Spin-Off: Felix and Jackson

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'Lilly's POV'

I lay in bed on my side, trying to overcome the awful feeling of morning sickness that has hit me.

The door opens slowly, and Lloyd enters, his socked feet making almost no noise.

"Good morning, beautiful," he kisses my forehead as I sit up

"Good morning," I take the mug of decaffeinated tea that he holds out to me, and take a sip

"Where are the boys?" I ask. Almost as if they were waiting for the question, Felix and Ari stomp through the door. They happily disturb the peaceful silence that enveloped the room only moments before.

"Good morning mommy!" Ari smiles as he jumps onto the bed, making me laugh lightly

"Morning mom, and little sibling," Felix hugs me, then hugs my large baby bump. I pet his hair as he gently presses his cheek against my belly.

"Are the two of you ready to go to school?" I ask, directing the question at the boys. Ari nods happily, while Felix frowns for a second before smiling as well.

"Mommy, will you come to the bus stop with us?" Ari asks, his eyes wide and hopeful

"Of course," I smile and crawl out of bed, walking through the house and to the end of the driveway with the boys. Nya stands with Jackson and Gwendolyn, smiling at us as we approach. The bus pulls up, and Jackson begins to cry.

"What's wrong, Jack?" Nya asks, kneeling down in front of the boy

"I don't wanna go mom, please don't make me!" Jackson cries harder, wrapping his arms around Nya.

"I'm sorry buddy, but you've got to go to school," she says, patting his back soothingly. Felix places his hand on Jackson's shoulder

"Jackson, come on, everything is going to be alright," he says, holding a hand out to the younger boy. Jackson nods his head, wipes his tears, and takes Felix's hand. They get on the bus.

"I don't know why he's been crying before school lately," Nya days as we walk back to the house

"Have you asked him if there's something going on?" I question

"Yeah, but he refuses to tell me what's wrong," she answers, a worried expression etching itself into her face.

"Don't worry Nya, I'm sure we'll figure it out," I put a hand on her shoulder and smile reassuringly.


It's almost noon. I sigh in defeat and pull yet another shirt off of my body. I've been trying to find something that will fit over my stomach for half an hour, and I still haven't found anything.

I pull a sundress out of my closet and put it over my head.


Just a little further...

Got it!

The dress slides over my stomach with little resistance. I sigh in relief as there is a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I call, the door opens, revealing a worried Pixal

"The school called, they said that they need to speak to the parents of Felix Garmadon and Jackson Walker," she says in a soft tone, and I see one of the girls behind her leg. Lloyd and Jay are at work, so Nya and I will have to go.

"Alright. Does Nya know?" I ask, looking for sandals to shove onto my feet.

"Yes, she is waiting downstairs," Pixal answers. I grab a pair of light brown sandals and shove my feet into them

"Thanks Pixal," I make my way past her and down the stairs, meeting Nya at the door. We exit the house and get into the car, driving silently to the school.

We enter the building, and make our way to the main office. A secretary shows us to the principals office, where we see principal Kidman standing sternly at his desk, and both boys.

Felix sits with a deep frown on his face. He holds a white towel stained with blood to his nose. A ring of black is beginning to form around his eye. Jackson's eyes are red and puffy, and he sniffles every so often.

"What happened?" I demand, taking my eyes off of my son and narrowing them at the principal

"Mrs. Garmadon, I am sorry to inform you that your son was in a fight earlier today," Principal Kidman says, nodding at Felix.

"Felix, could you explain to me what happened, please?" I ask in a soft voice. I'm really not mad at him, as long as he had a good reason for getting into a fight. It's also obvious that Felix did not use his powers in this fight, or else he would not be in this bad of shape.

