Chapter 1 - The beginning

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Y/N Pov

June 21, 2049

The Usual room

Waking up from morning was my usual routine, but this time with much less energy.

Without opening my eyes I began to search my alarm clock with the amount of grogginess, until I hit something, hard...


I shot my eyes wide open, only to see my supposed to be my clock, was now in pieces. I totally forgotten that this was very-very fragile.

My roommate came running to my room with toothbrush on his mouth only to see my broken alarm clock, which he frown afterwards.

He looked at me as remove the toothbrush from his mouth.

"You gonna buy another clock, do you?" He said deadpanned in his usual Russian accent.

Oh, where are my manners.

My name is Y/N L/N. I am just a student and a military enthusiastic, mostly ww2.

Why you ask my roommate has a Russian accent.

Because we are in the international school in U.S.A called "University of The Liberty" a very popular school if you may ask.

At first day I met many friends from other countries.

Anyways back to the present time.

I nodded to Ivan Korov, slowly in defeat.

"Come on. We have classes to attend to." He said while leaving the room without another word.

I got up from my bed and stretching while doing some small pushups, then got up while removing some sweat from my forehead.

"Well, time to bath." I mumbled.


I picked up my phone and my backpack, following Ivan on the way out to our dorm.

"Sooo... How was your book?" Ivan ask me curiously while taking off his eyes from his phone.

As I think for my next words for him.

"Umm. It gone well to be honest." I said while receiving a nod from him.

After that, we continue our usual day throughout the entire campus.

You know the rest for being a student.

Lunch time

When the bell rang loudly, we said our farewells to our proctor from history as he said his farewell in return.

As I reached the cafeteria and ordered my favorite, food which is F/M (Favorite Meal) and F/D (Favorite Drink). Satisfied with the food. I make my way to the usual spot where my friends meet when lunch time.

After waiting for them to come. Ivan was the first to appear followed by Seo Park a tall Korean, Michael Florenzo a genius and gentleman Filipino, Brisa Vinaigretten a beautiful Mexican woman, Frank Klaiser a well build German, and lastly Ross Williamson an American with blonder hair and same muscular build to Frank.

Once they saw me, they immediately came towards our table with their trays of food. I waved at them to get their attention.

They came to my table with wide smile on their faces.

"Hola Y/N! How are you doing today?" Brisa ask me as she placed her tray of food, then followed by others.

After I explained to her my situation this morning. She replied with her happy mood to us.

"I see, you are doing good today." Seo said to me as he eat his noodles.

"Agreed." Michael said to me while taking a large bite to his burger.

We continued like this with small talks to each other. The most quiet people in our group was both Ross and Ivan as they enjoyed their food.

We stayed silent after that, we enjoyed each other's company throughout the day.

Until the bell rang...

I groaned internally as my friends sigh in defeat.

"Well, this is it. See ya later guys." Michael said as he left.

Ross, Frank and Brisa left together with being Frank and Brisa close to each other.

"See later at the dorm Y/N." Ivan and Seo said to me as I bid my farewell to them.

I smiled since they were like a family to my.

Suddenly I remembered about my parents...

I shook my head to rid off that thought in my head.

It was the past Y/N, nothing can change that.


After the whole day was finished. I stood up from my chair and then looked at the window to see the sun starting to decending at the horizon, meaning it's starting to get dark.

I was in the library reading some book about the "Midway" during WW2.

I feel my phone vibrates at my pocket. I pick up my phone, turning the button and immediately check our private GC or group chat.

Seo invited all of us to watch a movie this coming weekend. I saw all of them agreed to come, except for me that was waiting for a reply.

I immediately, finally agreeing to come to the movie night.

I put my phone back to my pocket and head towards to our dorms, which is not far away from the library.

Few minutes of walking. I finally reached my perspective room and I unlocked it with my key.

Since I don't have many things to do, I take a quick bath and jump to the bed, calling it a day.

I starting to woke up from my slumber, only to feel rough not so soft like a bed. I was in a grass.

I shot my eyes wide open to see I was outside, looking around I've noticed that I wasn't "outside" of my campus. Rather I was in a forest.

Looking around now in panicked, I closed my eyes and thinking this was just a dream.


"Your sovereignty." A female voice said behind me.

I stood up in shocked and look at the source of the voice to see...

Japanese men and women, dressed and armed from world war 2 surrounded me at all directions while they kneeling before me, but one in particular was a woman with a katana looking at me. Piercing her eyes deep into my soul.

"We are waiting for your orders, your heaven sovereignty." She said.

"W-What is your name?" I stuttered.

She looked at me like, I was some crazy. She stood up, which is she was half of my height.

"My name is Captain Asuka Yamamori, your highness. We are serving the true and only emperor of Japan." She answered politely.

I just stood there in complete shocked...

Asuka Yamamori




"D-Did you check our perimeter?" I asked in concern.

She nodded.

"We already search the perimeter within the 300 radius, everything is quiet, your highness." She said to me.

Starts a great news at least, but...

How?! How could I lead an entire Japanese soldiers from WW2, let alone an emperor of Japan!

My breath was in rapid pace and I put my left hand to calm my beating heart. Once it make contact to my chest, something came out...

A Heads Up Display or in short HUD, just like in video games...

It says my current stats... This can't be right.

Current: LVL - 10 = WW2 ERA

Y/N, L/N




I was in state of confusion and shocked at the same time.

How could I reached level 10 immediately? Which is my favorite era of all.

I saw an option at the lower left corner indicated "Back", once I saw that I pressed it faster than the bullet.

I saw the levels that I could achieve in the future.












Huh? Nuclear weapons? Since when Japan get their hands on the weapons of mass destruction.

