Bad dream and meeting friends

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*Angels dream prov.*

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room that was completely white even the bed sheets. I lifted my head seeing that I had a plain white dress on. this place was so familiar I felt like I've been here before......I was lost in thought until I herd someone singing . the voice was a beautiful angel like voice that sounded so familiar...... I got up from the bed to see a girl with with white pinkish hair on the floor holding a rose singing a really beautiful song that made me feel at home. she stopped singing and turned to look at me with tears in her eyes. she looked like she has been crying for a long time. her beautiful blue eyes looked the just like mine and we sorta looked alike. I was just about to ask her why shes crying when the room started turning black and she started to disappear "wait!! please dont go!"  but it was to late she already disappeared. when the room was completely black this shadow like ghost cam with a hood"die!!!!"  the ghost said with swored coming at me


*end of dream*

"AHHHHHHHH!"I screamed getting up from a bed

"ahhhhh!"said the blond boy falling on the floor backworks from the chair he was sitting in

I looked at the boy in shock and jumped off the bed

"im soo sorry or you ok!?"I said helping him up

"you scared me half to death!!"he said putting his hand on his head

just then the door slammed open showing a girl that looked like shes the blond boys twin and a girl with teal blue hair that was in pigtails with I leek in her hand rushed in

"we herd screaming what happend!?"the girls said at the same time looking worried

"im very sorry its just that I had a nightmare and scared him"I said helping him up

just then I felt tears roll down my eyes. wait was I crying while I had that nightmare I thought while feeling the tears roll down my cheeks

"hey are you ok?"the boy said looking at me

"sorry its just that the nightmare really scared me"I said letting him go

"ill be right back im going to get a tissue and a pack of ice"the teal hair girl said rushing out the door with the leek in her hand.

a minute later she came back with a box of tissues and a pack of ice.

"here"she said giving me the box of tissues and give the boy some ice

"ow"the boy said putting the pack of ice on his head

"im soooo sry"I said bowing down feeling guilty for causing him get hurt

"its ok that happens to me alot by my mean sis"I said pointing at the girl that looked like him

she walked over to us and hit his head hard causing the bump get bigger

"I herd that!"she said almost yelling

that scared me.

when she clamed when the teal haired girl started to speak

"so whats you name?"she said smiling

"my name is Angel"I said smiling back

"thats a nice name!"she said

"thank you"I said feeling warm inside. nobody as ever said something like that to me. all people would say about me was you little rat or something mean because I lived in the streets

"well my name is hastune miku and this is len and rin kagamine"she said pointing at the twins"

"nice to meet you and thank you so much for helping me"I said bowing at the three of them

"why were those guys caseing you"len said looking like a police man questioning a thief.

"well they came up to me and told me to come with them so I ran and they followed"I said leaving the part that I lived on the street

"well why dident you run home and told your mom and dad?"rin said

I was hoping she wouldn't say that because I lived in the streets and not in a nice house with a family loved me.

"because......I dont have a mom and dad......or a famliy"I said with tears coming out my eyes.

when they heard what I said miku came rushing to me and giving me a hug as I continued crying

rins look at me turned from a I feel bad for you to a I have really good Idea look

"hey we can be your family!"she said with a smile

I stopped crying and looked at her shocked at what she said

"r-really?"I said looking at her

"yup"len said smiling next to rin with I big smile on his face

I rushed up to them and gave them a big hug

"thank you! thank you! thank you!"I said with tears of joy hugging my new brother and sister

"we should tell the others there going to be happy about this!"miku said excited about me meeting them

"others?"I said letting go of the two twins that looked like they were completely out of air

"ya! Ill show you!"miku said grabbing me and pulling me out of the room with rin and len following me and miku

as I was being pulled by miku I saw that the room I was at was on the second floor by looking down from the second foor. I continued to look around and saw alot of nice furniture and the beautiful design of the Chandler that was in the middle of the wall (sry im bad at describing things) wow this place is a mansion! and im going to live here I thought feeling excited.

miku stopped all of a sudden and I went out of my thoughts looking at the room I was in.

as I looked around the room seeing a boy with blue hair eating a hole tub of ice cream and looked like he was injoying it

a girl with pink hair nexted to a boy with purple hair and in pony tail reading a book on the couch, a girl with blond hair with her hair to the side in a pony tail talking on the fhone out loud, a girl with green hair reading a teen magazine a girl with brown short hair sitting on a chair drinking some alcohol looking spaced out a girl with gray hair in a pony tail and a girl with red hair a two pigtail drills on the side of her head fighting over a chair and a girl with white pinkish hair on the floor playing video games

"everyone I have some important news!"miku said waving a leek in the air

they all looked at miku then at me

"this is Angel! shes going to be apart of the family!"miku said pointing at me I was scared at first but then I managed to speek

" hello im Angel and I am being apart of the family because mr.kagamine helped me from amost geting really hurt by a group of bad people and when they found out that had no family or friends they said that I can live here. please take care of me!"I said bowing my head  scared that they will get mad

I felt them hug me and opened my eyes surprised

"welcome to the family!" they all said pulling away from the group hug

then the girl with white pinkish hair said "hi im IA and this is kaito, luka,gakupo, neru, gumi, haku, teto, and meiko."

"nice to meet you"I said with I smile but the girl with white pinkish hair looked familiar

"hey I think we should do a welcome to the family party!"miku said

"ill go get the cake!"teto said "ill help!"gumi said

"ill get some ice cream!"kaito said rushing to the kitchen that was close to the living room

"me and gakupo and neru will get some games"luka said pulling gakupo and neru

"ill go put a karaoke!"IA said and lefted

"me,len,and haku with get some food"rin said leaving with len and haku leaving me and miku behind

"Angel do you want me to give you some new clothes?"miku said looking at the messed up jeans and jacket

"yes please"I said

we headed to miku's room and I saw alot of pictures of leeks all around the room I giggled at how much she loved leeks and followed miku to her closest

as she was looking for something I could ware broke the silence and said"miku why do you guys live in a big house?"

"thats because we are famous singers called the vocaloids"she said still looking in her closet

"what are vocaloids?"I said looking confused and she turned and looked at me shocked

"you never herd of us!?"she said shocked

"well I never herd of you because I lived on the streets and dident pay attention"I said

"you mean you never had a home?"she said looking worried

I slowly shook my head"no"I said looking sad

she looked at me and hugged me"you can stay here as long as you like"she said smiling

"thank you miku"I said smiling back

"oh and anyway a vocaloid is a singing android that is made like a computer"she said

"your a computer!?"I said shocked

"yup it mite seem shocking at first but yup thats who I am"she said

"is everybody else to?"I said

and she nodded"yup"

wow I cant believe in talking to a robot well im just soo happy I have I family and a place to stay I said in my head. I snapped out of thinking when miku pulled out a white dress that had blue on the bottom of the dress

and some blue and white flip flops

"here this would look good on you"see said giving me the dress

"you can change in the bathroom"she said showing me the bathroom in her room I nodded.

two minutes later I came out of the bathroom with the dress on and the blue flip flops

"wow! you look pretty Angel"miku said looking at me

"thank you miku and for the dress!'I said hugging her

"your welcome Angel! oh and we should go and celebrate!"miku said opening her door and running out

"ok!" I said running after her

I was glad I had a family and that I wasn't alone anymore, I was happy I could come out of the darkness and go to the light were the sun shine.....a place where I could be happy.....

*authors note*

hey did you like the chapter!>_<

please vote or comment! and I will be writing the next chapter soon!>~<~♡ k bye!

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