Chapter 2 - New World, New Enemy

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3rd Pov

The wolves just stood there in shock. They're all stared to each other awkwardly.

"We don't speak Japanese, however. You are speaking the common language." The wolf archer said awkwardly.

Y/N just nodded slowly.

"I see, forgive me... My name is Y/N L/N, leader of these expeditionary group from Empire of Japan." He half lied to the group of sentient wolves.

"Empire of Japan? I've never heard of it?" Aztec asked, confused.

"Well. We are isolated for a very long time." Y/N lied again.

"How intriguing. An isolated empire with different creatures that we never heard or seen before." Jage said while putting his paw on his chin.

"What are your intentions to our land?!" One of the wolf asked aggressively and suspiciously.

Aztec put his paw on that aggressive wolf to calm his boiling nerves.

Y/N thought carefully on how to properly answer the wolf's question. But he need to lie in order to hide his true identity, which is he can summon soldiers out of thin air.

"To answer your question..?" Y/N said while gesturing his gloved hands towards the unnamed wolf.


"Right, Johhane. We were task by the name of the Emperor of Japan to exploring these lands for the sake of civilization and life, after we isolate our selves from this world, a long time ago." The leader of the group of mercenary, explain to the wolves.

The Sapients looked to each other and then nodded.

"Then. We would like to guide you to the sacred lands of Zuvell Kingdom." Aztec said as he put his fist together like a monk and bow, then followed by his brothers.

The Japanese was taken aback by their actions. Y/N with a simple hand gesture, his soldiers put their rifles down, slowly while still keeping an eye out for any suspicious movements.

Y/N was grateful for the wolves kindness, but he feel bad on how he easily lied to them. In return he bow in gratitude.

"Arigatou gozaimasu!" He said.

After that. Y/N tells them to take a rest once he saw the unfinished meals beside the bonfire.

The wolves also invited the Japanese soldiers to join them, but they refused politely.

"What should we tell to the base." Asuka asked in hushed tone and in Japanese, behind her high ranking officer as they watch the intelligent animals devour their meal.

This one was the additional perks Y/N have. To be able to communicate in his native language.

"Tell them to wait for further orders." He answered back in Japanese which Asuka acknowledge.


Few moments later

After the group of wolves finished their meal, they check their things in their bags if everything was in order.

Johhane the wolf who was being aggressive towards the Japanese leader earlier, feel ashamed from his actions.

With a regret look to Y/N who was accompanied by his friends Aztec and Jage. They were laying out a map on the ground while pointing their fingers to certain directions towards the map. The Japanese was listening intently to Aztec and Jage's explanations.

Johhane slowly walked towards the unsuspected group then faking a cough to get the attention of the individuals in front of him, which is effective.

"S-Sir Y/N. I hope you forgive me for my sudden out burst from earlier. I shouldn't treat you like that." He apologized while his ears and head was laying very low.

Y/N found this quite cute. He thought back then the dogs and other canine species from his world, when they were being scolded for doing something inappropriate. He chuckled.

"I've forgive you. This is never new to me, I get that a lot."

Johhane ears perked up and looked at the man with a smile.

"Thank you for your forgiveness!"

He left with a small smile and returning to his gear to organize them.

"I see, you are a forgive full mammal." Jage said.

"Well I was used to forgive my other kind back in my homeland." Y/N replied back.

"That's good for you. Moving on to our topic. There is a small village not far from here, your soldiers could reside to one of the establishment there. From looks of it, you all came from a long journey."

"Thank you, for your generous concerns." Y/N said grateful.

Y/N pov

After the wolf named Jage gave his guidance to the village that he said.

Not bad for the first time in my life, making friends in another world.

After that, I ordered my soldiers to prepare for our journey to that village, and I instructed them to wear cloaks to hide our identities.

The wolves on the other hand or paw, what so ever. They arrange their belongings and placing them neatly to their bags.

"Fellow travelers, we may depart now, until we meet again."

"Until, we meet again." I said with a bow.

Few moments later, they departed heading in the opposite direction, most likely to hunt more feral animals.

After that, we walk towards the direction of the village that we intended to explore.

As hours past, we reached the village with brick wall with a height of 6ft. Surrounding the entire village. This village is big enough to reside a hundred or perhaps thousand more of animals and the structures were made entirely of wood and most the creatures living within are wolves.

I looked back to my 50 men and women to remind them about to hid our identities out of sights either the guards or the population.

I left over 150 soldiers back in our camp since there was no one will be able to guard our supplies back at the camp, in case something happens to us or me when I used the flare since they can see it from a far, thanks to those tall tree, those hundred and fifty soldiers will be in BANZAI spree just to protect me while leaving everything behind.

