Chapter 3 - Emergence

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Y/N Pov

My soldiers and I were being escorted by the wolven knights towards the city hall for further discussion regarding our incident and my mission.

The villagers were eyeing us, filled with curiosity, but they held off by the knights guarding my group.

The Knights were also eyeing us for any suspicious actions.

As we now standing infront of the city hall, I could see the resemblance of a Church of sort, but more Western in terms of design.

The Wolf knight leading the group turn his gaze towards us, before returning back at the front.

"Can you tell us, where you animals come from?" The wolf asked with uncertain tone.

I was slightly taken aback by that sentence, technically, humans were also animals, but more intelligent being.

Thinking for the words I could answer back, I considered telling the truth of where we came from.

"My people and I came from the Empire of Japan."

After I said that, the wolf with authority just hummed in acknowledgement.

"Empire of Japan... Interesting."

Few minutes later...

After the journey, we were now in the premises of the city hall and they guided us to the hallway then a wolf servant came to the wolf.

"Knight Captain Olik, Chieftain Poris is expecting your arrival." The servant wolf said to the now known as Olik, the captain of the knights I accompanied with.

Nodding, Olik dismissively waved at the servant, who walk away then entering at the room near the entrance.

After walking another several minutes, we entered a room with a pair of couch, facing each other and a table in between, and a single window, lightening the entire room.

Asuka stood beside me, meanwhile the rest of my soldiers were ordered to wait outside of the building for security reasons by the knights.

Asuka and I were completely stripped from our guns, but the katanas attached from our hips are exceptional, since the knights payed no attention to it.

Like, they keeping the katanas to us like some sort for honor, that I don't know a thing about it, little they didn't know, we are still keeping the service pistols that were concealed.

The wolven knights at the back of the room were eyeing us like predators, ready to pounce onto their prey.

Moments later, a male Ethiopian wolf with orange and white fur in white stylish cloak entered the room, then the knights placed their hand onto their chest followed by a bow.

"Ah! You must be the guests and saviors of my village!" He said happily.

Asuka and I nodded while flashing a small smile.

The Ethiopian wolf inspect us directly before eyeing the wolven captain.

"You may leave us knight captain Olik."

Olik places his hand to his chest then bowed.

With that, they left the room, leaving Asuka, me, and the Orange furred wolf.

"Please, have a seat." He said while gesturing his hands at the opposite couch.

Nodding, we settled ourselves at the couches and the wolf bowed in respect, before addressing himself.

"Greetings! Hyumans from the Empire of Japan! My name is Poris Rodna, chieftain of the village of Rin." Poris said.

Asuka awkwardly gazed at me after hearing the 'human' term, I just shrugged at her before turning my self towards the wolf.

"Greetings as well, chieftain Poris. My name is Y/N L/N, leader of the Japanese expeditionary group, and this is my second in command, Asuka Yamamori."

"It was pleasure to meet you, chieftain Polis." Asuka said with a smile.

"It was also a pleasure meeting you, madame Asuka." Poris said in return before putting his attention to me.

"Mr. L/N, thank you for helping the knights and saving this village, we are highly in debt with you and your army."

"Thank you... And I'm sorry, many lives were lost today." I said with hint of grief while lowering my head.

We stayed in moments of silence, paying respect to the fallens.

"Now, what brings you here in the village of Rin?" Poris was first to speak.

Here comes the best part, I thought to myself.

"We came to search for any civilization or what remains, ever since the 'Great War' that occurred several years ago, before your kind came into light." I said, hoping that convince the Ethiopian Wolf.

Which it pays off.

"I see... What happened in 'Great War'? Did anyone won?" He asked curiously.

I leaned back at the couch, while taking a deep sigh, thinking for any good and realistic scenarios that I could put onto use.

"Nobody won the war, most of the countries during our time, collapse, even the weaker and strongest countries. The Empire of Japan was attack by a world superpower that put my countrymen to its knees, a unimaginable power was released on our province, killing thousands of innocent souls, day by day. After that, we surrender and the Emperor put the whole nation into isolation, cutting of ties with several countries, until we recovered from devastating damage they made." I explained.

I could see Poris face turned into shocked and disbelief, after hearing the power that was used on the Japanese Empire.

"W-What kind of power... What is the reason your war started?" Poris asked.

"It's all about war on resources, the Human population around the world was booming and the demand for the needs were extremely high. The union of Europa and the American Federation, started the war. They clashed and annexing several countries around them, other of their allies joined the frenzy, including my country."

"Then, who attacked your nation, that could pull such destruction to the animals?"

I chuckled internally at the term of animals instead of people, well this is another world filled with talking animals and walking on hind legs... Anyways.

