Welcome party and a new voice!?

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I caught up to miku

"I cant wait to see what they did!"I said excited about have my very first party

"come on lets hurry"she said running off agian as I caught up

we went the living room but the lights were shut if there going to throw a party then why would they have the lights off I thought to myself (never knew about surprise partys since shes lived in the streets) I turned on the light when everyone jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE!!"

"o my gosh! thank you!" I said looking around the room. there was alot of ballons and ribbons. i saw I cake on the table that said welcome to the family!  and a lot of ice cream and snacks on the table there was also some games like twister and more there was also a karaoke that IA brought in.

"thank you guys soo much!"I said hugging all of them

"well you are the new member of the family"luka said smiling

"who wants some cake!"teto said smiling "I do!"rin and len said at the same time and everyone laughed.

when we were done eating the cake when mekio said "hey who wants to play truth or dare!"she said half drunk

we all stared at mekio at the fact she was drinking agian and dident trust on what she would dare us to do and I finnaly spoke"ok sure!"I said as everyone got up and got into a circle

"ok len truth or dare"meiko said holding a bottle of alcohol

"truth"len said acting brave

"do you think of rin as a nice person or a mean person"mekio said looking like she really wanted to know what len thinks of his sister

"a mean person"he said not caring what she would say

I turned to look at rin and I saw her look like she was really on fire!

"LENNNNNNNNN!"she said really angry

"oops"he said looking scared

"YOU THINK IM MEAN!!! WAIT TILL IM DONE WITH YOU!!!"she said as len started running around the circle trying to get away

"LEN!!! YOU GET BACK HERE!!!!!"she said running around the circle

as everyone started laughing really hard at what just happened

then len stopped running and hid behind me from is angry sister. as she stopped in front of me I spoke up

"its ok rin you will always be a nice person to me"I said patting her head smiling while she claimed down

"you dont think im mean?"rin said looking at me

"well of course I don't think your mean after all you were the one that said that I could be in the family and if wasent for you a would have never been hear"I said smiling

"thank you Angel for saying that!"she said very happy

"well thats Angel for ya now madder how mean the person might be she will always come to the person with open arms"teto said "im glad someone like you is part of the family"teto continued

"thank you teto"I said smiling "no thank you Angel"gumi said

"hey do you want to use my karaoke know"IA said pointing at the karaoke

"oh I forgot about it" I said rushing to it "who wants to go first?"I said

"me!!"miku shouted

she picked a song and and started singing a song named rolling girl

one more time, one more time, ill  be rolling today to the girl says the girls

miku continued singing until the song ended

she sang so beautiful I guess this is why shes famous I thought while clapping

nexted was rin and len they picked a song and started singing

romeo and cinderella

I almost was about to sing along but I stopped for some reason

when the song ended I clapped really hard. wow they sing so good when there together well maybe thats because there twins I thought

next was luka and gakupo and they sang go Google it

go search it with this google

they both said as the song ended

nexted was IA. for some reason I couldn't wait to hear her sing.

she got on the stage thing picked up the microphone and sang

I see the lights

when she finished I stood there shocked at the fact that was the voice in my dream. it sounded so familiar.

"Angel your turn"I heard miku say as I snapped out of my thoughts

"oh o-ok"I said getting up on the stage

as my legs started shaking

"its ok Angel if you want ill sing with you"IA said getting on the stage too.

I nodded my head as IA started picking a song

"do you want to sing this one?"IA said showing me a song called insanity a song IA wrote.

it was a two person song so I nodded.

she nodded back and put the song on as it started

IA was going to sing the main parts while I was going to sing the rap part that miku sang *from the song insanity feat.miku>~<*


Angel~ooooo nee

IA~ooooo yah ya

IA~the uneeded meaning of start and end, the disappearance of this soul who remembers, characters?, from the window, of maddress, goodbye, hello, myself, havent we meet before?, goodbye, yourself, so want to talk?,


IA~like floating on air


IA~a carefree life


IA~an illusion that cant end


IA~unable to run away


IA~like floating on air


IA~a carefree life


IA~an illusion that can't end


IA~like the corruption is continuing

IA~the discovered conclusion, disappearing outlines fading, to black, in the darkness, theres no such thing as thing, thing as light, from the inside maddess, goodbye.

hello, myself, havent we meet before?, goodbye, yourself, so, want to talk?


IA~like floating on air


IA~a carefree life


IA~an illusion that cant end


IA~unable to run away


IA~like floating on air


IA~a carefree life


IA~an illusion that cant end


IA~like the corruption is continuing!


IA~ouuu aya ya!

Angel~hey haven't we met somwhere in the past?, hey you are special to me, I want to talk to you, hey, what time it is, whats today?, I dont know!, hey, it would be great if you completely forgot, insanity, its like floating on air, psychopathy, a carefree life, insanity, dark? light?, insanity, insanity!