"Remember to hid your identities, if someone else wants to interact with you, evade them. Understood?" I said.

They acknowledge my order by giving me silent nods as an answer.

After that, I slid my hood atop of my head, giving enough shadow to hid my face entirely.

As we march in a sunny day further into the village's wooden gates, we were ordered to stop by the two wolves armed with spears and wooden shield.

"Stop! State your business!" One of the black furred wolf ordered us, then approach with caution.

"We were just merchants from the West, we are here to trade." I lied to them while my head lay low in order to avoid the stares.

As I said that we came from West, the guards gave us surprised expressions.

"I see. I apologise for sudden interruption, you may enter to our village." The brown wolf said to me while giving us a slight bow.

As the black wolf turned his back to us, then he yelled to open the gates which the people or animals at the other side comply.

I am confused that they didn't even check our identities which is to their huge mistakes.

As we entered, I heard one of them speak, but loudly enough to hear.

"They must came from other country." He said beside to his partner.

"Yeah... Maybe his majesty led these gentlemammals here to trade."

After that, we entered the village premises and getting a lot of strange stares from nearby wolfs.

As we walk deeper into the heart of this village, we noticed that most of the wolves stop on their business and looked towards to my group.

"I feel like a fucking celebrity in this village." I thought.

As my sight landed to a certain 2 stories structure and to my surprise, most of their language character's were completely English.



A teenage timber wolf run throughout the village, while yelling the warning over and over.

The townsfolk panicked, running in different directions heading to their homes while some of the wolfs carried their cubs and the others were arming themselves with knives or whatever weapon they could use.

I immediately signal my group into a dark alley not far from us.

As we were hidden out of sight of the panicked animals, I check my sub machine gun just in case. I look towards my men and women to see they were also checking their equipments and weapons.

"Are we going to help them, your majesty?"

I looked at my second in command in complete shock, I honestly didn't expect this kind of expression, especially when it came from the Japanese soldier, yes they did horrible things during WW2 or World War 2 for short. Throughout my knowledge about them... I am very speechless.

I looked at her with determination, then to all soldiers under my command who nod at me.

"We will all follow your lead, your majesty." One of the male soldiers from the group said out loud.

Moments later, more and more Japanese soldiers encourage me to help this defenseless village from the enemy.

I gripped my gun tightly with a grin.

"Karera no o shiri o kerimashou (Let's kick their ass)." I said in Japanese.

3rd Pov

At the Town's Gate

Over 200 Wolves of both civilian and warriors were participated for the defense of the town, armed with knives, swords, makeshift bows and any other lethal weapons they could paws on.

A wolf in armor came forward in front of the crowd to encourage them for the upcoming battle.

"We all may be outnumbered from the raiders, do not fret, do not lose hope. Our enemies may be in thousand fold, but we will outsmart them. I as an elite knight ordered to defend this town till to my last breath. WE WILL NOT FALL!"

As the wolf in armor ended his small speech, the crown let out their war cries, filled with determination, they prepared themselves for the incoming army of raiders.

Meanwhile, 1km away from the main gate

Over a thousand troops of different species stood in all glory while hungrily looked towards the small town ahead of them as they can't wait to taste the females hiding behind those useless barriers of theirs.

A cheetah was using a spy glass, studying the layouts and defenses from the small number of defenders throughout the entire town as he could see them forties the open areas that could be potential their weakness.

The cheetah's lips curled into grin while folding the spy glass before turning his gaze towards a Sapient Lion.

"Captain, Rel. Order your soldiers to surround all escape routes and corner them, you can do everything as you wish after killing all defenders including the knights, after playing with your 'rewards'... Disposed them as soon as possible, leave no witnesses." The unnamed cheetah waved his paws dismissively.

The lion named Rel smiled darkly while licking his lips with lust.

"Of course, mi lord~." He bowed afterwards.

After that, the commander departed into a safe location while riding to his caravan that is being pulled by slaves.

When the commander was out of sight, Rel walked to his soldiers with their eyes filled with lust for the innocents and hungry for a kill, for sport.

"Listen up! I want all of you to surround the village and block all potential escapes routes, but spare some of them. I want to spread fear to nearby towns. Ohh, after you finished playing with your 'rewards' disposed them immediately."

After Rel point out their objectives, his mammals cheered as they began to march in all directions, completely surrounding the entire town.

Back at the village, the Zuvellian wolf knight felt a sudden change at the atmosphere as he watch atop of a nearby house with a rooftop.

He felt hopeless after seeing that their enemies started to march in all directions completely cutting off from escaping.