"Sure. A kid from my grade has been bullying Jackson for a few weeks, and none of the teachers, or the principal," he shoots a pointed look at Principal Kidman, "have done anything about it. I'm sick of watching them do this to him and getting no punishment! So, I punched him, and he hit back, and we started fighting, and then his friends teamed up on me, and now I look like this," he finishes his explanation

"So where is the kid who's been bullying my son? Is he just off the hook again?" Nya asks, her cheeks flushing with anger

"Well, Mrs. Walker, none of the teachers have reported seeing the bullying take place, and it is against school policy to take action unless seen by an adult," he answers

"Well, Mr. Kidman, I want something done about these boys! My son has cried himself to sleep nearly every night, because you and your staff have not yet taken action because of a policy!" Nya shouts, her face flushing further

"And furthermore, what about the fight they just got in with Felix? Do they not get any punishment for that either?" I raise my voice as well

"Mrs. Garmadon, you need to understand that it is also against policy to punish a child if they did not throw the first hit," he answers, though he is visibly loosing his footing and becoming wary of Nya and I.

"Those boys need to be punished! How dare you turn your cheek and pretend not to see the awful things that these boys have done because you are afraid to go against a policy!" My voice becomes louder

'Felix's POV'

I don't think I've ever seen mom's face this red. She's really angry at Mr. Kidman.

"Felix," Jackson taps my arm as Nya starts yelling again. I turn my head to look at him, and it looks like he's stopped crying, "thank you," he presses a quick, light kiss to my cheek. My cheek feels warm where his lips touched it, and he smile giddily. I smile back, wrapping a protective arm around his shoulders.

"You're welcome," I smile, watching as mom and Nya continue to shout at Principal Kidman.


'Lilly's POV'

We sit quietly in the car as Nya drives home.

"I'm proud of you, you know," I speak, catching the attention of everyone in the car, "I'm proud that you stuck up for Jackson, Felix, and even though you didn't handle it the best way possible, you still took action," I smile into the rear-view mirror at him

"Thanks mom," he smiles back.

Once we arrive back at home, Jay and Lloyd immediately want to know what happened. We tell them, and they're just as angry as Nya and I were. They're so angry they the two of them are almost ready to go see the principal themselves.

"Guys, calm down, Nya and I already yelled at the poor man enough," I say, grabbing the car keys from Lloyd's hand

"Yeah, we told him if he didn't do something about those boys we'd be back." Nya laughs, setting the plates at the dinner table

"Jeez, doesn't that guy know that it's not a good idea to argue with angry mothers," Chamille smiles, setting a salad out

"Yeah, especially when one of them is pregnant," Skylor adds, making everyone laugh.

Before we put the boys to bed that night, Felix insists on making sure that Jackson is okay. He goes to Jackson's room, and the younger boys face immediately lights up.

"Felix!" He shouts, jumping out of bed to hug the brunet, "I'm not scared tonight! I'm not going to cry!" He smiles up at the boy. Felix looks at Jackson sweetly, with a small smile on his face.

"Good, I'm glad you're feeling better," Felix says, releasing the young boy.

I look at Nya, who smiles at the heartwarming scene.

"Come in Jackson, it's time for bed," Nya says, still on her knees by the side of his bed

"Okay mom!" Jackson looks back at Felix and wraps his arms around him once more, "goodnight Felix!" He says, letting Felix go and jumping into bed

"Goodnight Jackson, sleep well," Felix says, smiling sweetly.

Felix gets into his bed and hugs me goodnight. I close his door quietly, only to see Nya stepping out of Jackson's room.

"Nya!" I whisper-yell at her. She turns her head as she finishes closing the door and we quietly get into my room.

"You saw them earlier today, didn't you?" I ask, smiling happily

"In the principals office?" She asks, I nod, she nods back, "weren't they just too cute!" She squeals, making sure not to be too loud.

I don't think the boys know that we saw them, but hey, what they don't know won't hurt them.

So, the birth of the baby will be in the next chapter. I got this idea and I thought it would be really cute, so I wrote it. That's the only explanation I can give for this chapter...

I think it's cute.


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