I finished singing my part as I saw eyes stare at me in shock. IA stopped looking then started singing agian

IA~sanity, cant see the dark already, purity, the days, are longer, sanity, but that also must sink, "sanity", what is that?


IA~like floating on air


IA~a carefree life


IA~an illusion that cant end


IA~unable to run away


IA~like floating on air


IA~a carefree life


IA~an illusion that cant end


IA~like the corruption is continuing









IA~ohhhh yeah!


when to song ended I realized that my voice was really simaler to IA's accepted that mine is more high pitched. I came out of my thoughts seeing everybody looking at me with wide eyes and with there mouth opened in a shocked way

"what?"I said getting off the small stage

"y-you sing beautiful"len said with is eyes wide open

"Angel that was ausome!!!"miku said jumping on me

"Angel why dident you tell us before that you could sing?"rin added

"well because I never knew"I said shocked at how good I sound when I sing

"she can be one of us!"teto said jumping in the air

"she can just be a fake vocaloid"neru said

"and since you both sound alike you can be sisters to the fans!"luka said pointing to me and IA

"ya! and ill help with making her  costume!"gumi said excited jumping in the air

"thats not a bad idea"miku said looking like the boss

"come on miku she'll help us become more famous and she does sing good with IA"kaito said acting like he was trying to make her say yes

miku looked at me and smiled

"of course she can be one of us"she said while I smiled back

"well Angel what do you say? want to be one of us?"len said sticking his hand out for a shake

I smiled"I'd be happy to"I said shaking is hand while IA jumped on me and started hugging me

"well hello sis"she said while I smiled and hugged her back while everyone else came and started a group hug and pulled away

"the party isn't over yet!"mieko said jumping in the air while holding up her beer

"yah!"I said jumping up too.

everyone while everyone started having fun agian.  when party ended

the fainted meiko was cared to her room by neru and gumi. and everyone started cleaning up and got ready for bed. teto, haku, luka, gakupo, meiko, neru, gumi, kaito, and miku already went to sleep leaving me,IA, rin,and len.

"hey Angel do you want me to show you to your room?"len ask me shyly for some reason

"ok thank you"I said following len as rin and IA butted in "hey im coming to!"she said feeling lefted out "me to"IA said coming to

len sighed sadly"ok...."len said while rin smiled evily and whispered somthing in his ear that caused his face to go red while rin laughted really hard on the floor

"len are you ok!? you look like you have a bad fever!"I said feeling his forhead *doesn't now about love or what blushing is* "I-im fine"he managed to say "no your not you need medision"I said dragging him to the bathroom room.

while I was dragging him to the bathroom IA whispered something else in his ear that caused him to get redder while the two ran off laughing before he could say something. when we reached the bathroom I sat him down on top of the toilet seat *of course the toliet is not open because that would be weird* I but some water on top of a towel went up to him and and put the towel on his forhead"here this should help"I said smiling as the redness on his face started to disappear "there all better"I said while I smiled and kissed is forhead to make it better *acting like a mother* he turned his head

as I spotted a clock and shocked at what time is was "len its 2:00 in the morning I think we should go to sleep" I said as he nodded slowly.

I was walking as I felt...somone pick me up!? I looked to see len carring me on his back as I started to get red just like how len was a while ago and my heart started beating really fast....what is this feeling?

"l-len what you doing?"I managed to say "im carrying you to you room for helping me"he said as I got redder

we reached a door to a room and he opened it showing a guest room that had a bed with white and blue sheets the bed was in the corner of the room nexted to the three Windows that had white curtains on it. on the floor next to the bed was a blue carpet that was shaped like a cloud. from the other side of the room was a mirror and a bathroom next to it.

len put me down as I ran around a the room and jumped on the bed laying down facing up

"len I love this room!"I said hugging a blue cloud pillow

"im glad you like it"he said shaking the bad of his head.

I jumped off the bed and hugged him

"thank you so much for helping me get to ware the sun shines,thank you for saving me"I said as I hugged him tighter as he hugged back. we finnaly broke apart a minute later I was going to look up at him (since hes 5 inches taller than me) when I felt something soft on my forhead....I looked up more seeing he was kissing my forhead!? I suddenly got redder than a tomato as he pulled away "thats for repaying you for kissing me on the forhead"he winked at me and left the room I was now redder than a tomatto. I quickly pulled a white dress that looked like I could pjs. so I took a small shower. changed into my pjs. got into bed.and started to close my eyes I was so happy that im one of the vocaloids and that i have a family and friend that i can deppend on. i was excied about tomarrow when a picture of len came up in my head as I slowly drifed to sleep....

*author note*

hi agian! did you like chapter 3!?*or did you like the Angel and len moment>_<

plzz comment on what you think about the chapter and vote if you like it!>~< ill be updateing soon!:3

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