I leaned at the table, before telling him the answer.

"It was the American Federation, the weapon they used on my nation's soil, they call it 'atomic bomb'."

I noticed, Poris ears lowered then tilting his head, curiously.

"What kind of bomb is that?" Poris asked.

This is a lot for him to take in.

Few minutes of explanation

After I finished what the atomic bomb worked and the aftermath, Poris was shaken with his breath was uncontrollable.

"T-T-Then, is the nation of America still exist?" He asked while stuttering.

I gave him shrug, before speaking.

"Nobody knows. The last time we heard from them was, they were attacked simultaneously by the Union of Europa and the Russian Empire, both 2nd and 3rd world superpowers."

Poris run his furred palm through his forehead, while composing himself.

"From what you told me, I deeply sorry for the loss of lives during the war of yours." He said while lowering his head.

I nodded.

Then Asuka speak.

"The event occurs several hundred of years ago, the American Federation surely didn't survived from the combined attack." Asuka states.

"Then, that's a relief."

After talking about different topics about the past, Poris took out a large piece of paper

"If you want to know about the new world, here is the map of the continent."

Poris said while spreading the map in the table.

Once I saw the entire continent...


It was very Identical to the real continent back in our world.

Also, it seems Asuka was also in state of shock.

Poris, pointed his claw towards the Southeastern part of the continent, near the sea and I noticed, the name where Zuvell Kingdom was written, I saw an empty area.

This could be, where I could established the bases both land, sea, and air... Perhaps, build the entire country from there.

"This is where we at, this village was located at the Eastern part of the Kingdom, it will take a week to reach the capital, Quirin. Therefore, there are countries located from both West and North, which is our neighboring nations. The Dragenheim Kingdom and the Ronal Empire. Both of them were not in the good terms as we speak, there is a war going on that area, mostly skirmishes and the battle at Warden bridge that was connected to the two nation and the most important strategic position to who ever captured first." Poris finished.

As I examine the entire map, I could see streak of different patterns of lines, meaning rivers dozens of rivers.

There are more countries that were surrounding the Kingdom of Zuvell, we will have to think a different approach when the Japanese Empire make a contact to these nations.

But first, I have to established the bases and some cities for Japan, to represent that we existed without them knowing about it.

This is gonna be a worth of shot, if some of the Kingdoms or Empire, whatsoever, join to our cause.

We continued our discussion, until few minutes later, a servant wolf suddenly barge in.

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion, sires!" The wolf said breathlessly.

Catching a couple of breaths, the wolf continues.

"The reinforcements that we requested from the capital are here, captain Olik is already on his way to the entrance, to greet the elite knights... But there is a sightings."

I become tense, after hearing that.

Slowly standing up from the couch while looking him in the eye.

"What kind of sightings?" I quietly asked.

It took several minutes before the servant answers my question.

"Metal beasts."



I immediately bolted out of the room, out of their eyesight, I pressed the chest to see my current stats.

I stare at the text, surprised.

You've been level up!


3rd Pov

1,000 meters away from the Southern Village's Entrance

Dozens of wolves armed to the teeth, marching with flags pointed up high in the sky.

A stylish armored wolf that was leading the group raises his left arm, signalling his men into complete halt.

"There must been a siege has been happening." The leading knight thought to himself after seeing smoke from the village, slowly raising to the clouds.

Then, he also noticed a small group of oddly objects at the distance, slowly crawling towards the gate.

"What is that?" He quietly mumbled.

The objects appearance was, a box like shape, a short trucks like an elephant steadily pointed in certain direction, and some kind of chains connected to the body, that serves as feet, but it was rounded.

After making small details, he once again signal the group to march onward.

A couple of minutes later, they reached the gate, then those 'things' started to crawl towards them.

The wolves could make a conclusion after seeing that those objects from earlier began to emerge something out of their common sense.

It was large with oddly distinct pattern of colors, made in metal and an emblem of White with a round of red.

They're is also a furless animals riding atop of it, looking directly at the knights.

"Prepare your swords!" The wolf ordered, while unsheathing his sword.

The knights unsheathed their swords while some of them pointed their spears at the incoming objects of metal. They prepared while the gap between the two parties were nearly at each other's door steps before engaging the unknown creatures.

Until a familiar voice was heard.

"Do not attack! They are our allies!"

The entire group of knights looked at the voice originated from, to see a familiar wolf with identical armor that serves the main appearance and symbol of pride of the Kingdom's knight.

"Knight Captain Olik?"

"General Warren."

To be continued...

Hello guys, sorry for the cliffhanger and if this is too short. I will make these chapters longer or shorter, depending on the storyline.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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