I was very confused at the "technological advantage" and the "irreplaceable" perk. The rest of the levels are just increase numbers of my soldiers and equipment.

My current soldiers are already in 200/200, which is the maximum number of my personell.

I have every platoon of soldiers from reconnaissance, machine gun team, and lastly the mortar team.

I looked to my soldiers who was now standing up whilst cocking the chambers of their rifles, Type 100 SMGs and some of them attached bayonets to the Ariska rifles.

I look to my stats once again to see that I was able to build two ammunition depot.

I look to the settings to how to summon the depot, all I have to do is to think and say internally the "supply depot". Which I did afterwards.


Expecting them to come out from nowhere, I received none of that. I become frustrated.

I looked towards my soldiers and I ordered them to sit down which they did accordingly.

I search my surroundings with complete 360° and I noticed a strange two object besides the large tree. They were covered with camouflage net.


I walk towards the depot's and one by one I removed the net to see tons of Japanese-made weapons including katanas.

I grab one of the iconic sword of all time and then unsheathed from its shell.

I smirk to see the sharpness and cleanliness of this majestic sword that was look like it came out from a blacksmith.


I strapped my katana to my hip which I noticed that I was not wearing my casual clothes rather an Japanese officer. I immediately grab the holster and the Nambu Type A.

Satisfied with the armament, I grab another weapon which is the Type 100 sub-machine gun.

I ordered some of my men to make a temporary camp which to my surprise.

That even I don't summon a camp for them to rest, they have it all from small infantry tents to medical tent. This took hours to build obviously and since we have plenty of space, my men and women scattered throughout the camp. Some of them carrying Ariska with sniper scope while climbing to the trees, which I assume for surveillance.

I looked towards the sun and according from my own understanding, the time was in the middle of noon or lunch time.

As I make a plan for the exploration of this unknown forest.

Suddenly Asuka came to me.

"Your highness, we spotted smoke East of here!" She reported.

I nodded to her and ordered 60 of soldiers to accompany me towards the said smoke.

Some of my personnels will be remain as guards to our camp.

This is going to be interesting.

East of the Japanese camp

3rd Pov

The isolated part of the forest was a group of 7 hunters that was seating at the ground, most of them were wolves with human features.

This forest was very popular to every hunters, it was rich of preys and for food with some expensive high quality skin or fur that could sell at high price in the market.

They were armed with swords, axe, and bows.

The athletic build wolf in the middle of the group with white fur, rotates the dead feral pig at the top of the bonfire that was their prey and reward for their effort.

"Hmm." He hummed with satisfactory as he finishes his last touch to their food.

After he done preparing the food he calls his kind for lunch.

Once they come to him, they began to drool at the sight.

"Well? Come on, dig in!" The white wolf said to his friends

As they shared the meat to each other, they moaned at how delicious the meat was.

"You know Aztec. You should be a cook at the castle, you are very good at this!" The brown wolf complemented to the white wolf named, Aztec.

"Thank you for the compliment, Jage. That means a lot to me." Aztec said.

Jage only nodded with a smile as they continued to eat peacefully.



Their ears twitch at the sound coming from the grass behind them.

Some of the group of readied their axe incase of an attack from feral animals.

Until a small white rabbit came out from the grass, while the group sigh in relief.

The bunny run into different direction.

"It was just a bunny." One of the wolf with dark fur said as he return back to eating his food then followed by his friends.

Unknown to the group, shadows lurking while using the shadow of the tree as cover. Observing the humanoid wolves with interest.

Aztec smelled something that was oddly, he started sniffing the air then looked to his comrades.

"Guys. Did you smell that scent?" He asked them quite concerned.

The rest of them sniff the air and nodded to Aztec.

"It's everywhere." One of the wolf with grey fur said.

As they went to grab their weapons quickly.

Multiple figures started to come out from the hiding place.

They were surrounded by a furless creatures that resembles to the extinct Monkeys, except a small amount of fur at top of their head. They have these strange long sticks with a knife at the very end, all of them are wearing a tanned armored less uniforms with shorts, except for the oddly helmets and weird looking hats covering their entire ears with small amounts of grass and leafs on the top of the helmets.

Meanwhile some of those creatures hips was a very long sword, strapped.

"Ima sugu buki o sutero!" One of the furless creatures shouted in gibberish sentence that the wolves didn't understand.

They tightening their grip at their Axes and swords.

Their only archer was eyeing his bow nearby the bonfire, worriedly.

Then he slowly and tried to grab his bow, but only be warned by the creature.

"Yamite!" It said while blocking the bow with his odd long-stick's knife.

The archer backed away slowly towards his original position, with fear of being stab.

"Anata no denka, watashitachi wa sorera o mitsukemashita!" One of them said in gibberish language.

Until, one creature come out wearing a grey uniform with sword and a metal short stick with a grip, followed by a female creature in tanned uniform, that the wolves immediately identified due to its breasts.

"Karera wa tekitai-tekidesu ka?" The male in grey asked curiously in their language.

"Ie. Shikashi, karera wa ono to ken o motte imasu."

Jage move closely to Aztec.

"What are they saying and talking about?" He whispered.

Aztec shook his head in denial while making a small shrug.

Once they talked.

The furless creature in grey looked at them with a surprised expression and then smiled.

"Kochira de osewaninarimasu." It said calmly while it's smile never left his face.

"Hai!" The one with long stick said while lowering it, but still keeping an eye on them.

The male steps forward while followed by the female behind him and they both bowed politely.

The wolves noticed that these creatures wearing a some kind of foot accessory.

"I thought footware are just accessories for fashion for the wealthy Sapientians?" The wolves thought at the same time.

After that, the two furless individuals looked back at them with amusement.

"Do you speak Japanese?" He asked politely and fluently in wolves native tongue.

To be continued...

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