Chapter 9: A New Boyfriend, More Strange Feelings

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A/N: I made some changes to the kind of father-daughter relationship Harley and Hades have since D3 is out there and I wrote this way before it did. Still sticking to the original a bit.


*The Next Day*
Bethany's P.O.V

Lonnie and I were sitting down at a table eating breakfast. Tomorrow was the day of the tourney game. Audrey would've been with us, but she wasn't  here at the moment. Probably had something to take care of with Ethan. I was wearing a dark blue long sleeve, black skirt, black leggings, and black knee-length boots.

 "So, what's up with you and Mason?" Lonnie asked me as she ate her eggs. 

"We've been talking. He's actually pretty cool." I replied as I slurped some of my orange juice. 

"I heard about what happened with Andrew. I'm sorry for what happened." she told me. 

"No worries. He had it coming anyway." I replied as I ate a spoonful of my cereal.

"Beth, please be honest with me. What do you think of Mason?" she asked me. I sighed and lay my chin on my hand. 

"Well, he's nice. He's understanding. He isn't as bad as I thought. Also, he's actually handsome, cute at the least." I explained. 

Lonnie's eyes widened. "You like him, do you?" she asked. 

"L, I don't know if I'm in love with him. I've never felt this way when I was with Andrew. Not until I met Mason. I do have a small crush on him, but I have to get to know him first." I told her.

"Do you plan on telling him?" she asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe he's not looking for a relationship right now. Like I said, I want to get to know him better." I explained. 

After we finished breakfast, we went to our class. As we were in there, I saw Harley there. She looked really upset, so I decided to sit next to her. 

I told Lonnie to give us a moment and she nodded in understanding, going to sit next to Randy.

"Hi, Harley." I greeted her. She looked at me with a blank face. "Hi, Bethany." she replied. 

"Look, you don't have to be mad at me. I know you probably didn't want to come here, but-" I got cut off as she shook her head. 

"I'm not mad at you. I'm just upset at what that stupid boyfriend of yours did." she explained.

 "Don't worry about him. I already broke up with him. He wasn't worth it anyway." I told her.

"Why would you want to be with him?" she asked. 

"I thought it was love. Up until he began hitting on other girls and he wasn't really a nice person. He's the complete opposite of his sister. That attitude she has is just an act. Andrew is like that inside and out. That's why their parents sent him to live with Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather." I told her.

"I see. And, by the way, I actually wanted to come over here." Harley said. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"My father wasn't the nicest, but he wasn't that bad either. It's complicated. He began getting cold with me when he began to suspect I wasn't his child. He didn't mistreat me or anything. I know he cares for me, deep down, but I think that the suspicion is eating at him. It has been for years." She explained.

"My mother was kind of a peacock with multiple off-and-on relationships. The only person that was ever like a father to me was my cousin, Apollo. He would visit all the time when he'd drop in to visit my father. Though he is in Olympus, he was always there for me. My own father doesn't pay much attention to me because he still thinks I'm not his biological daughter. I know I'm his daughter, because my mom told me he was the one she was with the longest while they lasted. That's why I'm like this." she explained. 

 I could see tears in her eyes and I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't sorry about a thing. As long as you're here, you will live a normal life and besides, you're dad can't reach you here." I reassured her. 

"You sure?" she asked.

I smiled and nodded. "If you want, I could request a DNA test on your behalf. I know some of the best doctors in the kingdom that are able to travel to the Isle."

She smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks, Bethany." I smiled as the teacher walked in and began the lesson.


Harley and I have gotten along pretty well. She's really sweet once you get to know her. The whole day, I was trying to keep her company and talk about her struggles and helping her overcome them. I even told her that if she wants, I can allow permission for her to go to Olympus whenever she felt like.

Right now, I was sitting down at the bleachers, watching the Tourney team and the cheerleaders practicing. It was then I heard footsteps and I turned around. I saw Mason there. 

"Hey, Beth." he greeted me. 

"Hi, Mason." I greeted him back. 

"What's up?" He came over to where I was. 

"Is it okay if I sit with you?" he asked. 

I smiled and nodded. "You don't have to ask."

 He sat down next to me and he let out a sigh. "So, I hear that you ended things with Andrew." he told me. I sighed and looked down. 

"I had to. Things were going too far." I said. 

"You know, I never say this, but you're too good for him. I mean, he has this sweet, independent, smart, caring girl and he doesn't even accept a decision she makes since she's becoming Queen." he explained.

I smiled at him. "You really think that's what I am?" I asked. 

"It's obvious. It's too bad he lost you. You need a new guy." he said. 

"Like who?" I asked. "Me." he said. 

My eyes went wide as I looked at him. "Are you asking me out?" I asked. 

"If you want to know if I'm telling the truth, then yes." he replied.

"Okay, then. I guess we're a couple now." I said. 

He nodded and smiled as he wrapped and arm around me, pulling me close. At that moment, I felt different. 

With Andrew, I never felt like this. I always felt kind of awkward, weird, and unsafe in his arms.

With Mason, it was a completely different version. I felt protected, warmth, and as if I didn't have to worry about anything around me.

I leaned my head against his shoulder as we looked on.

Mason's P.O.V.

The feeling of Bethany next to me was something I've never felt before. I could feel her innocence and her warmth. '

What is this feeling? Why do I feel this way when I'm around her? Was Randy right? Do I like this girl? Am I attracted to Bethany?' I thought to myself. 

I looked at her and she looked so...beautiful. 

Well, I guess she's my girlfriend after all. However, I am still gonna have to get her to eat the cookie. I need the love spell to work so I can be able to get a spot in the front of the coronation.

Suddenly, thoughts about getting the wand completely vanished. Why? Because Bethany looked at me and gave me a warm smile. I couldn't help but smile back as well as I pulled her closer.

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