But he had duties to fulfill as the elite knight with highest expectations from the King, since they were the most highly trained in close combat, building up perfect strategies and well equipped.

Hence, they could took down over 5 enemies with just one knight singlehandedly, swiftly and decisively.

But with over 120 elite knight under his command, it wasn't enough to take out over a thousand raiders.

Over the past few months, there was always a small skirmishes in this town between the raiders in just 30 to 60 raiders per week, attempting to raid them, but overtime, the raiders were emerging into large numbers becoming to be difficult to defend and the townsfolk were taking on high intensity of casualties throughout the day in just a single battle.

The knight looked up into the blue sky, hoping some miracle would happen... Then a sudden thought came to his mind, clenching his chest as he felt a sudden pain out of nowhere while a single tear left his eye.

"I'm sorry, my Alena. I may not coming home back to your arms... I'm a fool to keep such promise."

He thought while holding back himself from breaking down, his colleagues or anyone shouldn't see him like this, a weak knight.

Taking a deep breath, composing himself in the process, then gazing towards East where his messenger departed, hoping to reach the King's ears and reinforcements to fend off this uninvited guests.

The wolf's ear twitch, looking back behind him to see a same dark wolf as him.

The other wolf in question stood in front of him before speaking.

"Captain Olik... They are completely surrounding us."

"I know and we will fight for it, till the very end." Olik said with determination.

The other wolf nod in acknowledgement with a smile, before a shout was heard.

"The archers are preparing to launch a barrage!" Another elite knight from the gate warned while dragging others with him, taking to cover.

"I want all your shields up! For those who haven't any shield, use any cover you can find!" The Zuvellian Elite knight captain ordered.

Both of them immediately climb down.

There is no turning back now, preparing themselves from the rain of arrows, then impact as the sound of both wooden and metal shield make a 'clink' sound as the arrows didn't even penetrated.

After few minutes of shielding themselves from the barrage.

They all sighed in relief as they were lucky no one was hurt.

Out of nowhere, the ground started to shaken.

"They're charging, prepare yourselves!"

As the raiders were running in full speed.

Captain Rel signaled an armored Rhino with a very large axe who nodded back in return before charging in all fours with its horn aimed at the wooden gate.

The archers from the elite knights started to unleashed a volley of arrows, the arrows found their marks killing several raiders as they collapse into the ground while their peers continues to charge forward.

"All archers! Aim at the charging Rhino, now!" Olik stand beside them, while also taking a bow, then returning fire.

As the Rhino was getting closer and closer at the gate while shrugging off any arrows launched at him.

Upon a powerful contact with its horn at the wooden gate, it split in half as he went down unconscious.

The raiders pour in the main gate, but they were mowed down by spears from both knights and civilians, killing many as they can.

Two sides were now up close and personal, as swords, daggers and shields collided with each other, sounds of pain and agony was heard throughout the entrance.

Jumping from the wall with sword aiming down killing a unaware raider, Elite knight Captain Olik was now fighting side by side with his brothers in arms while the archers were picking off any raiders who pose threat to the captain with pin point accuracy, killing their prey instantly.

As the Knights have the upper hand. Olik noticed more and more raiders entered the broken gate.

"Shit, at this rate. We will be slaughtered." Olik thought to himself while swinging his long sword towards the defenseless raider, finishing it off with ease.

But, the elite knights were getting overwhelmed and the archers are starting to struggle due to their enemies are now starting to climb from the walls via ladders, some of them died due to the arrows from the opposite archers.

From 120 knights only 62 survived and still fighting against the horde of raiders.

Olik catches a glimpse of his fallen brothers as they were being stabbed with overwhelming numbers from the enemy, they can't fight back at the unison attack from the raiders.

Then, a sudden thought came to his mind.

"Pullback!" He said while dragging a wounded knight beside him to safety as the others were still occupied and followed suit.

Out of nowhere... A loud bang was heard.

As everything went in dead silence, they all noticed one raider, a Lynx collapse to the ground with a hole on its back as the crimson blood started to pour out slowly.

They looked around frantically trying to find the culprit, then another familiar sound was heard, but this time many were heard.


The source came from the wooden building far away from them as they can see cloaked figures wielding a wooden staves, or so they thought.




Various of exclamation from raider's side as they desperate to find or counter whatever kind of weapon they were receiving and taking huge amount of loses.

More and more of bodies from the raiders started to pile up on the raider's side.

Both in the right and left 2 stories building with cloaked figures inside was also firing the same wooden staves with deadly accuracy.

Until 20 cloaked figures approach where Olik currently standing.

