The Little Boy

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Lilly's pov

I let out an "oof" as I feel someone jump on my stomach "illy...ILLY!" the boy yells "yes Felix" I say opening an eye "wake up, wake up" he says "Felix wake Lloyd up" I whisper into the small boys ear and he starts to jump on Lloyd

"what?" Lloyd grumbles "wake up!" Felix yells "I'm up" he says opening his eyes "illy?" he asks "yes Felix" I say "what's for breakfast?" he asks "I don't know, do you want to come see what Zane is making for breakfast" I ask "ya!" he yells and pulls me and Lloyd to our feet and into the dining room "hey guys" I say yawning "you look tired" Jay says smiling "ya I am" I say taking Felix's hand again and going to the kitchen "hey Zane" I say seeing him at the stove "good morning Lilly and Felix" he says "Zane what's for breakfast" I ask "eggs and bacon" he says "yay!" Felix says jumping up and down and running into the dining room.

I follow him out and see Lloyd crouched down beside him and I run over "what happened?" I ask kneeling down "he ran into the wall" Lloyd says "where does it hurt" I ask Felix and he points to his forehead, I kiss him on his forehead and he perks back up "better?" I ask and he smiles and nods running over to the others "Lilly I hurt my cheek" Lloyd says in a childish voice, making me smile and as soon as I go to kiss his cheek he turns his head making my kiss land on his lips

My eyes widen and I pull back "you are so dead" I laugh walking over to Felix "illy kissed me" he exclaims and the others laugh "breakfast is ready" Zane says brining out the bacon and eggs "go get what you want to eat" I say to Felix and he grabs a plate, some bacon and eggs "can I eat now?" he asks "yep, just go sit down" I tell him and he runs to the table I let out a little laugh as I get my food "illy, illy over here" Felix calls patting the seat beside him.

I go and sit beside Felix with Lloyd sitting beside me "hello Felix I am Wu" Sensei walks in and up to Felix "hi ou" he says "Lilly how has he been" Sensei says turning to me "he's been good... other than running into a wall this morning" I say laughing at the memory "ya illy kissed me" Felix says, his eyes lighting up and I laugh a bit "you did" Sensei says looking alarmed "on the forehead" I clarify "oh" Sensei breathes and Felix looks confused.

After breakfast we go into the game room "hey Felix want to help bake a cake for after dinner" I ask him "no thanks" he says "your making cake" Cole says coming over "it's for after dinner" I say stretching the after part and walking out of the room and into the kitchen

I mix the batter, put it in a pan and put it in the oven. While the cake is cooking I start to make the icing, I feel arms wrap around my waist and turn around, spoon in hand and hit Lloyd smack in the nose with a big glob of orange icing he try's to get some of the icing and I block him as best as I can "fine than, you asked for it" he says rubbing his nose on my cheek and getting orange icing on it

I turn around grab the icing and start to throw it all over him: face, hair, clothes everything "ok gimme a hug" he says holding his arms out "!!!!" I scream laughing as he picks me up in a hug "ahhh!Lloyd!" I laugh and he puts me down

"I think the cake is done, Lilly" I hear sensei say "I don't want to turn around, do I?" I ask and Lloyd shakes his head, splattering icing on the floor "clean up when you are done" sensei says and I hear him chuckle and walk away Lloyd and I both breath a sigh and laugh "get cleaning love birds!!" I hear Kai yell from out side of the kitchen "shuddup!!" Lloyd yells back and the guys laugh really loudly, and I take the cake out of the oven "it smells amazing" Lloyd says "thanks" I say mixing more icing Lloyd dips his finger in the icing and I tap his hand "hands out" I say and start icing the cake

"There...perfect!" I exclaim putting the finishing touch on the cake "mmmm, looks good" Cole says coming into the kitchen and looking at the cake "no Cole" I say putting the dishes into the sink "aw c'mon just a little taste" he begs "no" I say running the water " two need to clean up in here" he says walking out "ok you can do the dishes and I'll get the floors and the counters, k?" Lloyd asks "ya" I reply getting started on the dishes "Lilly!" Nya yells almost as soon as I'm done "yes Nya!?" I yell back going to the living room "you spent three hours on that cake" she says as I walk in "ya" I say "I hope it's amazing" she says

Time skip to desert

"Yay time for cake" Cole says licking his lips and everybody laughs at him, I get up and get the cake from the fridge and put it on the table "Illy it looks good" Felix says "thanks Felix" I say cutting the cake into slices and standing back as everybody minus Felix, Misako, Garmadon and Sensei attacks the cake, after the guys and Nya sit back down I bring Misako, Garmadon, Sensei and Felix all a piece of cake, I get my cake and sit down "thank you Lilly this is amazing" Misako says "thank you" I say "are you shure that your Coles sister? Your a much better cook" Jay asks "ya I'm shure" I laugh

We finish and do dishes "everyone to bed now, you five have training tomorrow" Sensei says shooing us to bed "good night Felix" I say tucking him into bed "night Illy" he says letting his eyes fall closed, I walk back into Nya and I's room "you are going to be the best mother ever" Nya teases me "I think you've got that job down" I tell her laughing and pulling on new pyjamas, getting into bed and falling asleep.

In the middle of the night I hear Felix scream, Nya hears it too, I race to his room and see him in the corner of his room crying and hugging his knees "shhhhh, Felix what happened" I ask holding him in my arms "I had a nightmare" he sobs "shhhh, it was just a dream" I sooth getting him back into bed and stroking his hair "do you want me to stay with you tonight" I ask him and he nods shakily, I lay back, still holding Felix in my arms, I feel his breathing slow to that of a sleeping person and I fall asleep myself.

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