off.


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