Wedding prep

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As soon as we wake up in the morning Nya and I are off shopping, Nya comes out of the dressing room in option 19 of 20 "Nya I love that one!" I yell, the dress flows to the floor and it has a purple piece of fabric going around the waist "I think this is the one" she says and I nod smiling like an idiot, she comes out in her normal clothes, holding the dress "your turn" she says pushing me into the dressing room "wait what?" I ask "I have three dresses for you, try them on" she says.

All three are purple with white the first one is frilly and goes to the ground, the second one is tight and goes to my knees, the third one flows to the ground with white fabric around the waist and falling down the side, it is basically Nya's dress with less fabric and the colours reversed "that's the one" she yells as I come out "I love it Nya" I exclaim.

After the we get the dresses and Nya's vail we get shoes Nya's are white high heels and mine are also white high heels but they do up around my ankles.

We get home and put our things away "Lilly I'm nervous" Nya says "Nya don't worry" I say "I'm going to make shore that this day is perfect" I say and she hugs me "you are like a sister and if I ever have kids your going to be their aunt,ok" she asks "of course!" I yell, we are up all night talking about wedding plans and eventually pass out.

"Lilly...Lilly wake up" I hear a soft voice calling me "what" I ask as I'm pulled out of bed and being carried, still half asleep "wake up" he says giving me a little shake, I open my eyes and see Lloyd carrying me "where are you taking me" I ask sleepily "you'll see" he says, I get sat on a couch and see all of the guys "where's Nya?" Kai asks "sleeping, the same thing that I was doing" I say shooting daggers "that's probably why you look like you lived in a cave for two years" Cole jokes as Lloyd puts his hoodie over my head, I pull it on and put the hood on "thanks" I thank him.

"So you two have your dresses?" Jay asks "ya and shoes and I've made us both appointments to get our hair and makeup done on the day of the wedding" I say "good, and I've got the ballroom in Ninjago booked all day for the wedding" Lloyd says "I have caterers booked for the wedding" Zane says "I've got decorators ready to go" Cole says "I got music ready and mailed invitations" Kai says "good everything is in place" Jay says breathing in relief "can I go back to sleep now" I ask "ya" Jay says "thank you" I say getting up and walking back to bed.

"Morning Lilly" Nya says as I face plant into my bed "tired" I whine "I know me too" she says as I get up and sit on my bed "Lilly I am so nervous" she says and I notice that she's shaking a bit "Nya I was just talking with the guys and everything is running smoothly" I say and she stops shaking "hey isn't that Lloyd's hoodie?" she asks "ya" I say falling back into my pillows and I hear her go "ohhhhh".

"Lilly!" I hear my name being called through the door I get up and answer it "what's up, Lloyd" I say "well I found out that their is going to be slow dancing at this wedding and I don't know how to slow dance" he says looking at his feet "I'll teach you" I say pulling him up to the training deck both of us still in our pyjamas "ok the guy leads but for the first time I'll lead" I say putting in slow music.

He puts one hand on my waist and the other hand in mine and my hand is around his neck "follow what I do" I say and he looks to his feet "head up" I say pushing his chin up, and we start.

By the end of the lesson he is twirling me, the music ends "now mister 'I can't dance" I say crossing my arms "I never said I can't dance I said I can't slow dance" he corrects me "well your a natural" I say "hey, I learned from the best" he says smiling and pulling me into his arms "guys are you out here?...." the guys call and he lets go "ya what is it?" I say annoyed "what where you doing out here" Kai asks "I was teaching Lloyd to slow dance" I say looking at the now beat red Lloyd "ya" he says, his voice just above a squeak "so you didn't know how to slow dance?" Kai shoots "oh and you do?" Lloyd shoots back "ya I do!" Kai starts to yell "guys enough!" I yell and the guys look surprised "weather you can or can't slow dance doesn't matter" I say and the guys nod "and Kai if your this amazing slow dancer lets see it" Lloyd challenges.

"Ok" Kai says starting the music and then grabbing me "what?" I say panicked, the song ends and Lloyd almost looks jealous "not bad" I say walking back over to Lloyd "Lilly!" I hear Nya yell and I run to her "ya?" I say "do you like this hair style better or this one" she asks showing me two different styles in a magazine "umm this one" I say pointing to one of the styles.

Later that night

Nya and I are sitting in the kitchen when Lloyd walks in wearing a tux "what are you wearing?" I ask smiling "do you like it" he says coming over to us "you look very handsome" I say "we're getting fitted for tux's" he says getting a drink of water, I cross my legs on the counter I'm sitting on "is that yours?" I ask "ya" he says kissing my cheek and walking out of the kitchen.

Nya smirks at me "shut up" I say starting to smile "I didn't say anything" she says still smirking "stoooop" I whine smiling really big "could you smile any bigger?" she asks and I start to laugh "I think you'd be surprised" I laugh "your the best" she laughs getting off of the counter "Nya I don't wanna move, you kept me up all night" I whine "come on" she says pulling me off of the counter and back to our room.