Olik on the other hand was just standing there in extreme shock as the figures approach, until his lieutenant stopped them from further approach.

"Halt! Stop where you are!" He said while pointing his sword as the rest of the knights surrounded the unknown individuals.

As the gunshots still resounded at the background, the cloaked figures pointed their own weapons at the knights while making a defensive perimeter at the cloaked individual in the middle of the group.

The knights catch a glimpse that these cloaked creatures have lack of fur.

Out of nowhere, a roar was heard.

Turning their attention to where the roar originated, they saw a muscular African Buffalo standing at height of 8ft. Wielding a large two headed axe and hammer.

The buffalo swings his larger weapon, sending several groups of knights high in the air.

Olik and his remaining knights turned their sword preparing for an attack, until...


The unknown creatures unleashed their power at the buffalo with a familiar loud bang and one with rapid popping sound was also heard.

The tall buffed buffalo stopped in his tracks before gazing down towards to his chest to see holes and blood.

Grunting in pain while gazing where his perpetrators at, noticed the cloaked figures in a line formation, the buffalo began to advance.


Another foreign language was heard once again followed by the familiar sound of doom.

The tall buffalo began to stumble where he was standing as the holes put him out of misery, dropping to its knees before looking at the grim reapers whom gonna take his life without fighting back.


Another hole opened, this time straight from his forehead before collapsing towards the ground with a loud thud with crimson blood pouring out from the holes, making a large bloody mess.

The raiders sense that they were already taking loses from their new enemies with powerful weapons that they've never seen or heard before.

Captain Rel greeted his teeth before staring at the elite knights and then the cloaked figures beside the knights.

"Retreat!" Rel yelled while removing his bloody sword from the dead wolf villager.

At this point, neither the Knights nor civilians laying a finger at the retreating raiders.

Once every raider leave the area while dragging some of their wounded friends.

Both Elite Knights and villagers cheered while watching the retreating raiders back into the forest, where they came from.

Olik and rest of his surviving knights gazed at the foreigners with suspicion.

"Who are you animals?" Olik asked them.

The creature in the middle slowly removed its hood, as the hood fall to his shoulders softly.

The wolves were surprised by its appearance, some kind of a monkey with lack of fur, excluding atop of his head.

The creature in question looked at them with blank expression before raising its arms slowly, noticing the soldiers around him slowly lowered their wooden staves that were pointed at the wolves the whole time.

"My name is Y/N L/N. Leader of this expedition group, we came from the EMPIRE OF JAPAN, we mean no harm... We come in peace."

Thus, the humanity revealed their identity to this world.

Could this world ready for their appearance and unbelievable power they possess? Or perhaps, fight them through any means necessary?



Several hours later

Somewhere in the forest with dozens of tents sitting idly with large cages around them, housing the slaves from different species of Sapient animals.

Inside of the larger tent were a frustrated Cheetah could be seen, before throwing a glass of wine to the ground filled with rage.

A male Red fox immediately cleaned his "Master" mess, while bleeding in the process. Holding back the pain, he still continued to clean the shattered glass.


He yelled in anger towards the kneeling lion.

"I deeply apologize, mi lord... But, we were been attack from afar followed by a loud popping sound in the distance, killing my buffalo and hundreds of my soldiers in the process without fighting back in return."

The cheetah was bufled at first, before realizing that indeed maybe true, due to the amount of raiders return with some of them have round holes impeded to their skin.

Sitting to his chair while letting out a sigh of frustration.

"Interesting..." He mumbled.

The cheetah heard some new weapons were also implied with this same information regarding their raid.

East of this continent, there was rumors of going around for some time that were powerful nations with advanced technology that could outstrip any warfare here, both economically and military. Their weapons could fire something metallic object at high speed similar to the ones they encountered back in the wolven village.

Then, another Sapient entered the room in cloked before removing the hood, revealing a rogue wolf elite knight.

"Ahh, you returned from your journey, my dear friend. Tell me some good news." The cheetah said before clapping his paws.

The wolf bowed, before replying back.

"I just dig some useful information. The newfound enemies of ours came from a nation called 'Empire Japan', they are some furless monkeys of sort. They are just a small group of expedition from Japan to seek Civilization across the world, from my assumption, they're are more coming." The wolf said.

The Cheetah's face went pale after hearing a news of another civilization far away that none of the current civilization heard about it.

"I see... What this new creatures from Japan?"

The wolf recalled the events during the meeting.

"They called themselves, Humans." He said.

"Hmm. They could be useful in the market~" The unnamed leader said while grinning darkly towards the new profound species that could be and potentially slaves and sell them in the black market for profit.

To be continued...

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