"Nya your stressed I'm going to look up relaxation remedies on the internet" I say walking to our computer "ok I'm going to make you an avocado face mask and light a jasmine sensed candle" I say going to the kitchen to make the face mask. I get an avocado and mush it a bowl with a few extra things, I walk back into our room with the bowl and candle "hey, got everything?" Nya says clipping her hair away from her face "yep, I do" I say putting the bowl down and lighting the candle "mmm, it smells nice" she says "ya, it does" I say smiling

"Ok, sit back with your head bent back" I say positioning her head and putting the avocado on her "it's very cold" she says "don't talk your breaking the mask" I say putting more on around her mouth "there done" I say putting the cucumbers on her eyes

"Lilly!" someone yells from outside the door "ya" I say opening the door "get changed we have to go" Lloyd says running down the hall "where?!" I ask closing the door and getting changed into my ninja outfit "Nya I have to go but I hope we'll be back soon" I tell her "ok" she says trying not to move her face "c'ya" I say walking out the door to the bridge "what is happening" I ask walking over to the guys "there's another fire" Kai says "ok guys we can do this, and try not to get injured especially you Jay" Cole says looking at Jay "got it. Lets go!" he says and we all jump off of the bounty.

We make a plan "ok, Zane and I will evacuate from out here you four go check for anymore people that might still be inside" Cole says as we all pull our hoods down "Ninja...GO!" we yell and Kai, Lloyd, Jay and I race into the building "ok I'll get this floor Kai get the next floor next floor is Lloyd and Lilly you get the top floor" Jay calls "ok" I yell running up the stairs to the top floor

"Hello is anyone up here!" I yell "here in here" I hear a weak voice, I run into the room where the voice came from and see a woman holding a little boy who looks about 5 or 6 years old "take him please get out of here" the woman says weakly "no I won't leave you here" I tell her taking the small child "take him and go you couldn't get me out" she says "I'll come back for you!" I yell running out the door with the child in my arms "mommy!!" he yells "your mom will be ok" I say stroking his head while running

I get to the entrance and give the boy to Zane "I have to go back for his mother!" I yell running back into the building and up to where the woman was "come on you can get out of here" I say lifting things off of her "no, you need to get out of here, the building won't stand much longer" she says as the building starts to shake.

I pick up the woman and put her over my shoulder running down the stairs and making it out the door. The paramedics rush over and I set the lifeless woman on the bed and a tear runs down my cheek, the little boy comes running over to me "where's my mommy?" he cries and I crouch down and touch his cheek "the doctors are seeing if she is ok" I say as he hugs me

The doctor comes up to us "Lilly could I talk to you?" he says "yes" I say "Lloyd watch him" I say sternly walking with the doctor "the boys mother is...gone" the doctor says and I start to cry running back to the boy hugging his small figure tightly as he sobs into my chest Lloyd goes on the other side of the boy and hugs him and me as I sob into his shoulder " m-mommy...gone?" the boy asks shakily "yes...I-I'm so sorry" I cry "you tried that's all I could ask" the little boy says still crying "Lilly you did your best" Lloyd says kissing my forehead and hugging us tighter.

"Lilly" I hear the doctor say "yes" I say standing up "the boys aunt and uncle are on their way but it is going to take at least a week" he says "he can stay with us" I say still crying "ok I'll tell his aunt" the doctor says walking away "what did he say" Lloyd asks cradling the crying child "well it's going to take a week for his aunt and uncle to get here so he's staying with us" I tell him "I'm staying with you guys" the child cries "ya, is that ok?" I ask "yes!" the child smiles jumping from Lloyd's arms into mine. I rock him back and forth "what is your name?" I ask "I'm Felix" he says "I'm Lilly" I say as Felix falls asleep in my arms.

When we get to the Bounty I take Felix up to Sensei "Lilly who is this" Sensei asks "this little boys parents where killed and it's going to take his aunt and uncle at least a week to get here so I asked if he could stay with us" I say "of course he can stay. But he is your responsibility" Sensei says "yes sensei" I say and take him to the room that Lloyd used to stay in "Lilly" the boys eyes flutter open "ya" I say putting him on the futon "thank you" he says as his eyes fall closed and he snuggles into the blankets, I kiss his forehead and close the door to his room.

Tears start to flood my eyes and I sink to the floor with my face to my knees "Lilly...hey don't cry" I hear Lloyd say "it's ok now" he strokes my hair as I cry " fault" I sob shakily into his chest "I'm never going to sleep tonight" I mumble "well if your not going to sleep than neither am I" he says into my ear "what do you mean?" I ask, my brain frazzled "we can watch movies until you fall asleep" he tells me.

'Lloyd's pov'

We're sitting on the couch watching a movie and I have my arm around her shoulders when I feel Lilly fall asleep under my arm, I start to nod off too and eventually fall deep into sleep

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